“whale” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “whale”:

– The basking shark is the second largest shark in the world, only to be behind the Whale shark.

– In the Maldives and Philippines there has been a ban on the fishing of whale sharks.

– In other countries, such as the USA, only Eskimos and some American Indians may legally kill whales such as the blue whale and beluga whale.

– The Pygmy Killer Whale is a mammal of the oceanic dolphin family.

– Morphology and development of blue whale baleen: an annotated translation of Tycho Tullberg’s classic 1883 paper.

whale - sentence examples
whale – sentence examples

Example sentences of “whale”:

- This causes some people to mistake killer whale for sharks.

- The whale would then have blood coming out of its blowhole.

– This causes some people to mistake killer whale for sharks.

– The whale would then have blood coming out of its blowhole.

– The whale shark, is a filter feederfilter feeding shark.

– The whale bit his leg off.

– The whale then partly shuts its mouth and presses its tongue against its upper jaw, forcing the water to pass out sideways through the baleen, thus sieving out the prey which it then swallows.

– The Melon-headed Whale is widespread throughout the world’s tropical waters, although it is not often seen by humans because it prefers to live in deep water.

– During their trip they observed Native Americans who appeared to be cutting up a large whale but when they saw the men approaching the natives fled.

– The Melon-headed Whale is a mammal of the oceanic dolphin family.

– The whale was named after Johan Bryde, who built South Africa’s first factory to process whales.

– It is said that it was discovered by Captain Fipp of England in 1773 during whale watching off the coast of Greenland carrying the King of England.  The origin of the name is said to be “Clio” which means “a blessing woman”, one of the nine goddesses of literary arts in Greek mythology, Muses.  The official name is Clione Limacina.

– Hippo fossils are not found until the Miocene, but whale ancestors have been found from the Eocene.

– Tofino is a popular spot for Surfingsurfers, campers, fishermen, nature lovers, and whale watchers during the Summer.

– However, scientists say the lice and barnacles do not harm the whale, and it is possible they may actually “help” the whale by feeding off of dead skin, which the whale needs to get rid of.

– Only the modern blue whale is larger than these creatures; no land animal comes close.

More in-sentence examples of “whale”:

– In spite of its large size, the whale shark is timid.

– Coral reefs around the islands are ideal habitats for dolphins, sea turtles, and larger fish such as Manta rays and Whale sharks.

– Many whale bones have been found with clear signs of large bite marks made by teeth that match those of megalodon, and sometimes in direct association with them.

– Unlike most plankton-feeding vertebrates, the whale shark does not depend on slow forward motion to operate its filtration mechanism.

– In Ulsan there is a Whale Festival every year to celebrate whales.

– PerryMatthew Perry, when the United StatesAmericans wanted to use Japanese ports for American whale boats.

– In 1850 zoologists realized the species was still living, when Paul Gervais compared the type specimen to a whale stranded at Aresquiès, Hérault.

– The gray whale migrates from cold waters to the tropics each year in pods.

– The whale shark has a very widespread distribution, found in all tropical and warm temperate seas, except in the Mediterranean.

– The beluga whale is a small, toothed whale that is white as an adult.

– The two types of pilot whales are the long-finned pilot whale and the short-finned pilot whale.

– A new protocetid whale from the late middle Eocene of South Carolina.

– One can enjoy skiing, golf, bungee jumping, white-water rafting, mountain biking, windsurfing, whale watching and a variety of other activities including the winery garden circulation.

– The whale would grow tired from dragging the floats under the water.

– The rest of the rural population continue to practice reindeer herding, whale hunting, and fishing.

– Like the world’s biggest fish today, the whale shark, “Leedsichthys” was a filter feeder, getting its nutrition from plankton.

– The park has many animals that live in the ocean, including whale sharks, ocean sunfish, manta rays, eagle rays, pygmy seahorse, false pipefish, Antennarius maculatusclown frogfish, nudibranchs, blue-ringed octopus, sponges, tunicates, and coral.

– The whale shark is listed by the AFS in both the Atlantic OceanAtlantic waters of the U.S.A, and the Gulf of Mexico.

– A humpback whale is a large baleen whale with long flippers and a knobbly head.

– In Taiwan around 100 whale sharks are caught annually.

– So, the whale carries them to Sydney Harbour and expels them through his blowhole.

– The false killer whale has not been extensively studied in the wild by scientists; much of the data about the dolphin has been got by examining stranded animals.

– The largest fish is the whale shark, which can be almost 15 metremeters long and weigh 15 tons.

– Divers usually hold onto the tails of these sharks and swim with them, and the whale sharks never seem to attack.

– It is the only baleen whale that is still hunted for money.

– And because a killer whale swims close to the surface, the dorsal fin can often be seen gliding through the surface of the water.

– Most of the back, including dorsal fin and blowholes, appears at once when the whale comes to the surface to breathe.

– The whaling industry around the world has depleted the whale population, and now traditional whale hunting for subsistence purposes is rare around the world.

– The fin whale is a huge baleen whale.

– This protection was introduced because of the serious impact that the fisheries may be making on whale shark numbers.

– Unfortunately, upon reaching the whale pod, Popeye realized he was grievously ill-prepared against the giant sea beasts who thrashed about his little vessel as they let out a loud horselaugh, which made Popeye respond with a quick tempered “Blow me down, you-!”– but before he could finish, the whales suddenly stopped.

– Mitochondrial sequence divergence among Antarctic killer whale ecotypes is consistent with multiple species.

– The fins of Whale sharks are also sold in India.

– Recently, some studies made on the Ningaloo Reef’s whale sharks provided information that regular diving is a normal behaviour of these sharks, and there is no avoidance reaction during contact with humans.

– Some locations where the presence of whale sharks appears to be predictable, are increasingly targeted by commercial tourist operations.

– The sei whale is a dark-gray, stream-lined baleen whale that is found worldwide except in polar waters.

– This area is great for bird watching, beach combing, hiking trails, birds, whale watching, gift shops, accommodations, restaurants, and unique flora and fauna.

– The whale shark has a unique “checkerboard” colour pattern of light spots and stripes on a dark background.

– The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society has been carrying out surveys since 1999 to find out which areas are important for feeding and nursing calves.

– The blue whale eats mostly very tiny creatures, like krill.

– During their trip they saw Native Americans who appeared to be cutting up a whale which was very large.

– The male whale is known to singingsing for up to 22 hours at a time.

– The predictable occurrence of whale sharks in a few areas, such as western Australia, has led to the development of an expanding tourism industry.

– It is possible to see whether a gray whale is left-fineed or right-finned.

– In order to feed, a baleen whale opens its mouth widely and scoops in dense shoals of plankton and other small prey, together with a large volume of water.

– He wrote several songs for his White Whale RecordsWhite Whale label-mates the Turtles, though his participation in their recording is unknown.

– A blue whale can eat eight to ten tons of krill every day.

– The biggest blue whale found was 190 tons and measured 98 feet long.

- In spite of its large size, the whale shark is timid.

- Coral reefs around the islands are ideal habitats for dolphins, sea turtles, and larger fish such as Manta rays and Whale sharks.

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