“way” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “way”:

+ He says that he uses humor as a way to defend himself.

+ He also is seen as important for paving the way to modernist literature.

+ It reaches about half the way to the Moon.

+ Sagan was very important, because he made science popular, and changed the way science was organized, and because he defended humanism, and argued against seeing things from only one point of view.

+ As they continue trying to find their way out of the woods, Heather realizes that her map is missing, and Mike later reveals that he kicked it into a creek out of frustration the previous day.

+ Japan adopted the Gregorian calendar’s way of working out leap years on January 1, 1873, but the months have numbers instead of names.

way - sentence examples
way – sentence examples

Example sentences of “way”:

+ Is there a way to set it so that pages I start i.e.

+ One way of showing a set is by a list of its members, separated by commas, included in braces.

+ The Strand Underpass, which opened in 1964, comes to surface level part way through the former location of the Aldwych tramway station.

+ Every organ must have pipes, something to blow the air and a way of controlling which pipes are played.

+ Instant messaging is a way of chatting between two or more people by typing text.

+ I’ve made three corrections to the first two sentences, so I guess there’s a way to go.

+ One way of controlling children is to beat them when they do things that the parents do not want them to do.

+ One of the strongest criticisms of the World Bank is the way it was run.

+ The Inside Passage a way to get to Alaska by boat or ship without having to go out in the open ocean.

+ The lowest is corporal but players can progress all the way up to general.

+ In the 1970’s the LEDs were used to show numbers in appliances such as calculators, and as a way to show the power was on for larger appliances.

+ I think that there should at least be a link on the main page so that users who are new or don’t know about the Wikiprojects will have a way to find them.

+ One way to measure economic development is “human development.

+ Is there a way to set it so that pages I start i.e.

+ One way of showing a set is by a list of its members, separated by commas, included in braces.

More in-sentence examples of “way”:

+ As works in the same way as example 2 – comparing two things using either the word “like” or the word “as” is called making a simile.

+ Cusco is the preferred way to spell it in Spanish.

+ It is the way of goodness, truth and duty.

+ Politics is the way people choose the leaders of their communities and the things they decide are important enough to do.

+ A direct translation is “the way of tea” or “the way of tea”.

+ The correct way of ornamenting music varied a lot from one country to another and from one century to another.

+ Please move this user name out of the way so that my SUL account can take over.

+ On the way back home, he fights a sea monster to save Andromeda, who is chained to a cliff as a sacrifice, and marries her.

+ A way to test for viscosity is the speed at which the substance runs down a slope.

+ It is a longer lasting and more efficient way of creating light than incandescent light bulbs.

+ Travelling to this scenic island is way of tourists being able to watch wildlife in their natural habitat.

+ These interacting galaxies are nearer and less remote to the Milky Way than previously thought—at 45 million light-years instead of 65 million light-years.

+ Professor Baud was asked by the Dutch Parliament to research in what way Jorge Zorreguieta was involved in the war.

+ Once at Pizza Planet, Buzz makes his way into a claw game machine shaped like a spaceship, thinking that it is the ship that Woody had promised him.

+ This character often appears in Japanese mojibake, which happens when Unicode characters don’t show up the way they’re supposed to.

+ Skateboarding can be a hobby, an art, a job, or a way of moving around.

+ The grasses were also burned to make smoke signals, to communicate with groups a long way away.

+ Most composers who live a long time develop as they get older and change their way of composing.

+ The bird clasp on the lovely bracelet turned out to be a loyal companion that led her way to find the peddler and in turn, save the fairy.

+ The Hammond organ was based off of an early instrument called the Telharmonium which made sounds the same way the Hammond organ did, with turning metal discs.

+ Plurals formed in this way are sometimes called mutated plurals.

+ That way it is possible to make a two dimensional image of the whole surface of the Earth.

+ The best way to control the mosquito is to get rid of its.

+ The sleeves on a woman’s kimono are not sewn to the body all the way down, and are open at the back.

+ Within weeks, many ships began making their way across Bass Strait.

+ As works in the same way as example 2 - comparing two things using either the word "like" or the word "as" is called making a simile.

+ Cusco is the preferred way to spell it in Spanish.

+ The name Christian is an English way of saying the Manx name “McCrystyn”.

+ As the encyclopedia grows, more people learn about it every day, much in the same way Internet use grew in the late 1990’s.

+ Bellamy is known for his falsetto and the way he plays the guitar, which is very creative.

+ This is not a healthy way forward.

+ They crossed Arnhem Land, and made the way along the edge of what is now Kakadu National Park.

+ There are at least two dozen instances this past week, although going back I found similar edits all the way in 2018.

+ Catabolism breaks down organic matter and harvests energy by way of cellular respiration.

+ Birds from the Amazon all the way to the Antarctic Coast are displayed.

+ Their tongue senses taste in the same way as humans do, salty at the tip of the tongue, bitter at the back and sweet at the sides.

+ He is remembered for being very strict and always insisting on having things the way he wanted.

+ The template supports inflation calculation, by way of yen will be calculated in parentheses.

+ This is the most common way of making it.

+ A ‘ common ancestor and tree of all of life on Earth is not the only way evolution could have happened.

+ Can you please get them to do this quickly, since I am not allowed to talk on either English OR simple, meaning I have no way of explaining anything to them.

+ It was first formed there in 1850 from a group of students who wanted to change the way pedagogy was studied.

+ The only known example in nature of a part that can spin all the way around to push an organism is the flagellum.

+ With this template #if can be used in a way such that it does not strip spaces and newlines from the “then” and “else” part.

+ The aquarium was removed to make way for a new attraction.

+ Also, very few Indian movie productions make their way to the US or Europe.

+ This is very important for healers so that they do not OOM part way through a fight.

+ Sometimes it was music played on ordinary instruments which was then changed in some way by the tape recorder.

+ This is a reminder that the VGA process is still frozen and will remain that way until we reach a consensus on what the new criteria for very good articles should be.

+ Many people say that the warming centers tend to keep things the way they are, to maintain the “status quo”.

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