“watery” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “watery”:

+ The most common symptom is large amounts of watery diarrhea.

+ Symptoms include watery diarrhea, fever, nausea, and abdominal pain.

+ Willows have watery bark sap, charged with salicylic acid.

+ Whey is a watery liquid that comes out of milk when it has been curdled and strained.

+ It is served on flat dishes and it should easily spread out but not have excess watery liquid around the perimeter.

+ Dust can make people sneeze, cough, and get watery eyes.

watery - example sentences
watery – example sentences

Example sentences of “watery”:

+ Amphibia are world-wide, though restricted in distribution by their need for moist or watery habitats to reproduce.

+ Prior to Heinz, commercial tomato ketchups of that time were watery and thin.

+ Whey is a watery liquid that separates from curds when cheese is made.

+ Lymphatic vessels carry lymph, a colorless, watery fluid and white blood cells.

+ The symbol “Hg” stands for its Latin languageLatinized Greek name “hydrargyrum”, meaning watery or liquid silver.

+ Many of them still prefer the watery habitats which were so common early in the Cainozoic era.

+ Doujiang is the older, watery kind of soy milk.

+ Nepenthes traps contain a fluid of the plant’s own production, which may be watery or syrupy and is used to drown prey.

+ Amphibia are world-wide, though restricted in distribution by their need for moist or watery habitats to reproduce.

+ Prior to Heinz, commercial tomato ketchups of that time were watery and thin.
+ Whey is a watery liquid that separates from curds when cheese is made.

+ Like ferns, other basal land plants, and many algae, some gymnosperms have flagellate sperm, which swim through a watery fluid to fertilize the egg cells.

+ Both diseases have painful, watery blisters in the skin or mucous membranes or on the genitals.

+ The Egyptians believed that before the world was formed, there was a watery mass of dark, directionless chaos.

+ The animals have an internal respiratory tree which floats in the internal watery cavity.

+ If semen is ejaculated outside the body, after becoming watery it eventually dries up.

+ Saliva is the watery substance made in the mouths of humans and many animals.

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