“watch tower” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “watch tower”:

– He made some changes to Russell’s teachings and required all the study groups, or congregations, around the world to agree to the teachings and rules set by the Watch Tower Society in New York.

– Jehovah’s Witnesses believe their preaching is a fulfillment of a prophecy at Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” All Witnesses are told to spend as much time as they can in public preaching work, usually offering “The Watchtower” and other Watch Tower Society publications.

– Only the royal mint and watch tower were not destroyed.

– He told them they had to obey what the Watch Tower Society’s New York headquarters told them.

– Gruss, “The Four Presidents of the Watch Tower Society”, 2003, pages 72–73.

– The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania is the main legal body used around the world by Jehovah’s Witnesses to organize the religion and also to decide on its official list of beliefs.

– The royal mint and watch tower did not burn down.

– Joseph Franklin Rutherford, one of his followers, took Russell’s position as president of the Watch Tower Society.

watch tower - example sentences
watch tower – example sentences

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