“Washed out” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “Washed out”:

– They are often washed out of the clay onto the beach or river banksides.

– It seems that dinosaurs were on the shoreline or the river delta, and sometimes their bodies washed out to sea.

– Aluminium in the air is washed out by the rain or normally settles down.

– It washed out all bridges between Darien and Savannah.

– It may be refilled many times before becoming washed out and losing its flavor.

– Amaterasu was born when Izanagi washed out his left eye, Tsukuyomi was born from the washing of the right eye, and Susano’o from the washing of the nose.

– It washed out roads, and knocked down power lines and telephone poles.

– The holotype specimen was likely washed out to sea by a river, where it eventually sank and was buried in the silty carbonate sediments of Alabama.

Washed out in-sentences
Washed out in-sentences

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