“walk” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “walk”:

– Dekker has a star, in the motion picture category, on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6620 Hollywood Boulevard.

– These trails are not easy to notice and people can walk almost anywhere.

– They cannot walk in any direction and cannot hop backwards.

– Furry characters can walk on two legs or talk.

– They either walk very slowly or hop like grasshoppers.

– Some other primates have arms which they use to move around by holding onto trees or supporting themselves as they walk along the ground.

walk how to use in sentences
walk how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “walk”:

– Sometimes canyons are too narrow to walk through, so you have to go back.

– At one time, Japanese people thought that it is hard to walk with geta and sometimes get injured by hanao.

– They can also walk through the corridors.

– On March 2, 2010, he was honoured with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

– They dress in human clothing and walk standing up.

– Jane’s Walk is a international “New Urbanism movement” held every year in May in a series of cities walking tours.

– As they walk back home, Jem tells Scout to hush, he hears someone fallowing them.

– Ratso, however, became even more ill, and was unable to walk or stand for long.

– She received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on May 22, 2012.

– The actors are allowed to walk to windows to watch planes leaving.

– She was given a star on the Brampton Arts Walk of Fame for her achievements in Canadian movies and music.

- Sometimes canyons are too narrow to walk through, so you have to go back.

- At one time, Japanese people thought that it is hard to walk with geta and sometimes get injured by hanao.

More in-sentence examples of “walk”:

- It was awarded a star on the Walk of Game in 2006.

- The group had hit songs with "I Wanna Love You Down" and "Don't Walk Away" in 1992 and 1993.
- In 2013, three weeks after her wedding to Erwin Bach, she suffered a stroke and had to learn to walk again.

– It was awarded a star on the Walk of Game in 2006.

– The group had hit songs with “I Wanna Love You Down” and “Don’t Walk Away” in 1992 and 1993.

– In 2013, three weeks after her wedding to Erwin Bach, she suffered a stroke and had to learn to walk again.

– Footwear allows people to walk on rough surfaces such as gravel roads without hurting their feet.

– Its broad, fluffy paws let it walk on ice and snow to look for food.

– The tomb is covered by a slab of black Belgian marble and is the only tomb in Westminster Abbey that people may not walk on.

– Frodo goes for a walk to help him decide.

– Slovak and Irons left after Red Hot Chili Peppers’ first album to keep playing with What Is This?M After Natasha Shneider joined the band, they changed their name to Walk The Moon and then to Eleven.

– The station is roughly a 10-15 minute walk to/from the Pentagon Shopping Centre and the high street.

– If I think that by walking to a table with some apples on it I can get an apple, but want an orange and not an apple, then I will not walk to the table.

– During the Apollo 12 flight he became the third man to walk on the Moon.

– Even when toddlers can walk, they are often transported in a stroller, buggy, or pushchair when the walk is a long distance or when they’re tired.

– At the age of 47, he was the List of people who have walked on the Moonoldest person to ever walk on the Moon.

– The lungfish evolved the first proto-lungs and proto-limbs; they learned in the middle Devonian to walk on land and find new water if their waterhole was depleted, and their lungs to breathe air and get sufficient oxygen.

– As a child and a teenager however, a series of rheumatism attacks left him unable to walk without crutches and canes.

– You can usually walk on a flat roof.

– Humans are bipedal, which means they walk on two legs.

– In 1998, a Golden Palm Star on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars was dedicated to her.

– He sometimes had to walk into deep, cold water to get a trapped beaver.

– She does not obey the rules of witchcraft and likes to walk around barefoot.

– While out on an afternoon walk near the White Tower of ThessalonikiWhite Tower on 18 March 1913, he was shot at close range in the back by Alexandros Schinas, who was “said to belong to a Socialist organization” and “declared when arrested that he had killed the King because he refused to give him money”.

– McDaniel has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, one for singing and one for acting.

– Buses from Prague go to the town of Pec pod Sněžkou, from there the tourists can walk or use the cable-way.

– It could walk on two or four legs, it probably went on all four to graze for low-lying plants.

– Some octopus species are also able to walk along the sea bed.

– There is a ruined stone house called Taigh Beannaichte on the east headland Sgeir an Teampall, the island is formed by pieces of rocks, where are often hard to walk on.

– He got better, and managed to learn to walk again with the use of crutches.

– The Swahili word “dinga” is thought to come from the Spanish word “dengue”, which means “careful.” That word may have been used to describe a person having bone pain from dengue fever; that pain would make the person walk carefully.

– It is also considered as rude to walk in front of Muslims in prayer or otherwise disturb them.

– He has been honored for his contributions to radio and television with a star for each on the Hollywood Walk of Fame the city where he spent part of his teenage years and early adulthood.

– The following joke from “Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar” illustrates the point: “An old cowboy goes into a bar and orders a drink.

– The goats do not eat the Zieria, but they could walk on the new seedlings and crush them.

– If this continues, they cannot walk or answer questions.

– Then the Teletubbies decide to walk quietly.

– Players can also walk to special places in the game called “PokeStops” or “Gyms”.

– On 11 October 2007, three days before he turned 80, Moore was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

– One example are the burrs that stick to your socks and pants when you walk through grassy fields.

– Meanwhile, Boog falls madly in love with Ursa, a female grizzly bear who was born in Russia and can effortlessly walk on a tightrope, juggle and dance.

– For her contribution to the motion picture industry, she was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

– It is based on Mandela’s autobiography “Long Walk to Freedom”.

– They walk on the ground where they look for insects and lizards to eat.

– A parade is a large or small group of people who all walk together, usually down a street or road.

– Today, people must walk through a metal detector, a machine that can tell if metal goes through it.

– There are more than 2000 five-points stars on the walk featuring the names of artists working in the entertainment industry.

– They also walk or hop along the ground.

– She received a star posthumously on Canada’s Walk of Fame in Toronto on June 5, 2005.

– After a long time we saw a white man who came We used to get up in the morning and put our carrying dish on our heads and walk off.

– This is different from the other colleges where only Fellows can walk on the grass.

– This includes a bridge constructed over a deep pool where zoo visitors may walk on as an alligator snapping turtle lies directly beneath it.

– Although Young did not walk a batter, the Spiders committed four errors while on defense.

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