“wagner” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “wagner”:

– The German opera composer Richard Wagner got the opera house built so that his own music could be performed properly.

– In their music they tried to be different from Richard Wagner and other composers of Romantic music, and different from Debussy and Ravel who had been writing Impressionistic music.

– He conducted a lot in Vienna and at the Bayreuth Opera House which Wagner had built for the performance of his own operas.

– By 1861, the opera had been performed many times in Germany when Wagner was asked to revise the work for the Paris Opéra.

– While working on the movie “The Quick and the Dead” in 1995, Stone met Bob Wagner and they became engaged.

– It was Lapthorne’s first Grand Slam title and Norfolk’s first Grand Slam doubles title as the pair defeated the all American pair of Taylor and Wagner in straight sets for their fourth win over them.

wagner example in sentences
wagner example in sentences

Example sentences of “wagner”:

– The critics took Wagner to task for his historical inaccuracies.

– He changed the programme, but then decided to play some Wagner as an encore at the end of the concert.

– For cost reasons, cameraman Fritz Arno Wagner only had one camera available, and therefore there was only one original negative.

– However, he always continued to show great respect for Wagner and continued to conduct his music.

– Otto Koloman Wagner was an Austrian architect and urban planner.

– Two years later, in 1891, he heard Wagner operas in Bayreuth.

– When he conducted Wagner at the Metropolitan Opera, he made the stand for the conductor higher so that the audience could see him.

– Goethe, Beethoven, Chopin, Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner all stayed there.

– A few years after the Jockey Club incident, Wagner began revising the Paris version.

– His performances of Beethoven, Brahms, Bruckner, and Wagner are very well known and loved by many people.

– Hanslick said that Bruckner composed like Wagner, but although Bruckner had learned from Wagner he did not simply copy him.

- The critics took Wagner to task for his historical inaccuracies.

- He changed the programme, but then decided to play some Wagner as an encore at the end of the concert.
- For cost reasons, cameraman Fritz Arno Wagner only had one camera available, and therefore there was only one original negative.

More in-sentence examples of “wagner”:

- He was terribly sad when Wagner died.

- Nikisch was famous for his conducting of the great Romantic musicRomantic composers such as Schumann, Wagner as well as Beethoven.
- He was very popular there and conducted many operas, especially those by Mozart, Wagner and Richard Strauss.

– He was terribly sad when Wagner died.

– Nikisch was famous for his conducting of the great Romantic musicRomantic composers such as Schumann, Wagner as well as Beethoven.

– He was very popular there and conducted many operas, especially those by Mozart, Wagner and Richard Strauss.

– Many people disagreed with this, including Toscanini and Richard Strauss, and even some members of the Wagner family.

– Today, only Peavy Wagner is the only member in the band who has been playing since the beginning.

– King Ludwig II of Bavaria gave a lot of money to Wagner to built the new opera house.

– The story of modernist music has been a response to the extreme chromaticism of radical romantic composers such as Wagner and Liszt.

– Later, in the 19th century, Richard Wagner wrote operas in which the singers needed to be more dramatic.

– This opera in particular influenced Richard Wagner who developed German opera in the 19th century.

– He was particularly fond of the music of Richard Wagner and his tonal writing is influenced by him.

– On July 30, 2014, Wagner died of respiratory failure at the age of 71.

– When Wagner died in 1883 he was terribly sad.

– Composers like Richard Wagner made the music much more continuous.

– Jaques Wagner is a Brazilian politician.

– Wieland Wagner started a workshop in Bayreuth in which directors could meet and discuss new ideas for presenting the operas.

– Most baseball historians think that Wagner was the greatest shortstop ever.

– Cosima divorced von Bülow in 1870 and married Wagner in the same year.

– However, he could not form a proper friendship with Wagner because of Wagner‘s antisemitism.

– In 2001 he made many people in Israel angry by conducting the music of Wagner in a concert.

– After the war, Winifred Wagner was sentenced to probation by a war court because she had supported the Nazi party.

– It was the last opera that Wagner completed.

– For a few summers, he was assistant to Siegfried Wagner and Hans Richter at Bayreuth.

– He was one of the greatest conductors of the 20th century, especially famous for his conducting of the music of Wolfgang Amadeus MozartMozart, Wagner and Richard Strauss.

– Although mostly associated with the Italian and French repertoire, he has in recent years sung several Wagner roles, and turned to conducting.

– In 1972, Wood and Wagner married again.

– Although it had been used before, the way Wagner used it here was quite new.

– The King Ludwig also gave him a lot of money, and a lovely new house in Bayreuth which Wagner called “Wahnfried”.

– Daniel Wagner is a two sport competitor.

– He often conducted the passion cantatapassions of Bach and music by composers such as Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart, Haydn, Schumann, Wagner and Carl Orff.

– In 1897, Wagner played 74 games and hit.375.

– These soldiers were forced to go to lectures on Wagner before the performances, even if they were not interested in music.

– F major is the home key of the English horn, the basset horn, the horn horn in F, the trumpet in F and the bass Wagner tuba.

– In the 19th century Richard Wagner continued Gluck’s ideas.

– Richard Wagner wrote very chromatic music, especially in his opera “Tristan and Isolde”.

– Peter Van Wagner is an American movie and television actor.

– Later, when it seemed impossible to build a new opera house there, Wagner broke his promise and built his opera house in Bayreuth instead.

– In 1856 he succeeded Wagner as conductor of the Philharmonic Society Orchestra.

– Natasha Gregson Wagner is an AmericansAmerican television and movie actress from Los Angeles.

– In the late 19th century, Richard Wagner and other artists in the Romantic musicRomantic period made operas and other artwork about ancient Germanic culture.

– Composers like Christoph Willibald Gluck and later Richard Wagner were very careful to make the overture a dramatic beginning which prepared the audience for the story.

– Many people wanted the festival to continue to be in the hands of the Wagner family.

– He married actress Lindsay Wagner in 1976.

– When Wagner started working on the opera he called it “Der junge Siegfried” but by 1856 he had changed the title to “Siegfried”.

– Shaw died leading his troops attacking Fort Wagner in 1863, aged 25.

– He went to Zürich where Wagner was living in exile.

– He was a great admirer of the composer Richard Wagner who had built his own theatre, the Bayreuth Festspielhaus, in the German town of Bayreuth.

– Douglas Wagner Bentley was a CanadiansCanadian left winger who played 13 seasons in the Chicago Black Hawks and New York Rangers.

– Composers like Wagner wanted to get away from operas which had lots of separate arias in which the singers showed off, with the audience clapping loudly after each one.

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