“vulnerable” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “vulnerable”:

– After the Muslim conquest of Egypt in 641 AD, they did not want to have their capital at Alexandria, because it was too vulnerable to naval raids.

– During the development of a plant species the seed / acorn stage in development is considered to be the most important yet most vulnerable stage.

– NK cells may have evolved as an evolutionary response: the loss of MHC would deprive these cells of the inhibitory effect of MHC and make them vulnerable to NK cell attack.

– New research says that some people may be more vulnerable to goitre.

– Iraq is thought to be especially vulnerable to the epidemic due to being weakened by the Iraq war and United Nations sanctions, by sectarian conflict and the rise of Islamic State over the past three decades.

vulnerable - example sentences
vulnerable – example sentences

Example sentences of “vulnerable”:

- It is vulnerable to decay, insect damage, and fire.

- Army was vulnerable in not having a unit comparable to the SAS.

– It is vulnerable to decay, insect damage, and fire.

– Army was vulnerable in not having a unit comparable to the SAS.

– Sheep are vulnerable to predation and injury, and do not usually survive as feral animals.

– Mouse-deer are particularly vulnerable to being hunted by humans at night because of their tendency to freeze when illuminated by having a spotlight shone on them.

– Janner died on 19 December 2015 in London from Alzheimer’s disease, aged 87 and months earlier he had been demoed unfit to stand trial over allegations of 33 years of sexually abusing vulnerable children.

– In the United States in the 1970s, the media reported on the high-pressure recruitment methods of Unificationists and said that the church separated vulnerable college students from their families through the use of brainwashing or mind control.

– However, Condorcet methods are only vulnerable to compromising when there is a majority rule cycle, or when one can be created.

– According to the European Federation for Street Children, they are an extremely vulnerable group living in very difficult conditions.

– He replaced Labour MP Reg Freeson who was a committed left-winger, but his relatively moderate views made him vulnerable to the hard left in the early 1980s.

– This includes many Vulnerable speciesvulnerable or endangered species.

– During the Spanish Civil War, in February 1937, he worked for the rescue of vulnerable children and founded the Swiss Working Group for Spanish Children with Fritz Wartenweiler and Regina Kägi-Fuchsmann.

– The section in the middle of the bridge, where the rail ran inside high girders, was likely to be top-heavy and very vulnerable to high winds.

– The cubs are very vulnerable when the lioness goes out to hunt and needs to leave the cubs behind.

– Although the most common type of condom, those made of latex, have great ability to stretch, they are vulnerable to dry friction as well as other mistakes of usage.

– According to the IUCN and BirdLife International, seven species of cockatoo are considered to be vulnerable or worse and one is considered to be near threatened.

– Some animals in the Park are rare, endangered, vulnerable or endemic.

– Tanning helps make the animal skin become more flexible and less vulnerable to bacteria damage.

– It is also free for orphaned and vulnerable children.

– The species is listed as vulnerable speciesvulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 1986.

– Clements was deployed to Albania in 1999, and then led PRM’s Office of Policy and Resource Planning, where she oversaw the Bureau’s strategic planning, policy development and financial resources to protect and assist refugees, conflict victims and vulnerable migrants worldwide.

More in-sentence examples of “vulnerable”:

– This species is vulnerable to overfishing due to its slow reproductive rate.

– Due to the long amount of time it takes to mature, and the slow reproductive rate, the basking shark is vulnerable to over-fishing, and targeted populations are very slow to recover from targeted fisheries.

– Coal trains and gas pipelines are also vulnerable to disruption.

– The organization played a significant role in the saving of Democratic Republic of the CongoCongo’s mountain gorillas in Virunga National Park in January 2007 after a rebel uprising threatened to eliminate the highly vulnerable population.

– Dawson was also a diabetic, which made him much more vulnerable in the extreme heat.

– One species is endangered, five are Vulnerable speciesvulnerable, and 11 are near threatened.

– Even parasitoid wasps are vulnerable to hyperparasitoid wasps.

– The koala is not an endangered species, but it is a near vulnerable species.

– As medical social workers often have large case-loads and have to meet tight deadlines for arranging necessary services, medical social work is a demanding job that is vulnerable to detrimental impact.

– In a Cross-site Scripting attack, the attacker uses your vulnerable web page to deliver malicious JavaScript to your user.

– While I am not demanding it, I would like to note that this is somewhat important as these templates are very vulnerable right now.

– A scenario of an eruption of Mount Cayley shows how western Canada is vulnerable to an eruption.

– Eggs of this type are more vulnerable to the elements and are typically buried in soil.

– Mages wear cloth armor and are very vulnerable to melee damage.

– The whale shark is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN.

– Pavlova’s feet had particularly high archs, which left her vulnerable to injury when dancing en pointe.

– Moth larvae are eaten by many birds, and are also vulnerable to parasitism by ichneumon wasps.

– Like other perching birds, it is affected by external and internal parasites and is vulnerable to predation by cats and birds of prey.

– Researchers suggest the lockdown could be lifted by shielding only the most vulnerable and using contact tracing..

– This slow birth rate makes their populations vulnerable in present-day circumstances.

– Research shows that older people are more vulnerable and how the brain can get addicted to gambling.

– They help computer engineers to find vulnerable places and correct problems.

– Like all voting methods, Condorcet methods are vulnerable to compromising.

– The cheer pheasant is a vulnerable species of the pheasant family, Phasianidae.

– Proceeds went to Kids Company, a charity which helps vulnerable children and young people in London.

- This species is vulnerable to overfishing due to its slow reproductive rate.

- Due to the long amount of time it takes to mature, and the slow reproductive rate, the basking shark is vulnerable to over-fishing, and targeted populations are very slow to recover from targeted fisheries.

– It was first listed as a Vulnerable species by the IUCN.

– All Condorcet methods are at least somewhat vulnerable to burying.

– The older brother took great offense to this, leaving his mind vulnerable to The Devil’s poisonous reasonings.

– With only a single, vulnerable Mole mole available for embarking on deep-draft ships, the Royal Navy requisitions civilian vessels in Great Britain that can get to the beach.

– A vulnerable species is a species of animals or plants which are likely to become endangered unless something changes.

– The young are vulnerable to larger predators: lions especially try to kill cheetahs.

– Some biological characteristics, such as the slow growth, and long time to mature, makes the whale shark vulnerable to overfishing.

– This slow rate of growth, also makes them a vulnerable species.

– It was Nimzovich who pointed out that such pawns are usually the most vulnerable to attack.

– Tiny creatures are most vulnerable to changes in external temperature.

– Small groups are vulnerable to chance events in any case, but with no heritable variability they are even more vulnerable.

– Social networks are vulnerable to them, since the circumstances where help is required, like disasters, occur by surprise.

– All have a Rampart rampart on their vulnerable landward side, and excavations at Cronk ny Merriu have shown that access to the fort was via a strongly built gate.

– The IUCN Red List says they are a vulnerable species.

– When moulting, the Nēnē cannot fly, as do other geese, a factor which made it vulnerable to hunting.

– This species is extremely vulnerable to overfishing and is currently on the brink of collapse.

– A small population which carries less variation is always vulnerable to extinction, because none of the animals may be resistant to the infection.

– The spiny dogfish is currently listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN.

– The Tawny is capable of catching smaller owls, but is itself vulnerable to the Eagle owl or Northern Goshawk.

– In October 2020, Farage and Tice said they had went to the Electoral Commission, which handles Electionelections, to re-name the Brexit Party to ‘Reform UK’, Electoral Commission and said that the party would campaign against more lockdowns and that would seek to immune and unable to infect the elderly and vulnerable or cause them to die.

– The endemic mammals are the Endangered speciesendangered vulnerable carnivorous Komodo dragon, which is the world’s largest lizard, is found on Komodo, Rincah, Gili Motang, and the coast of northwestern Flores.

– This is a much lower death toll than originally feared; tropical systems which affect Haiti such as Hurricane Jeanne from 2004 were usually among the deadliest as the badly-deforestationdeforested Haiti, which is extremely vulnerable to landslides and lacks basically any form of tropical alert system.

– The scenario impact is largely a result of the concentration of vulnerable infrastructure in valleys.

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