“von” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “von”:

– The concept of morphology was developed by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

– Herbert von Karajan led the orchestra from 1955 until he resigned in April 1989.

– To prevent Prussia under Chancellor Otto von Bismarck becoming even more powerful, Napoleon began the Franco-Prussian War.

– Shortly afterwards, the machine originally described by von Neumann’s paper—EDVAC—was completed but was not ready for two years.

– Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz was a German physician and physicist who made significant contributions in several scientific fields.

– In the first years of the Philharmonia they were conducted by several world-famous conductors, including Arturo Toscanini, Wilhelm Furtwängler and, especially, Herbert von Karajan.

– Some members of the government, such as Conrad von Hötzendorf had wanted to fight the Serbian nation for many years.

– The music was Hector Berlioz’s 1841 orchestration of Carl Maria von Weber’s piano music “Afforderung zum Tanz”.

von use in-sentences
von use in-sentences

Example sentences of “von”:

- Her other children were: Frederick Henry von der Pfalz, Elisabeth of Bohemia, Princess Palatine, Prince Rupert of the Rhine, Louise Marie of the Palatinate, Prince Maurice von Simmern, Edward, Count Palatine of Simmern and Sophia of Hanover.

- Field Marshals von Rundstedt and Rommel repeatedly asked Hitler for more freedom to change plans but were refused.
- His advisers included his son, Oskar, his old army aide General Wilhelm Groener, and General Kurt von Schleicher.

– Her other children were: Frederick Henry von der Pfalz, Elisabeth of Bohemia, Princess Palatine, Prince Rupert of the Rhine, Louise Marie of the Palatinate, Prince Maurice von Simmern, Edward, Count Palatine of Simmern and Sophia of Hanover.

– Field Marshals von Rundstedt and Rommel repeatedly asked Hitler for more freedom to change plans but were refused.

– His advisers included his son, Oskar, his old army aide General Wilhelm Groener, and General Kurt von Schleicher.

– The most famous German pilot of World War I was Manfred von Richthofen, also known as “The Red Baron” of Jasta 11.

– Otto von Bismarck, Prime Minister of Prussia, became Chancellor of the Empire.

– However, the case of Clever Hans, an apparently brilliant horse owned by Herr von Osten, was even more sensational.Boring.

– The first of the Pillar Men Joseph encounters, named by Rudol von Stroheim after being recovered and revived on human blood.

– His father’s lack of success was partly because he was the brother of Emil von Zalewski, the leader of a colonial Militaryforce fighting in Tanzania.

– A young Austrian woman named Maria Rainer becomes the governess to the children of Captain Georg von Trapp, a widow.

– The organ, built in 1980 by the organ builder Schuke from Potsdam, is above the von Bülow Chapel.

– The winner of Survivor: The Amazon was Jenna Morasca, a 21-year-old swimsuit model model from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who won against Matthew Von Ertfelda by a vote of 6-1.

– Tomb of Duke Johann Albrecht II von Mecklenburg was created in 1910 by the master builder Winter from Braunschweig.

– Wagner took most of the story from a medieval poem “Parzival” by the GermanyGerman poet Wolfram von Eschenbach.

– The current President is Ursula von der Leyen, who took office on 1st December 2019.

– German engineer Werner von Siemens in 1879 designed the first reliable electric locomotive to carry passengers.

– Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach was an important architect in Vienna.

More in-sentence examples of “von”:

– Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg was a GermanyGerman field marshal and statesman.

– Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Magnus Hirschfeld, Havelock Ellis, Carl Jung, and Sigmund Freud are some of the more famous writers.

– His mother was Amalie von Ranke.

– The next generation began during the 1930s with the work of Austrian biologists Konrad Lorenz and Karl von Frisch, and the Dutch biologist Niko Tinbergen.

– Leonardo da Vinci and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe were geniuses who can also be described as polymaths because they were brilliant in lots of different subjects.

– Christopher Marlowe, Johann Wolfgang von GoetheGoethe, Mikhail Bulgakov, Thomas Mann.

– The formal name of the Enabling Act was “Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich”.

– In 1953 he married Marianne von Kretschmann; they have four children.

– Sunset Boulevard gave its name to a famous 1950 Sunset Boulevard movie of the same name, starring Gloria Swanson, William Holden and Eric von Stroheim.

– Nobel Prize winners involved with the Institute include Max von Laue.

– Guggenheim Foundation in 1939 as the Museum of Non-Objective Painting, under the guidance of its first director, the artist Hilla von Rebay.

– In autumn 1875 he left to the Munich, where he start learning in the atelier of the Hungarian painter – Alexander von Wagner.

– It stars Susan Hayward, Dan Dailey, George Sanders, Sam Jaffe, Harry von Zell.

– In 1956, Kurt Gödel wrote a letter to John von Neumann.

– She was a cousin of Elizabeth von Arnim.

– They were named after Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, who had built the first airships in 1900.

– He especially liked setting words by the poets Joseph von Eichendorff and Heinrich Heine.

– Field Marshal Erich von Manstein told Hitler not to order the 6th Army to break out.

– Cologne’s archbishop Rainald von Dassel brought the relics of the biblical Three Wise Men there in 1164.

– Dumas wrote his first plays in 1825 and 1826 after reading William ShakespeareShakespeare, Sir Walter Scott, Friedrich von Scholler and Lord Byron.

– Much of the rocket was planned by GermanyGerman engineer and scientist Wernher von Braun.

– When the captors find out Yasmine has escaped, the family patriarch, von Geisler, cuts Alex’s Achilles tendons.

– The naturalist and explorer Alexander von Humboldt also visited them quite often.

– It stars Max von Sydow, Gunnar Björnstrand, Bengt Ekerot, Nils Poppe, Inga Landgré, Bibi Andersson, Åke Fridell, Inga Gill.

– Carl von Clausewitz is considered the creator of modern military strategy.

- Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg was a GermanyGerman field marshal and statesman.

- Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Magnus Hirschfeld, Havelock Ellis, Carl Jung, and Sigmund Freud are some of the more famous writers.

– Koopa, and Lemmy Koopa, Dan Falcone as Roy Koopa, and Mike Vaughn as Iggy Koopa and Ludwig von Koopa.

– He looked for a job with the Prince of Baden, but someone told stories that von Steuben had “taken liberties with young boys” meaning someone called him a pedophile.

– Many composers were influenced by Schoenberg, especially Alban Berg and Anton von Webern.

– The music shows the influence of Carl Maria von Weber and other composers of the time.

– The cacao plant was first given its name by SwedenSwedish natural scientist Carl von Linné, who called it “theobroma cacao” or “food of the gods”.

– After hearing the lectures of Justus von Liebig he decided to study chemistry.

– Biela’s Comet or Comet Biela was a periodic comet first recorded in 1772 by Montaigne and Charles MessierMessier and finally identified as periodic in 1826 by Wilhelm von Biela.

– Dietrich Hugo Hermann von Choltitz was an officer of the GermanyGerman Army in World War II.

– Klaus von Dohnanyi is a German politician.

– It was believed correctly in other countries that Otto von Bismarck and Helmuth von Moltke were driving Germany towards domination of the European landmass.

– The Hamburg elections of 29 February 2004, ended with an unprecedented landslide victory for Ole von Beust and the CDU, with the party achieving absolute majority in the city-state’s parliament.

– Above these tomb stones are the pictures of Duchess Anna von Brandenburg, the spouse of Albrecht VII., Duke Albrecht VII.

– This was shown by the Austrian ethologyethologist Karl von Frisch.

– Jünger was married to Gretha Von Jeinsen from 1925 until her death in 1960.

– Early mortars like the Pumhart von Steyr were big and heavy.

– Tomb and crypt of Duke Adolf Friedrich I von Mecklenburg was built by Julius Döteber from Leipzig and Daniel Weber from Rostock in the transitional style of renaissance to baroque in 1634.

– The RGB color model is based on the Young–Helmholtz theory of trichromacytrichromatic color vision, developed by Thomas Young and Hermann von Helmholtz in the early to mid-nineteenth century, and on James Clerk Maxwell’s color triangle that elaborated that theory.

– Otto von Guericke was a German scientist, inventor, and politician.

– On the other side is the tomb stone of Heinrich von der Lühe, restored in 2004.

– By a quirk of history, Correns had been a student of Karl Wilhelm von Nägeli.

– This is known as “stored program architecture” or von Neumann architecture.

– He studied botany, agriculture and chemistry at the University of Vienna, where he was a student of the botanist Joseph Franz von Jacquin.

– Here are some of the people who discovered the basic parts of quantum mechanics: Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Satyendra Nath Bose, Niels Bohr, Louis de Broglie, Max Born, Paul Dirac, Werner Heisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli, Erwin Schrödinger, John von Neumann, and Richard Feynman.

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