“viscous” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “viscous”:

– It is a viscous liquid at normal temperatures.

– The later knowledge of plate tectonics made it quite certain that the lower mantle was a viscous fluid.

– Oils, like butter, egg egg yolks, viscous than water and evaporate freely at a much higher temperature than water.

– The Earth has an outer solid layer called the Crust crust, a highly viscous layer called the mantle, a liquid layer that is the outer part of the core, called the outer core, and a solid center called the inner core.

– In volcanology, a lava dome or plug dome is a round-shaped mound created by the Volcanic eruptioneruption of viscous lava by a volcano.

– The calculation makes use of convection in a viscous fluid as well as radioactivity, so it combines Perry’s idea with the effect of radioactivity, even though Perry’s contribution had been forgotten.

– At high temperatures used to prepare glass, the material is a viscous liquid.

viscous use in-sentences
viscous use in-sentences

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