“virus” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “virus”:

+ After a person gets the dengue virus from a mosquito, it takes between 3 and 14 days for them to get sick.

+ Samus goes to the BSL Space Station to find that the scientists in it were killed by the virus, and Samus has to explore the ship while also avoiding her old suit that an X virus took control of called SA-X.

+ Antibody tests show whether the person had the virus and has since recovered.

+ An antigen is a molecule expressed by a bacterium or virus that is recognized by the adaptive immune system as foreign which can stimulate the production of antibodies and combine specifically with them.

+ After his Broadway tour, Stephen Lynch toured as part of the “Opie and Anthony” Traveling Virus Comedy Tour 2007”.

virus - sentence examples
virus – sentence examples

Example sentences of “virus”:

+ Experts think that the United States government made a virus named Stuxnet to stop an important place in Iran from working.

+ His famous experiment with Delbrück in 1943, known as the Luria-Delbrück experiment, demonstrated that inheritance in bacteria follows Darwinian rather than Lamarckian principles and that mutant genes occurring randomly can still give viral resistance without the virus being present.

+ Without the virus infection, Phagocytephagocytic haemocytes will kill the wasp egg.

+ But after a long time, the HIV virus learns how to fight the antiretrovirals.

+ The virus can also damage organs by itself.

+ The Institute checked its coronavirus collection and found the new virus was 96 percent identical to a sample its researchers had taken from horseshoe bats in southwest China.

+ About 80% of people who get West Nile virus have no symptoms.

+ As far as scientists know, this virus does not cause disease in any animals other than humans.

+ Experts think that the United States government made a virus named Stuxnet to stop an important place in Iran from working.

+ His famous experiment with Delbrück in 1943, known as the Luria-Delbrück experiment, demonstrated that inheritance in bacteria follows Darwinian rather than Lamarckian principles and that mutant genes occurring randomly can still give viral resistance without the virus being present.

+ Humans can get the virus from many different species of mosquitoes.

+ The herpes simplex virus causes genital herpes.

+ Very rarely, the immune system overreacts so much to the virus that the immune system damages other areas in the body.

+ If an animal flu virus changes in this way to one that can easily pass from human to human, many people become ill because nobody has any immunity to the new virus.

+ The genome of the virus is composed of multiple segments of double-stranded DNA packed in capsid proteins and a double or single layer envelope.

+ On January 24, 2016, the World Health Organization warned that the Zika virus is likely to spread to nearly all countries of the Americas.

More in-sentence examples of “virus”:

+ Smith became a virus that duplicates himself onto others.

+ On 4 March, a New Zealand woman in her 30s who had returned from northern Italy on 25 February was confirmed as the second case of the virus in New Zealand.

+ Smith became a virus that duplicates himself onto others.

+ On 4 March, a New Zealand woman in her 30s who had returned from northern Italy on 25 February was confirmed as the second case of the virus in New Zealand.

+ Zika virus can be passed from one person to another during sexual intercourse.

+ Both tangles and plaques may be caused by other diseases, such as Herpes simplex virus Type 1 which is being investigated as a possible cause or contributor in developing Alzheimer’s.

+ The dengue virus can also be spread from a mother to her fetus vertical transmissionduring pregnancy, or when the child is born.

+ However, he will only be protected against the other three types of the virus for a short time.

+ In fact, it took until a decade after World War I for scientists to figure out that a plant virus was the culprit for the color changes.

+ Vaccination involves showing the immune system something which looks very similar to a particular virus or bacteria, which helps the immune system be stronger when it is fighting against the real infection.

+ There is no effective treatment for Nipah virus infection until now.

+ The annual assembly of the Christian Open Door Church between 17 and 24 February in Mulhouse which was attended by about 2,500 people was believed where the virus spread throughout France.

+ Since the HIV virus destroys CD4 cells, it causes people with HIV to be more prone to illness.

+ The common cold virus is usually spread in one of two main ways.

+ Metroids are extinct after this, and because of this, the X virus that the Metroids were immune to started to come back and infest SR388.

+ One of the ways a virus can be seen as living is that a virus needs to make more of themselves.

+ It more closely resembles members of some other virus families.

+ The Ebola virus that makes people sick lives in the blood and other liquids and wet things in some kinds of non-human animals without killing them.

+ The name of the mosquito which commonly carries the virus is “Aedes Aegypti”.

+ Chickenpox is caused by a virus of the herpes family.

+ Sweden began testing for the virus in January, and by early May, about 148,000 tests had been performed.

+ The bird flu virus H3N2 is endemic in pigs in China.

+ Before the vaccine is given, scientists weaken the virus or bacteria so it cannot make a person sick.

+ Scientists fear the swine flu virus might mutate, or change, into a pandemic as deadly as the 1918/1919 pandemic.

+ The virus then, goes on to attack spleen, kidneys and even the brain.

+ It is a single stranded RNA virus which infects many plants, especially tobacco and other members of the family Solanaceae.

+ West Nile virus is spread by mosquitoes, who get the virus from birds.

+ West Nile virus can cause many different types of illness.

+ MERS is a relative of SARS virus which swept around the world, infecting more than 8,000 people globally and killing 774 before it was stopped in 2004.

+ A virus is a microscopic parasitismparasite that can infect living organisms and cause disease.

+ The virus can only affect Windows based computers.

+ HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.

+ The greys carry a virus to which they are immune, but which is deadly to red squirrels.

+ On 12 March, the first recovery was reported, and on 18 March the first death from the virus was confirmed.

+ Scientists believe that an mosquito or tick has to bite an infected animal before it can spread the virus to a human by biting that human.

+ This virus was used to kill millions of rabbits that were destroying large areas of Australian grasslands and farms.

+ Although for historical reasons, parameters currently exist for virus taxa, the template is not appropriate for viruses, whose classification uses different ranks, italicization and naming rules.

+ An example of a vaccine that works really well is the smallpox vaccine, which stopped smallpox virus from spreading so well that it no longer exists except in laboratories.

+ There are four kinds of Ebola virus that can cause the disease.

+ Scientists can trap mosquitoes and birds, and test them for West Nile virus to see if the virus is spreading in a certain area.

+ The virus that causes COVID-19 is new to humans.

+ The virus infects skin cells; if these skin cells move to other areas, new warts can grow there.

+ Persons with shingles on the upper half of the face need immediate medical attention: the virus may cause serious damage to the eyes.

+ That means it is a carrier; the gene has been inserted into the viral genome, and the virus sticks it into the human cells.

+ In these places, Zika virus has become a pandemic.

+ Swine influenza virus is a virus that is common in pigs.

+ On 9 March, a teacher in Melbourne got the virus from her partner who had been on the same flight from the US with the Melbourne doctor.

+ HDV is considered to be a satellite because it can appear if the hepatitis B virus is present.

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