“virtuous” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “virtuous”:

+ The lead female character Shaluk is characterized as an all virtuous young lady without any faults.The writers and producers of the show, portray female lead characters idealistically instead of celebrating their faults as part of normal human nature.

+ Those who practice ascetic lifestyles do not consider their practices as virtuous but pursue such a life-style in order to satisfy certain technical requirements for mind-body transformation.

+ So, let’s set someone on the throne who is a virtuous person and found a nation.” At that time, they found the strange light looked like thunderbolt on Yang-san.

+ The name Pattazhy may have also derived from the word “Bhattarika” which means a virtuous and pious woman.

+ The final chapter is a famous poem of praise to “a virtuous woman”.

+ He tells Pamina once more that she must stay with him to learn how to live a good, virtuous life.

+ Her stepmother described her as “one of the most amiable and virtuous of women”.

+ Alger’s heroes deserve their good fortune because they are virtuous young men.

virtuous how to use?
virtuous how to use?

Example sentences of “virtuous”:

+ The Jedi try to lead a good and virtuous life, serving others.

+ Cato the Elder mentions that usually the virtuous Roman worked nude during the summer months.

+ One such setpiece is the struggle between the virtuous young hero and a snobbish youth.

+ The poem is an allegory about the struggle to lead a virtuous Christian life when the institution of the Church is often corrupt.

+ Someone who lives a virtuous life is someone who leads a good moral life, doing things that society thinks are good.

+ Thus dharma or virtuous living is the highest aim, artha, the amassing of wealth is next, and kama is the least of the three.” —Indra Sinha.

+ She has won many awards, including the Pulitzer PrizePulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1993 for her book “The Wild Iris” and National Book Award of Poetry in 2014 for her book “Faithful and Virtuous Night”.

+ In the Epicurean view, the highest pleasure was obtained by knowledge, friendship and living a virtuous and temperate life.

+ Winston Churchill summarised the legacy of John’s reign: “When the long tally is added, it will be seen that the British nation and the English-speaking world owe far more to the vices of John than to the labours of virtuous sovereigns”.

+ Understanding the way karma works, Hindus try to live a virtuous life.

+ The Jedi try to lead a good and virtuous life, serving others.

+ Cato the Elder mentions that usually the virtuous Roman worked nude during the summer months.
+ One such setpiece is the struggle between the virtuous young hero and a snobbish youth.

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