“violent” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “violent”:

– The battle was short but extremely violent with tens of thousands of deaths.

– The game was liked but some didn’t like how violent and edgy the game was.

– Kubrick and his family received violent threats from people, called death threats.

– In 2010, security forces stormed a protest camp in the Western Sahara, triggering violent demonstrations in the regional capital El Aaiún.

– The FBI did not record the 2,977 deaths from the attacks in their annual violent crime record for 2001.

violent some example sentences
violent some example sentences

Example sentences of “violent”:

– The separatist movement lead by Muslim League leader Mohammed Ali Jinnah led to a series of violent Hindu-Muslim riots across the country just before the independence.

– Indeed, following the Treaty of Rapallo, the Italians of Dalmatia could opt for the acquisition of Italian citizenship instead of the Yugoslavian one, while maintaining residence: despite a violent campaign of intimidation on the part of Yugoslavia, over 900 families of Italian speaking “Spalatini” had exercised the option to be Italians.

– Tonks is first described in the books as having a pale heart-shaped face, dark twinkling eyes, and short, spikey hair that was a violent shade of violet.

– Despite the child-like form of the series and having cute characters, the show is violent and not for kids and is only for 14+ content.

– In this game, the player can do whatever they want, including hitting or killing people, damaging cars and properties and such violent things.

– Because of his experiences, he was a violent alcoholic.

– It is set in January 2006 and it is about hitman Lorne Malvo with his violent ways.

– It has been destroyed multiple times, including being burnt down, destroyed by a falling icicle, and being smashed by the violent cat who lives next door.

- The separatist movement lead by Muslim League leader Mohammed Ali Jinnah led to a series of violent Hindu-Muslim riots across the country just before the independence.

- Indeed, following the Treaty of Rapallo, the Italians of Dalmatia could opt for the acquisition of Italian citizenship instead of the Yugoslavian one, while maintaining residence: despite a violent campaign of intimidation on the part of Yugoslavia, over 900 families of Italian speaking "Spalatini" had exercised the option to be Italians.

– Thanatos’ sisters, Keres, were the spirits of violent death, they were connected with deaths from battle, disease, accident, and murder.

– Known as the Flame Pokémon, Charizards are violent yet honorable creatures, flying proudly around the sky and always looking for powerful enemies to fight with.Pokédex: Charizard flies around the sky in search of powerful opponents.

– He was known for his movies “The Violent Four”.

– Jonas then said her confession wasn’t true, but her resistance was broken after a violent whipping the next day.

– In terms of violent tornadoes, the event ranks third, behind the 1974 Super Outbreak and 1965 Palm Sunday outbreak.

– Peter Lalor was the leader of the Eureka Stockade rebellion, one of Australia’s few violent protests and seen by many as the start of democracy in Australia.

More in-sentence examples of “violent”:

– Legend says he was killed there by a violent man who cut off his head.

– The government of Colombia, The Democratic government of Colombia define : “All the violent groups in Colombia are Terrorists”: and the European Union Article 2 No 2580/2001.

– Due to the Celtic heritage of many whites living in Appalachia, a series of prolonged violent engagements in late- nineteenth-century Kentucky and West Virginia were referred to commonly as feuds, a tendency that was partly due to the nineteenth-century popularity of William Shakespeare and Sir Walter Scott, authors who both wrote semihistorical accounts of blood feuds.

– On April 24, 2005, a 26-year-old Christiania resident was killed and three other residents injured in a violent gang assassination on Pusher Street.

– In 1983, Mustaine was kicked out of the band for his drug and alcohol problems and violent behavior, and was replaced with guitar player Kirk Hammett who left his previous band, Exodus.

– Drew Barrymore plays Holly, who is pregnant and is leaving her violent partner.

– The game’s story is about a man who is in a plane crash in the Atlantic Ocean and finds a lighthouse in the middle of the sea, which takes him to an underwater city created by a man named Andrew Ryan called Rapture, which is home to many violent creatures called Splicers, who are people became insane because of mutation.

– In 2000 the band’s second album “A Prayer Under Pressure of Violent Anguish” was released.

– Despite its problems, according to studies in Latin America, San José is still one of the safest and least violent cities in the region.

– On February 18—20, 2014, a violent confrontation took place on the Maidan, as a result of which there were significant casualties among the protesters, the Maidan was severely damaged; The Euromaidan tent camp was dismantled only on August 9.

– The violent to God and the violent to nature are also here.

– A violent storm during the Crimean War on November 14, 1854, wrecked 30 vessels, and sparked initial investigations into meteorology and forecasting in Europe.

– She did not die a violent death.

– It became popular in the early 1980s by The Pogues in Britain, and by Violent Femmes in the United States.

– Many of the stories during the period moved away from more controversial horror or violent themes.

– A barrage of particularly large impacts known as the Late Heavy Bombardment represents the climax of this violent era.

– Often the division between magisterial and radical reformers was as or more violent than the general Catholic and Protestant hostilities.

– However, over time, with more facts publicized, the event has come to be seen as a “coup d’état”, the violent overthrow of a duly elected government, by a group of white supremacists.

– With Satyricon he  tries to fit more closely with other musical instruments, in order to sound like a group and in 1349 he concentrates more on how faster, heavier and violent can be.

– However, some game makers did make some violent games for the Nintendo 64, such as Rare’s first-person shooter “Perfect Dark”.

– Rowling, a telling scene in which Harry uses “Cruciatus” and “Imperius” on Voldemort’s servants shows a side to Harry that is “flawed and mortal.” However, she explains that, “He is also in an extreme situation and attempting to defend somebody very good against a violent and murderous opponent”.

– Some of his most famous paintings show the roughness of nature, with bleak landscapes and violent storms.

– But then the protest turned violent and people started to kill the protesters.

– It includes disturbing, violent images.

- Legend says he was killed there by a violent man who cut off his head.

- The government of Colombia, The Democratic government of Colombia define : "All the violent groups in Colombia are Terrorists": and the European Union Article 2 No 2580/2001.
- Due to the Celtic heritage of many whites living in Appalachia, a series of prolonged violent engagements in late- nineteenth-century Kentucky and West Virginia were referred to commonly as feuds, a tendency that was partly due to the nineteenth-century popularity of William Shakespeare and Sir Walter Scott, authors who both wrote semihistorical accounts of blood feuds.

– Chariot warfare and population movements lead to violent changes at the center of the millennium.

– Seventh Army, had violent battles around the town of Troina.

– This volcano has had many violent eruptions over its very long history, the most recent of those eruptions took place in 1909.

– The incidents of Spalato were a group of violent fights -related to antiitalianism- that happened in Spalato between 1918 and 1920 and that resulted in the murder of the Italian military ship “Puglia” captain, Tommaso Gulli.

– It can also be made by a violent reaction between barium and bromine.

– The title, and promo shots associated with the movie, was a take on the violent Sam Peckinpah movie, Straw Dogs.

– In most countries, laws exist to protect the victim of such violent acts.

– He wrote that several violent events happened between them during the first years of his apprenticeship.

– The cat is very violent and causes trouble to the family.

– The Rice Riots were the biggest, most violent and widespread in modern Japanese history.

– When it was first on television, the show got attention for violent slapstick.

– Other times were more violent with people who began to rebel against others.

– These explosions are incredibly violent and incredibly bright, sometimes outshining entire galaxies.

– In August 2006, the first revaluation dollar was violent and too quick, meaning that many people lost their savings because they were unable to convert it into the new currency without fear of violence and corruption.

– Rebecca Hall playes Vicky, Scarlett Johansson plays Cristina, Javier Bardem plays Juan, Penélope Cruz plays his angry, violent ex-wife Maria.

– He mentions using violent force when he talks about “popping a cap in Sancho” and “putting that barrel straight down Sancho’s throat”.

– Its violent activities formally ended in 1997.

– The movie received mixed reviews upon its release; while De Niro’s performance and the editing were widely acclaimed, it garnered criticism due to its violent content.

– Uniformitarianism in geology is opposed by catastrophism, the idea that major changes in the Earth take place through sudden and violent events.

– The walled city was protection from direct assault, but once a townsperson left the city walls, he or she was at the mercy of often violent and lawless nobles in the countryside.

– Historically speaking, orthodox Islam, especially fundamentalist groups like the Wahhabi and Salafi have been the most intolerant and violent against what they think of as ‘Deviant Sufism’.

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