“violence” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “violence”:

+ However, the walk only lasted for 15 minutes because of the violence against the marchers.Clara Marchaud, “Kyiv Post”, June 8, 2018.

+ However, the use of violence angered the people in Azerbaijan and the rest of the Soviet Union.

+ He did not believe in violence and chose not to use or carry weapons.

+ Fischer says that these attacks, especially the kidnapping and murder of Hanns-Martin Schleyer, made him give up violence as a way to get political change.

+ The hegemonic rule of a few ethnic groups or in some cases a single ethnic group has marginalized many groups within Ethiopia and has led to a cycle of violence and retribution.

+ A 2008 study of domestic violence shows that women have different reasons from men when committing violence against their partner.

+ She sued Gordon under the Violence Against Women Act.

violence some example sentences
violence some example sentences

Example sentences of “violence”:

+ This is causing less violence in the city.

+ Chavarria’s books are strongly critical of the violence in Fascism.

+ This can mean using violence against them or putting them in prison.

+ Tamil nationalists in both Sri Lanka and the Indian state of Tamil Nadu attempted to create an independent state amid the increasing political and physical violence against ordinary Tamils by the Sri Lankan government since the pogroms of 1983, known as Black July.

+ Baraka’s writings have made controversy over the years, mostly because of his advocacy of rape and violence towards women, gay people, white people, and Jews.

+ There is often a predictable pattern or cycle of violence in a relationship and the abuse tends to get worse over time.

+ Most western countries have laws that protect homosexuals from violence and discrimination.

+ Phumulani is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing domestic violence and sexual abuse in communities of color throughout Minnesota and globally.

+ The level of violence was reduced between the manga and the anime.

+ Members of the ARM believe violence is justified, and members of the ALF disagree.Lee, Ronnie.

+ As tensions and violence increased, Governor Harrison marched with an army of about 1,000 men to attack the confederacy’s headquarters at Prophetstown State ParkProphetstown, near the confluence of the Tippecanoe River and the Wabash River.

+ This is causing less violence in the city.

+ Chavarria’s books are strongly critical of the violence in Fascism.
+ This can mean using violence against them or putting them in prison.

+ It had come popular beginning of the 11th century under the king Anawratha, with combats among tribes with no rules and with a violence without common measure.

+ There has been a lot of violence between different groups.

+ He is accused of inciting violence and pornography.

+ Its programming contains little or no sex, violence or strong language.

+ This was due to violence and adult themes.

+ In that case, it was not until about twenty minutes after the violence began, that a loudspeaker announcement was made for people to hide.

+ In recent years, Mugabe has allowed violence against the white citizens of the country as well as to opposition leaders of all races.

+ Rubin always said he was a liberal but was annoyed when other liberals became too left-wing and a lot were not angry about violence people on the left used against Ben Shapiro.

More in-sentence examples of “violence”:

+ He wanted readers to believe his story was a realistic picture of street life, but it was actually a sentimental story that carefully avoided any mention of the sex and violence that threatened street boys every day.Scharnhorst 1985, p.81.

+ However, people are still hurt and structural violence is tied to physical violence in a lot of ways.
+ The violence was soon also in other suburbs around Sydney.

+ He wanted readers to believe his story was a realistic picture of street life, but it was actually a sentimental story that carefully avoided any mention of the sex and violence that threatened street boys every day.Scharnhorst 1985, p.81.

+ However, people are still hurt and structural violence is tied to physical violence in a lot of ways.

+ The violence was soon also in other suburbs around Sydney.

+ Another agreement that came out of the Pretoria Minute was that both parties would try and raise awareness that a new way of governing was being created for South Africa, and that further violence would only hinder this process.

+ Historians have claimed the violence and consequent Italian Istrian-Dalmatian exodus was a planned ethnic cleansing.

+ One discrepancy covered in this movie is between the way violence and sexual behaviors are treated.

+ But nothing like the violence of Chopin’s military polonaises,…

+ Yuno shows an insane side, often using violence and threats to harm those who threaten Yuki or her relationship with him.

+ Some minor actions against Serbs in Croatia were demonstrated by defacing or destroying Cyrillic signs and by outbreaks of violence at soccer matches.

+ A significant portion of ANC leadership agreed that this violence was needed to combat increasing backlash from the government.

+ The violence that followed would last about 100 days.

+ Combat violence can be unilateral, fighting means that there is at least a defensive reaction.

+ He was known as a determined loyalist of Joseph Stalin, and in 1935 he wrote a paper in which he argued that political opposition must eventually lead to violence and terrorism; this became in part the ideological basis of the Purges.

+ The violence happened more and more often in June and July of 1794, a period called “la Grande Terreur”.

+ Castellanos has worked against violence in Honduras, working mostly on drug cartels and police corruption.

+ Some critics come to believe that the ESRB only rates games AO if they have sex in them, regardless of how explicit the language, violence or even blood is.

+ Self-esteem also considered by the international law on human rights, such as Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Yogyakarta Principles, and they affirm that each person’s self-esteem must be protected against any kind of abuse or violence out of social prejudices and discriminations.

+ They may be in prison or the children may be threatened with violence in their own home.

+ Let’s come together as one!” He added that he condemned “in the strongest possible terms” what he called an “egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides.

+ As tensions swelled between the large established ranchers and the smaller settlers in the state, violence finally culminated in Powder River Country, when the ranchers hired armed gunmen to invade the county.

+ He experienced gang violence and the use of drugs, which left him stuck on that type of style.

+ Escobar declared an end to a series of previous violence and terrorism, and turned himself in.

+ For the rest of the world’s disputed territories, violence and diplomacy will remain the main tools to claim ownership.

+ Pacifism is when someone does not think war or violence is a good way to stop a fight or to get ahead of someone and move toward peace.

+ Nintendo also did not like games that had a lot of blood or violence in them.

+ Depending on which god they serve, they can look and play very different – Khorne, The Chaos God of blood, anger, violence and hate, has vicious fighters, who use large Swords and Axes, while Tzeentch, the Chaos God of Fate and Sorcery, has demons with constantly changing body parts, that can use the Warpfire of their master.

+ The action shocked the nation, brought violence to the floor of the Senate, and deepened the North-South split.

+ A person does not have to die due to violence in order for the term “rest in power” to be used.

+ She works against domestic violence and abuse.

+ According to a 2008 study by Amnesty International, more than a quarter of women in Armenia “have faced physical violence at the hands of husbands or other family members.”, Amnesty International, November 13, 2008 Reporting domestic violence is heavily stigmatized in Armenian society.

+ The violence continued.

+ Many consider their actions to be criminal, but the MK said violence was justified by the goal of ending apartheid.

+ A sequel called “Bride of Violence 2″ was made in 1993.

+ During the 1980s, when the country became more and more insecure and violence increased, including the infamous practice of “necklacing”, Roberts organised several peace conferences together with Bishop Tutu where they tried to bring  together the various hostile factions  and find a solution to end the violence.

+ Some rebellions and violence started in the towns near the ocean and during the next three centuries because of some unfairness of the government.

+ Many Big Black songs have stories about violence in them.

+ The goal of this Declaration is to tell about violence and discrimination against LGBT people and to insist that LGBT have the same rights as other members of society, including care and prevention of AIDS, same-sex marriage and health caremedical care to transgender and their permission on gender status by the law.

+ While complaining of the violence against them, the victims preferred to remain anonymous fearing retaliation on the part of police.”.

+ However, throughout history there have been many times when people have been forced to join a religion by violence and threats.

+ John Brown John Brown might be the most famous person involved in the violence of the late 1850s that fought on the abolitionist or Jayhawker side.

+ Others see him as a terrorist, who promoted the use of violence to reach his goals.

+ All of the different religions and the violence the war had created caused after-war rebellions.

+ Kenya and East Africa saw a rise in violence in the 2000s.

+ Moreover, the National Assembly prepared a revision about punishment of sexual violence crime.

+ The penalty for robbery with violence was execution by hanging.

+ He said that violence would not solve problems, and that the attacks could not be justified from a religious or humanitarian point of view.

+ They were in verse and no violence could be performed on stage.

+ After that a lot of people still started to not only criticize, but also bullybullying Zoe Quinn on the Internet, including threatening to murder, rape or commit other kinds of violence against Quinn.

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