“vienna” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “vienna”:

– The story is supposed to be happening in Vienna in the time of the Empress Maria Theresa.

– He was only 16 when he conducted the orchestra of the Vienna State OrchestraVienna Court Opera and 17 when he appeared with the Berlin Philharmonic, both as pianist and conducting his own music.

– This hurt Vienna economicseconomically, but led to people fortifying the city.

– The opera has been presented on New Year’s Eve in Vienna since the early 1930s.

– Popper, brought up in Vienna, was well aware of the Vienna Circle.

– For the 2007–08 season he joined the Vienna Capitals in Austria’s Erste Bank Hockey League.

– The state was created at the Congress of Vienna in 1814 but ceased to exist after the German Revolution in 1918.

– In 1875 he went to study at the Vienna Conservatory.

vienna in-sentences
vienna in-sentences

Example sentences of “vienna”:

– In about 1198, he left Vienna and spent many years travelling around, visiting courts in Europe, entertaining dukes and princes, and singing his songs.

– In 1438, Vienna became the residence of the Holy Roman Emperor.

– Kralj went to Vienna in 1913 to study sculpture.

– After that Vienna became an important city for international organisations.

– Later, in 1815, the Congress of Vienna ended the Napoleonic Wars.

– Also, the Hungarian people were not happy with how Vienna treated them.

– In the 1924/25 season Hakoah Vienna became Austrian Champion.

– Beethoven stayed in Vienna that year, working hard at an opera and giving piano lessons to Josephine von Brunsvik to whom he wrote passionate letters.

- In about 1198, he left Vienna and spent many years travelling around, visiting courts in Europe, entertaining dukes and princes, and singing his songs.

- In 1438, Vienna became the residence of the Holy Roman Emperor.
- Kralj went to Vienna in 1913 to study sculpture.

– In 1933 he conducted the Vienna Philharmonic, both in opera and concert performances.

– She died aged 69 in Vienna in 1988.

– The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names discussed the naming issue during its 23rd session, held in Vienna from 28 March to 4 April 2006.

– There were a lot of aristocratic people in Vienna who liked music, and many had their own private orchestras.

– When Prussia defeated Austria in a war in 1866, Italy struck a deal with Berlin, forcing Vienna to turn over Venetia, leaving Rome as the last missing Italian city.

More in-sentence examples of “vienna”:

– Rohan was made Ambassador to Vienna in 1771.

– He conducted a lot in Vienna and at the Bayreuth Opera House which Wagner had built for the performance of his own operas.

– Under the conditions of the Treaty of Vienna 1515 parts of Czechia, then in the Kingdoms of Bohemia and Hungary, came under Habsburg rule after the death of Louis the Jagiellon in 1526.

– His Siege of Vienna was repulsed by the Protestant Reformationdeeply-divided Holy Roman Empire in 1529.

– He and his family came to Vienna in 1905.

– The great years of Vienna were the 1920´s and 1930´s.

– In Vienna he had lessons from Karl Goldmark and heard lots of orchestral music.

– Toward the end of this work, Wittgenstein was contacted by Moritz Schlick, one of the leading figures of the newly formed Vienna Circle.

– They moved to Australia from Vienna in 1938–39, after AnschlussAustria’s annexation by Nazi Germany.

– The first official match took place on 12th October 1902 in Vienna when a team from Cisleithanien played versus Hungary.

– Froese died suddenly in Vienna on 20 January 2015 from pulmonary embolism, aged 70.

– The stadium has a capacity of 13 400 and was till 2010 named after the former president of the Vienna Football Association Franz Horr.

– In 1902 he became conductor at the historic Vienna Theater an der Wien, where his first opera “Wiener Frauen” was performed in November of that year.

– After the Congress of Vienna in the year 1815 Hoyerswerda was given to Prussia.

– Eibl-Eibesfeldt died on 2 June 2018 in Vienna at the age of 89.

– He came equal first at Vienna 1882, and second in London 1883, both top-class events.

– After the fall of Napoléon, the Congress of Vienna restored the Old Regime.

– They lived in Favoriten where Matthias started playing football with Hertha Vienna from 1918 to 1924.

– His trial was planned to start in Vienna in first half of year 2015.

– He went to study at the University of Vienna where he continued to compose a lot of music.

– In 1870, Brahms became director of a concert series called Vienna Gesellschaftskonzerte.

– On 12 March 2020, Austria confirmed the first death of COVID-19, a 69-year-old man from Vienna died in Vienna‘s Kaiser-Franz-Josef Hospital.

– He began his career at the University of Berlin, and later worked at Freiburg University, University of Heidelberg, University of Vienna and University of Munich.

– He learned to play the violin and was sent to Vienna to study music.

– The current archbishop of Vienna is Christoph Schönborn.

– In Karajan’s last years he left the Berlin Philharmonic after arguments with them, and concentrated on working again with the Vienna State Opera and the Vienna Philharmonic.

– From 1938 to 1945, when Austria was occupied by Nazi Germany, Vienna was part of the Gauliga Ostmark and won the German Cup in 1943.

– It was and still is the homeground of First Vienna F.C.

– Before becoming a member of the Vienna Philharmonic the musicians have to work for at least three years in the opera house.

– After eight months with his family, he returned to Vienna to teach music.

– His father’s parents, Hermann Christian and Fanny Wittgenstein, were born into Jewish families but later converted to Protestantism, and after they moved from Saxony to Vienna in the 1850s, assimilated themselves into the Viennese Protestant professional classes.

– It is not unusual for the people in Vienna to grab a pair of sausages after a performance at a theatre or opera house.

– It was first performed on 15 February 1867 by the Vienna Men’s Singing Society and the orchestra of the Forty-Second Infantry Regiment directed by Rudolph Weinwurm.

– Richter came from a musical family and studied violin, horn horn and music theory at the Vienna Conservatory.

– In 1815, the Congress of Vienna decided that these weak kingdoms were not strong enough to keep France from trying to take them over, which it had already done once under Napoleon.

– In 2002 he became music director of the Vienna State Opera, also conducting concerts with the Vienna Philharmonic.

– At the age of 12, he went to Vienna and developed an interest in the new football sport in Austria.

– He became professor of history and music at the University of Vienna and was an adjudicator at lots of music festivals.

– As her reputation grew, she was invited to sing outside Italy, notably at the Aix-en-Provence Festival, the Salzburg Festival and the Vienna State Opera.

– The Embassy argued that the charge is a form of taxation, not a charge for a service, and diplomats and their staff are therefore exempt under the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

– Many of the Burgenland Croatian speakers in Austria also live in Vienna and Graz.

– In the period 1957-1965 he was foreign correspondent for the newspaper “La Stampa”, first from Vienna and then from Moscow.

– Asperger was born in Vienna and died there.

– The famous “pulpit” in Vienna Cathedral is made like this.

– She died on 28 February 2017 in Vienna at the age of 94.

– It surrounds the central area of Vienna on all sides, except for the northeast, where its place is taken by the “Franz-Josephs-Kai”, the street going along the “Donaukanal”.

– From 1908 to 1911 he was the main conductor of the Vienna Hofoper, following on from Gustav Mahler.

– In 1924 a professional league started and the champion was called “Austrian Champion”, although only teams of the metropolitan area of Vienna played here.

– He was a student of Clemens Holzmeister at the Vienna University of Technology between 1950–53.

– This term is also used by the Vienna Declaration for the women’s rights and by the name of humanitarian international law.

- Rohan was made Ambassador to Vienna in 1771.

- He conducted a lot in Vienna and at the Bayreuth Opera House which Wagner had built for the performance of his own operas.

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