“vertical” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “vertical”:

– The Indian rupee symbol letter “R” without the vertical bar.

– Flowers that are located directly in line with the sun are shown by waggle runs in an upward direction on the vertical combs.

– The layers of Uluṟu arkose were folded to the near vertical position they are in today.

– You might show your height in centimeters on the vertical axis and your age in years on the horizontal axis.

– In geometry, vertical angles relates to a linear slope on a graph.

vertical in sentences?
vertical in sentences?

Example sentences of “vertical”:

– To get a literal vertical bar.

– The club’s colours have been primarily red and white since 1939; before this, they played in black and gold vertical stripes.

– The movie is set in a vertical prison, in which the food for the prisoners is taken down on a lowering platform, leaving the prisoners on the lower levels to get the leftovers.

– The away kit is composed of a green and white vertical stripes shirt, black shorts and green socks.

– Gantt charts can be used to show current schedule status using percent-complete shadings and a vertical “TODAY” line as shown here.

– The national flagnational flag of Cameroon is a vertical tricolor of green, red and yellow, with a five-pointed yellow star in its center.

– A seated senton, vertical splash or butt drop is a move where the wrestler jumps down into a sitting position across the fallen opponent’s chest or stomach.

– The mast of a sailing ship is a tall vertical pole which supports the sails.

- To get a literal vertical bar.

- The club's colours have been primarily red and white since 1939; before this, they played in black and gold vertical stripes.

– In some dolmens, the entrance has a door cut into one or more vertical stone slabs.

– Buttresses and wall surfaces are likewise divided up into vertical panels.

– By 1955, traffic exceeded 9,000 cars per day, The bridge originally had pole lights along the entire stretch, which were later abandoned except over the vertical lift span.

– The “away” kit has been different colours including orange, white, red and black vertical stripes and, as of 2009, plain red.

– Around the background is a yellow border, and to its left are two vertical stripes of equal size in saffron and green, with the saffron stripe closest to the lion.

– The Vedic accent is marked by underscores and vertical overscores in red.

More in-sentence examples of “vertical”:

– Its terrain is a raised coral and limestone plateau, flat to undulating, ringed by vertical white cliffs, approximately nine to fifteen yards high.

– In a Vertical wine tasting different vintages of the same wine type from the same winery are tasted.

– It is characterized by long vertical pages measuring 22 inches / 560 millimetres or more.

– These lines leave the Earth from the vertical point of the South and reenters through the vertical point of the North.

– The shell is smooth on the outside and whitish in color, with vertical and horizontal reddish-brown or purplish-brown markings separated by a diagonal line.

– Lastly, if any uses of the, that vertical bar should be removed, leaving the last cell in that row containing either some text or a space.

– A tandoor is a cylindrical vertical clay or metal oven used in baking.

– An “inverted turn” is usually indicated by putting a short vertical line through the normal turn sign, though sometimes the sign itself is turned upside down.

– It has four horizontal stripes of blue, white, green and yellow, and a single vertical band of red, with a yellow five pointed star in the upper left corner.

– Rubella can also be Vertical transmissiontransmitted from a mother to her developing baby through the placenta.

– The cartouche is usually vertical with a horizontal line, but it is horizontal if it makes the name fit better, with a vertical line on the left.

– The area covered by the vertical rays is always less than the slant rays.

– Commonly known as “Recre”, they play in white with blue vertical stripes and white shorts.

– When vertical bars occur in parameter values that are not URLs, replace each vertical bar with.

– The desired columns are separated by a vertical line.

– The other lines are vertical and are known as longitudes.

– Prefabricated PIR sandwich panels are manufactured with corrosion-protected, corrugated steel facings bonded to a core of PIR foam and used extensively as roofing insulation and vertical walls.

– For vertical launch of a rocket to work, the starting thrust must be more force than the weight of the rocket.

– A blast furnace is a tall vertical structure which is fed with coke, iron ore and limestone.

– Another example is Arctostaphylosmanzanita plants, which have a thick waxy coating and keep their leaves vertical to the sun.

– In the late 1970s an Admiral strip featured five vertical white stripes on the left side of the shirt and shorts, and the early 1980s shirts—as worn at the 1983 European Cup Winners Cup final—featured white vertical pinstripes.

– Definitions: vertical lines are “files”; horizontal lines are “ranks”; lines at 45° are “diagonals”.

– It has a vertical tricolour of blue, gold and green with three green diamonds arranged in the “V” pattern centred on the gold band, which represent the Grenadine Islands which fall under the government of Saint Vincent.

– Instead this space is filled by vertical lines which usually represent the niched facade of a palace.

– The horizontal lines in a matrix are called rows and the vertical lines are called columns.

- Its terrain is a raised coral and limestone plateau, flat to undulating, ringed by vertical white cliffs, approximately nine to fifteen yards high.

- In a Vertical wine tasting different vintages of the same wine type from the same winery are tasted.
- It is characterized by long vertical pages measuring 22 inches / 560 millimetres or more.

– Similarly for a vertical bar instead of the vertical bar itself.

– Learning from peers is called horizontal social learning, learning from parents is called vertical social learning.

– This template is a navigational template intended to be used to generate a scrollable navigation “bar”, rather than a navigation box, in cases where there are a long list of items with a natural ordering that as a box would consume a large amount of vertical space in an article.

– The coat of arms has three vertical tricolor of red, white, and black is in the center.

– This error can also be caused by vertical bars that are part of URLs or titles.

– After passing through the Lesser Antilles, Danielle came across vertical wind shear, and on September 10, it dissipated in the central Caribbean Sea.

– However the evenly drawn vertical and horizontal lines on the paper are “not” the graph itself but are part of the “graph paper”.

– Do not add more vertical bars than necessary.

– There are many types of horse jumps such as the vertical oxer.

– Crevasses often have vertical or near-vertical walls, which can then melt and create seracs, arches, and other ice formations.

– Canadian and American football merely need the nose of the ball to break the vertical plane of the outer edge of the goal line.

– Strontium has properties similar to those of its two vertical neighbours in the periodic table, calcium and barium.

– It supports and rotates an instrument about two perpendicular axes – one vertical and the other horizontal.

– The national flagnational flag of Algeria has two equal vertical bars, green and white.

– The flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina has a wide medium blue vertical band on the fly side with a yellow right triangle adjacent the band and the top of the flag.

– To name multiple pages to be merged, simply separate them with a vertical pipe.

– If the parameter is set to “true”, it produces a link to the definition of the vertical datum.

– The aircraft is a Vertical anglesvertical take-off landing aircraft.

– The flag of Nigeria is a vertical tricolour of green, white, and green.

– Modern harnesses have leg straps, vertical straps and chest strap which can be tightened snug.

– An elevator or lift is a vertical transport vehicle that efficiently moves people or goods between floors of a building.

– The flag of Peru is a vertical tricolour of red, white, and red.

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