“vertebrates” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “vertebrates”:

– One review noted: The adrenal gland hormones play a vital role in adapting to “ever-changing environmental and emergency situations, and help vertebrates in their successful survival”.

– Some have structures rather like vertebrates eyes; some have nematocysts; some live as plasmodia ; some have two flagella; photosynthetic dinoflagellates contain a “bewildering array” of plastid types; and the whole of their genetics and cell biology is eccentric.

– Corroboree frogs are the first vertebrates discovered that are able to make their own poisonous alkaloid, pseudo-phrynamine.

– These fish are jawed vertebrates with paired fins, paired nares, scales, a heart with its chambers in series, and a skeleton made of cartilage not bone.

– Pterosaurs are the earliest vertebrates known to have evolutionevolved powered flight.

– Adaptive immunity is triggered in vertebrates when a pathogen evades the innate immune system and generates a threshold level of antigen.Janeway C.A “et al” 2001.

– Most land vertebrates have feet, and there are many different sorts of foot.

vertebrates - some sentence examples
vertebrates – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “vertebrates”:

– Diversification and faunal shift of Siluro-Devonian vertebrates of China.

– An alternative scheme proposed that jawed vertebrates are more closely related to lampreys than to hagfish, so vertebrates include lampreys but exclude hagfish.

– There is a high diversity of vertebrates in the park, with 120 species of mammals, 411 birds, 15 reptiles and 320 fishes.

– In vertebrates such as fish, reptiles and birds, it is the main visual processor of the brain.

– Owen’s technical descriptions of vertebrates were important.

– Other animals with life cycle forms include parasites such as certain Trematodeflukes, which live in different snails for one part of their life, and in vertebrates for another part.

– There are a number of land and amphibious limbless vertebrates and invertebrates.

– It is an omnivorous species: Insects and seeds are its main food, but it also takes carrion, small vertebrates and eggs.

– These egg-laying land vertebrates probably split from the early amniotes in the Mississippian.

– If pathogens successfully evade the innate response, vertebrates possess a third layer of protection, the adaptive immune system, which is activated by the innate response.

– Small vertebrates are occasionally taken.

- Diversification and faunal shift of Siluro-Devonian vertebrates of China.

- An alternative scheme proposed that jawed vertebrates are more closely related to lampreys than to hagfish, so vertebrates include lampreys but exclude hagfish.
- There is a high diversity of vertebrates in the park, with 120 species of mammals, 411 birds, 15 reptiles and 320 fishes.

– Birds are a group of vertebrates which evolved from dinosaurs.

– The Park has one of the most varied collections of land vertebrates ever found in Latin American tropical forests.

– Embryos of vertebrates have notochords, and develop the vertebral column later.

– It is absent in monotremes and marsupials, and other vertebrates such as birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish.

– Tiny vertebrates such as tadpoles and fish are part of its diet.

– The surface of the cerebrum is the cerebral cortex, which all vertebrates have.

– It is common in some of the most successful groups of animals, such as arthropods, vertebrates and annelid worms.

– These are adaptations to life on land: amphibia were the first vertebrates to have these features.

More in-sentence examples of “vertebrates”:

- Most of them infect molluscs in the first part of the life-cycle, and vertebrates in the second part.

- In vertebrates mucus is made by mucous membranes.

– Most of them infect molluscs in the first part of the life-cycle, and vertebrates in the second part.

– In vertebrates mucus is made by mucous membranes.

– Many are parasitismparasitic, and they affect both vertebrates and invertebrates.

– It is present in all vertebrates above the jawless fish.

– Most vertebrates have ovaries.

– Hagfish are vertebrates but do not have vertebrae.

– All Vertebrates are Chordates.

– Kidneys are two Organ organs in the abdomen of vertebrates that are shaped like beans.

– It preys on any vertebrates from fish to mammals.

– They are the land vertebrates which lay cleidoic eggs.

– All other vertebrates have nucleated red blood cells.

– These two taxontaxa lack proper vertebrae, which are characteristic for vertebrates according to the new interpretation, whereas traditionally—and confusingly—they were not.

– The tetrapods are the first vertebrates with such digits.

– Sauropsids are a group of land vertebrates which includes all existing “reptiles” and birds and their fossil ancestors.

– It was one of the first vertebrates to have recognizable limbs.

– The Barn Owl feeds primarily on small vertebrates such as rodents.

– Animals that are not vertebrates are called invertebrates.

– Gnathostomata is the group of vertebrates with jaws.

– Circulatory systems of other vertebrates differ somewhat.

– Amphibians are the only vertebrates to go through metamorphosis.

– They are most typical of birds, but many other vertebrates do make nests.

– Pufferfish are generally believed to be the second-most poisonous vertebrates in the world, after the golden poison frog.

– These temnospondyls were some of the first vertebrates fully adapted to life on land.

– As cladistic understanding of the vertebrates has improved over the last few decades a monophyletic Rhipidistia is now understood to include the ancestor of the whole Tetrapoda.

– Isaviruses infect salmon; thogotoviruses infect vertebrates and invertebrates, such as mosquitoes and sea lice.

– They evolved into the lungs of today’s Quadrupedterrestrial vertebrates and some fish ray-finned fishes.

– Inferring stratigraphic position of fossil vertebrates from the Niobrara Chalk of western Kansas.

– All vertebrates have these cells.

– Carrier’s constraint is an observation about air-breathing vertebrates which flex their bodies sideways when moving.

– There are a vast number of microbe strains, and so vertebrates need millions of different antibodies.

– It does not include the land vertebrates or tetrapods, which descended from fish.

– This is the standard equipment for vertebrates and many other types of animals.

– About 60 different vertebrates became extinct, including the Diprotodon family, several large flightless birds, meat eating kangaroos, a five-metre lizard and Meiolania, a tortoise the size of a small car.

– The way cephalopod eyes develop is fundamentally different from that of vertebrates like humans, but the way they work is rather similar.

– Most vertebrates that live on land are amniotes, as are most of the air-breathing animals of the sea.

– It is one of the most common fossil vertebrates found in the area, and shared its habitat with other large herbivores, as well as large theropods and crocodylomorphs.

– Other vertebrates have areas which may be homologous to the hippocampus of mammals.

– It was used as a pesticide, for killing small vertebrates such as birds and rodents.

– Although primitive vertebrates are known near the start of the Palaeozoic, animal forms were dominated by invertebrates until the mid-Palaeozoic.

– For example, the embryos of land vertebrates develop gill slits like fish embryos.

– The lack of flying vertebrates could have been another factor.

– The eyes of most land-living vertebrates contain a fluid that has a higher refractive index than the air.

– Most mammals and many other land vertebrates have clavicles.

– Lancelets serve as an intriguing comparison point for tracing how vertebrates have evolved and adapted.

– It is unusual in higher vertebrates but typical in birds of prey.

– Most vertebrates with lungs have two of them.

– Although lancelets split from vertebrates more than 520 million years ago, their genomes hold clues about evolution, particularly how vertebrates have employed old genes for new functions.

– In vertebrates it runs inside the backbone, and is called the spinal cord.

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