“verbal” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “verbal”:

– A recent meta-analysis suggests that the verbal system has greater engagement for abstract concepts when the perceptual system is more engaged for processing of concrete concepts.

– Along with verbal communication comes non-verbal communication.

– These are usually related to subjects that are not related to verbal subjects.

– This was possibly the first test of verbal intelligence in a group.

– In his written opinion, John Marshall HarlanJustice John Marshall Harlan compared sit-in demonstrations to verbal expression as a form of free speech.

verbal some ways to use
verbal some ways to use

Example sentences of “verbal”:

– Currently, the note on biography articles for living people says “…must be removed straight away.” I think the verbal phrase “straight away” is much more difficult than the word “immediately.” Certainly, the latter can found in almost any English dictionary, whereas the former is not in many of them.

– The communication of inferior and superior attitudes by verbal and non-verbal signals.

– Computer rage may manifest itself in verbal abuse and occasionally physical violence towards the object, Brinks, 2004 in some cases violent actions towards the hardware itself, usually either thumping the keyboard, shaking the monitor or banging the mouse on the table/desk.

– Factors influencing the effects of audience participation on verbal learning from films: motivating versus practice effects.

– The most common thing to happen is verbal abuse.

– That seemed natural at the time; a person understanding a language in a verbal context seemed natural to me.

– It is verbal behaviour that consists of using a certain number of consonants and vowels…

– Hughes had suffered over a decade of beatings and verbal abuse from her husband.

– McCartney and Lennon argued in the media, and Linda also took verbal jabs at Lennon and Yoko Ono.

– The most common kinds of aphasia associated with traumatic brain injury are amnestic aphasia and verbal paraphasia.Thomsen, Inger Vibeke.

- Currently, the note on biography articles for living people says "...must be removed straight away." I think the verbal phrase "straight away" is much more difficult than the word "immediately." Certainly, the latter can found in almost any English dictionary, whereas the former is not in many of them.

- The communication of inferior and superior attitudes by verbal and non-verbal signals.
- Computer rage may manifest itself in verbal abuse and occasionally physical violence towards the object, Brinks, 2004 in some cases violent actions towards the hardware itself, usually either thumping the keyboard, shaking the monitor or banging the mouse on the table/desk.

– Its special characteristics are that it is verbal and the manner in which it is transmitted.” This material may include folktales, Proverbsayings, songs, or chants.

– But they focus on the musical aspects and not the verbal skills.

– He was known for his verbal sparring with President Richard Nixon.

– The main areas of difficulty are in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and restricted or repetitive behaviors and interests.

– As the result of its origin and development, the gerund has nominal and verbal properties.

– This was because of the spread of Islam by verbal wording.

– Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior.

– In November 2015, she appeared in “If The World Was a Perfect Place” a song from Verbal Jint’s sixth album.

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