“ventral” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “ventral”:

+ There is some variation in the colour of the ventral body and tail: it may be white to gray, dark gray mottled with white, or blackish.

+ They have wide ventral scales, the tail is not as well-developed for swimming, and their nostrils are separated by scales.

+ For example, in a fish, the pectoral fins are dorsal to the anal fin, but ventral to the dorsal fin.

+ This is supported by a microtubule from the flagellar bases; two other tubules support the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the cell.

+ It is ventral and anterior.

+ Last of all, it has a paired ventral nerve cord.

ventral - example sentences
ventral – example sentences

Example sentences of “ventral”:

+ The horizontal septum separates myotomes into two sections, ventral or dorsal.

+ The populations in different geographic regions of Taiwan reveal a unique composition of ventral colouration: the eastern population is exclusively blackish, and the proportions of blackish and white-gray morphs in the northern population are 60% and 30%, respectively.

+ The one on the side of the belly is called ventral body cavity, the one on the back dorsal body cavity.

+ The ventral surface of the dogfish ranges from pale grey to pure white.

+ These segments are formed by a dorsal plate, called a tergite, and a ventral plate, called a sternite.

+ It drew in and expelled water through a ventral spout called a siphuncle.

+ Thier dorsal and ventral fins are far in the back of their bodies.

+ This shark has a long caudal fin without a ventral lobe.

+ The horizontal septum separates myotomes into two sections, ventral or dorsal.

+ The populations in different geographic regions of Taiwan reveal a unique composition of ventral colouration: the eastern population is exclusively blackish, and the proportions of blackish and white-gray morphs in the northern population are 60% and 30%, respectively.

+ Food particles are passed forward along a ventral groove, leading to the mouthparts.

+ These have a muscular “velum” on the ventral surface, which allows them to move about.

+ Gastralia are bones protecting the ventral area of a vertebrate.

+ In brachiopods, the two valves are on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the body, while in bivalves, they are on the left and right sides.

+ Both males and females have gray ventral wings with dark spots surrounded by white rings.

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