“venetian” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “venetian”:

– In these centuries, the Venetian language became the “lingua franca” of all Dalmatia, assimilating the Dalmatian language of the Romanised Illyrians and influencing partially the coastal Croatian language and the Albanian language.

– Citizens of the venetian Perasto became privileged in the Venetian Republic.

– His use of colour and light, however, is typical of the Venetian School.

– In the end, the two gondoliers marry their long time Venetian sweethearts.

– His atmospheric landscapes influenced Venetian painting, particularly the work done by his pupils, Giorgione and Titian.

– Thus the Venetian and Ottoman frontiers met and border wars were incessant.

venetian how to use?
venetian how to use?

Example sentences of “venetian”:

– After the year 1000 AD, the Venetian Doge Orseolo II started to control all coastal Dalmatia, but it was only in 1420 AD that Venice was able to obtain the full domination of these City-states.

– It is plausible that Bellotto, and other Venetian masters of “vedute”, may have used the camera obscura in order to achieve superior precision of urban views.

– In 1996, the Doge’s Palace has been part of the Venetian museums network, which is run by the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia since 2008.

– The Brenta, together with the Piave river, formed the Venetian Lagoon.

– The Ottomans have resettled this populace to create a living defence towards the territories of the Venetian Republic.

– Venice started to take control of the small southern Dalmatian villages around the 10th century, assimilating quickly the neolatin “Dalmatian language” of the coastal areas into the Venetian language.

– On 12 May 1797, the Republic of Venice ended, but a few places in the Albania veneta for several months still continued to remain loyal to the Venetian Repubblic: Perasto was the last place of the Republic to surrender.

– In 1967, he starred in action movie “The Venetian Affair”, directed by Jerry Thorpe.

- After the year 1000 AD, the Venetian Doge Orseolo II started to control all coastal Dalmatia, but it was only in 1420 AD that Venice was able to obtain the full domination of these City-states.

- It is plausible that Bellotto, and other Venetian masters of "vedute", may have used the camera obscura in order to achieve superior precision of urban views.

– He was also one of the most famous painters of Venetian history.

– When the Ottoman EmpireTurks started to conquer the Balkans in 15th century, many Christian Slavs took refuge inside Venetian Dalmatia and so even the “Albania Veneta” started to have a huge Serb and Albanian population.

– In Venetian masks only the top half of the face is covered, to prevent recognition.

– The number of Serbs in Venetian Dalmatia rapidly increased during the War of Crete in 1645 – 1669 and the Great Viennese War in 1683 – 1699, after which the “Peace of Karlowitz” gave the whole of Dalmatia and coastal Montenegro to the Venetian Republic.

– In the Middle Ages the Albanians were ruled by many foreign countries, including the Byzantine EmpireByzantine and Venetian Empires and during the 16th century resistance to the Ottoman Empire’s rule was led by the Albanian national hero “Skanderberg” but his real name was Gjergj Kastrioti.

– The Venetian artist Jacopo de’ Barbari, whom Dürer had met in Venice, visited Nuremberg in 1500, and Dürer said that he learned much about the new developments in perspective perspective, anatomy, and Body proportions from him.

More in-sentence examples of “venetian”:

- People in the Venetian Carnival dress as plague doctors.

- After the Venetian-Turkish war of 1714-1718, Venetian territorial gains were confirmed by the 1718 "Treaty of Passarowitz".

– People in the Venetian Carnival dress as plague doctors.

– After the Venetian-Turkish war of 1714-1718, Venetian territorial gains were confirmed by the 1718 “Treaty of Passarowitz”.

– Politically, the neolatin Dalmatian city-states were often isolated and compelled to either fall back on the Venetian Republic for support, or tried to make it on their own.

– According to the “Comunita’ nazionale italiana del Montenegro”, in Perast actually there are 140 persons who still speak at home the original venetian dialect of Perasto, and call themselves in the census “Montenegrins”.

– In the medieval era, Naxos was under the Byzantine rule and afterwards under the Venetian rule.

– The Venetian possessions were called “Venetian Dalmatia” and enjoyed a flourishing period of economic bonanza with huge development of the arts and culture.

– During the Venetian rule in Dalmatia from 1420 to 1797 the number of Orthodox Serbs in Dalmatia was increased by numerous migrations.

– Giovanni Battista Pittoni was the most important painter of the Venetian eighteenth century, his fame made him receive numerous orders from foreign collectors and from the royal families of the time.

– The Venetian diarist Marino Sanuto described Anne as “not one of the handsomest women in the world; she is of middling stature, swarthy complexion, long neck, wide mouth, bosom not much raised…

– The most famous Venetian type of boat called a “gondolas”.

– The Venetian language is a Romance language.

– The borders of the former Venetian province of “Albania Veneta” changed again in 1918, when was created the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, but were reinstated from 1941 to 1943 during World War II, when Mussolini annexed the territories around Cattaro to the Kingdom of Italy.

– Stories of the empire’s creation and history are not certain, though tales of the empire’s wealth and power were described by European travellers such as the Portuguese travelers Domingo Paes and Nuniz, and the Venetian traveler Niccolò Da Conti.

– This is called the Venetian creole language.

– He got his ideas from the railway lines next to the site, the London spires in the paintings of 18th-century Venetian painter Canaletto, and the masts of sailing ships.

– The Serbian peasant population of infertile Upper Dalmatia was freed of “Feudal bonds”, according that they fight wars for the Venetian Republic.

– The word originally comes from the Venetian language.

– Paulucci wrote even that near the border with Albania there were big communities of Albanian speaking people: Dulcigno was half Albanian, one quarter Venetian and one quarter Slavic-speaking.

– Designed in a revolutionary form, inspired by the clothes of ancient Greece, the long dress was both simple and wide, artistic and functional; the hems were adorned with colored Venetian glass beads, with a decorative but also functional function.

– The Venetian territories never reached more than 20km from the Adriatic Sea.

– In 1482 he went to live in Mirandola with his old friend and fellow student, Giovanni Pico, while staying away from the Venetian army.

– Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo died in his Venetian palace in 1949 and was buried in the Verano Cemetery in Rome.

– Dubrovnik sought safety in friendship with the invaders, and in one particular instance, actually sold two small strips of its territory to the Ottomans in order to prevent land access from the Venetian territory.

– The ceiling is decorated with two allegorical figures painted on canvas and applied to decorate the halls of the Palace built by Catherine the Great of Russia, between 1762 and 1768, she commissioning the artworks to the most important Master of the Venetian Academy Giambattista Pittoni.

– Pietro Longhi was a Venetian painter of contemporary scenes of life.

– A letter of the 14th century from Zara shows strong Venetian influence, which was also the cause of its extinction soon after.

– Romanesque lingered on in Dalmatia until it was displaced by Venetian Gothic in the early years of the 15th century.

– Perasto had the privilege to keep war-flag of the Venetian Navy in the peace time.

– In 1437, Sigismund recognized Venetian rule over Dalmatia in return for 100,000 Ducats.

– Indeed, after the “Burgundian School” came to an end, Italy became the leading exponent of Renaissance music and continued its innovation with the Venetian and Roman Schools of composition.

– The word “quarantine” comes from “quarantena”, the Venetian language meaning “forty days”.

– It is called Venetian band.

– The existence of Catholic people has dates back in the Franks and Venetian rule in Middle Ages.

– Then it was under Venetian rule.

– The number of Dalmatian Serbs remained between “20%” and “25%” by the end of Venetian rule, while the venetian speaking population in the Dalmatian cities and islands increased with colonists from north-east Italy.

– An extremely curious picture of contemporary manners is presented by the Venetian agents, whose reports on this war resemble some knightly chronicle of the Middle Ages, full of single combats, tournaments and other chivalrous adventures.

– At the fall of the “Serenissima” Perasto was the last city of the Repubblic to lower the Venetian flag.

– Adelson also owned the The Venetian The Venetian Resort Hotel Casino and the Sands Expo and Convention Center.

– Many ornate baroque palaces and magnificent dwelling-houses decorated the town of Perast, full of typical venetian architecture.

– They were allowed to trade with large ships and to sell goods without tax on the Venetian market, which made them very rich.

– While he was in Italy, El Greco added elements of Mannerism and of the Venetian Renaissance to his style.

– Even in Zara four outbreaks are recorded between 1180 and 1345, although Zadar was treated with special consideration by its Venetian masters, who regarded its possession as essential to their maritime ascendancy.

– Even in the relatively hostile republic of Ragusa the Romanesque of the custom-house and Rectors’ palace is combined with Venetian Gothic, while the graceful balconies and ogee windows of the Prijeki closely follow their Venetian models.

– On 22 August 1797 the Count Giuseppe Viscovich, Captain of Perasto lowered the Venetian war-flag of the Lion of Saint Mark pronouncing the farewell words in front of the crying people of the city and buried the “Gonfalon of Venice” under the altar of the main church of Perasto.

– A great portion of this population fled to Venetian land and gladly fought against the Ottomans.

– This period was abruptly interrupted with the fall of the Venetian republic in 1797.

– The dialect of Zara disappeared because of the strong Venetian influence while the two other dialects due even to the assimilation by Slavic language speakers.

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