“vector” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “vector”:

– This definition naturally reduces to the standard vector dot product when applied to vectors, and matrix multiplication when applied to matrices.

– A tensor of order two is a linear map that maps every vector into a vector.

– Its moment is the vector sum of the moments of individual turns.

– Given the vector field being the fourth dimension.

– Four types of infectious disease transmission can happen: vector transmission, which is spread through insects or animals.

– A vector in biology is an animal on or in which a small living thing gets transported.

– The dimension of a given vector space is the number of elements of the basis.

– Magnetic fields are vector fields, so they have both a strength and a direction.

vector - some sentence examples
vector – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “vector”:

– This allowed using a vector to change the inside of a cell without killing it.

– DDT worked very well for vector control.

– OpenOffice Draw is a vector graphics editor and is part of the OpenOffice office suite.

– Mosquitoes are a vector which carries disease-causing viruses and parasites from person to person.

– If we describe for each point in space the direction and strength of the earth’s pull, we will get a gravity vector field for the Earth.

– This only impacts the Vector skin.

– This is not the case, as the use of certain substances for vector control is permitted; this includes the use against mosquitoes.

– Linear dependence is a property of the family, not of any particular vector; for example in this case we could just as well write the first vector as a linear combination of the last three.

– In the field of electromagnetism, flux is usually the integral of a vector quantity over a finite surface.

– You can do this in reverse by starting your thumb in the direction of the vector and see how your fingers curl to see the direction of rotation.

– If a vector graphic image is made very big on the monitor, it will still look as good as its regular size.

- This allowed using a vector to change the inside of a cell without killing it.

- DDT worked very well for vector control.
- OpenOffice Draw is a vector graphics editor and is part of the OpenOffice office suite.

– These operations can change the size of a vector and the direction it points to.

– It follows that given a surface, we do not need to stick to any unique parametrization; but, when integrating vector fields, we do need to decide in advance which direction the normal will point to, and then choose any parametrization consistent with that direction.

– Is it perfect? No of course it isn’t but having seen a lot of the studies that they did and having talked to a lot of the staff members that did them I think there is quite a lot of evidence to show that vector has proven to be easier to understand for new users and readers.

– On the contrary, the vector b×c may form with a an internal angle “β” larger than 90°.

– These fragments are then joined with vector DNA to produce recombinant DNA molecules.

– Currently Vector is running for checkuser access on WP:RFA.

– VRML interactive vector graphics file format designed for the World Wide Web.

– Consider a vector field v on “S”, that is, for each x in “S”, v is a vector.

More in-sentence examples of “vector”:

- The most important thing to understand is that after you do the addition or multiplication, the result is still in the vector space; you have not changed the vector in a way that makes it not a vector anymore.

- Karbon14 is a vector graphics editor.
- For these reasons, people mostly use other chemicals for vector control.

– The most important thing to understand is that after you do the addition or multiplication, the result is still in the vector space; you have not changed the vector in a way that makes it not a vector anymore.

– Karbon14 is a vector graphics editor.

– For these reasons, people mostly use other chemicals for vector control.

– The powers of x are given by the vector x = { 1, x,..

– The most used method of vector control is pesticides.

– The Vectrex is the only console of its kind to use vector graphics.

– Using vector addition to add the momentum of the bullet to the momentum of the gun gives a total system momentum of zero.

– We call this a vector field because each label is a vector – it has a direction.

– Insertion of a viral vector is often called transduction.

– Projections map the whole vector space to a subspace and leave the points in that subspace unchanged.

– One of the basic assumptions is that there are two vector fields in all space which govern electric and magnetic forces.

– The vector typically contains the code that has to be run when the interrupt happens.

– Just wondering why Vector is the only uninvolved Crat…

– The vector could change sign or direction, and the orbital could change type.

– The vector itself is generally a DNA sequence that consists of an insert and a larger sequence that serves as the ‘backbone’ of the vector.

– In physics, the Vector Laplacian is commonly used for the wave equations that are used to model electromagnetic fields.

– In vector calculus, the gradient of a multivariate function measures how steep a curve is.

– This illustration implies that if the vector field is tangent to “S” at each point, then the flux is zero, because the fluid just flows in parallel to “S”, and neither in nor out.

– Insertion of a vector into the target cell is usually called Transformation transformation for bacterial cells, or transfection for eukaryotic cells.

– While it was praised for its unique style and timeless artistry, its simple vector graphics proved difficult to market and the game was never released in North America.Calvert, Justin.

– In the Vector skin, individual items in the menu are separated visually by pale gray bars.

– He did work on Maxwell’s field equations and vector analysis.

– Being a vector operation, the cross product is extremely important in all sorts of Sciencesciences, engineering, and mathematics.

– I’m still a fan of the current main page, and think it suits the site even more since Vector was made the default skin for all users.

– Some emoticons are made in Vector Graphicvector format, such as SVG, and automatically processed using a graphics library.

– Scalars are just numbers: if you multiply a vector by 2, you make it twice as long.

– This is indeed how things work, but when integrating vector fields, one needs to again be careful in choosing the normal-pointing vector for each piece of the surface, so that when the pieces are put back together, the results are consistent.

– In the figure to the right we define the displacement vector to represent motion in a circle.

– A vector space is often represented using symbols such as.

– Like wind speeds, electric fields are also vector fields, so they can be drawn as arrows.

– It’s called the “Head to Tail” method, because each head from the previous vector leads in to the tail of the next one.

– Given a vector field is the cross product operation.

– Superposition principle: The principle states that the total force on a given charge is the vector of the individual forces exerted on the given charge by all other charges.

– An electric field is a vector field that shows the direction that a positively charged particle will move when placed in the field.

– A minimum set of vectors that—through some combination of addition and multiplication—can reach any point in the vector space is called a basis.

– Two-dimensional motion “requires” us to use vector notation to define the physical quantities found throughout the kinematics.

– It’s meant to match the new Vector theme, but I’m running out of ideas.

– This is one of the reasons vector graphics are liked so much.

– Many interrupt controllers from today’s processors use an interrupt vector to sort interrupts based on where it came from, among other ways.

– The first major use of vector graphics was in the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment air defense system.

– This vector is expressed as a linear combination of other vectors.

– Inkscape is a vector graphics drawing program published under the GNU General Public License.

– It also wouldn’t hurt to have a bureaucrat in the Americas who would close RfXs when Eptalon, TRM or Vector are asleep or when Chenzw is at school.

– One can recognize the vector in the second line above as the normal vector to the surface.

– Creol, Vector and Eptalon can handle pretty much everything very well, and Blockinblox makes an excellent “reserve bureaucrat”, but there’s no need for two of them : I should still be lurking around here like normal though.

– For any vector representing a point in Cartesian coordinates, left-multiplying it gives the new place of the point transformed by the symmetry operation.

– Sandflies are a group of flies, many of which feed on blood and are Vector vectors of parasites.

– However, the zero vector is not an eigenvector.

– The direction of the angular velocity vector is perpendicular to the plane of rotation, in a direction which is usually specified by the right hand rule.

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