“vast” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “vast”:

– Geothermal Energy produces the vast majority of Electrical Power consumed on Iceland, due chiefly to the island’s position atop the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and exhibits plentiful hot water reservoirs and geysers.

– Given the reduced manpower of their land forces, the Germans believed that it was better to attack in the West against the smaller Allied forces rather than against the vast Soviet armies.

– This means “The Great Canon or Vast Documents of the Yongle Era”.

– The North Vietnamese and Viet Cong were supplied by a vast network of hidden trails, known as the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

– The King, Queen and Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret were on the balcony behind them, to the cheers from a vast crowd on The Mall.

– The vast Hermitage collections are displayed in six buildings, founded by Catherine II of Russia in 1764 and opened in public since 1852.

– The vast majority of peppers can be found within the two main genera: “Piper.

– The vast valley around the Po is called “Pianura Padana” and is so efficiently connected by the river that the whole valley became the main industrial area of the country.

vast use in-sentences
vast use in-sentences

Example sentences of “vast”:

- Due to these achievements, and due to the vast difference between the 200 m and 400 m, Johnson left little doubt that he is the greatest sprinter of all time.

- It is, of course, a very expensive symphony to perform because of the vast numbers of musicians needed.
- While several of the core ideas of the desktop experience on one hand apply to a connected mobile device, others do not: Users usually only look at their phone's screen — presence status changes might occur under different circumstances as happens at the desktop, and several functional limits exist based on the fact that the vast majority of mobile communication devices are chosen by their users to fit into the palm of their hand.

– Due to these achievements, and due to the vast difference between the 200 m and 400 m, Johnson left little doubt that he is the greatest sprinter of all time.

– It is, of course, a very expensive symphony to perform because of the vast numbers of musicians needed.

– While several of the core ideas of the desktop experience on one hand apply to a connected mobile device, others do not: Users usually only look at their phone’s screen — presence status changes might occur under different circumstances as happens at the desktop, and several functional limits exist based on the fact that the vast majority of mobile communication devices are chosen by their users to fit into the palm of their hand.

– I am also proud of my vast expansion of the Haskovo page.

– The Basin and Range Province is a vast geographic region in the west United States and northwest Mexico.

– It is vast area mainly between the Jhelum River and Sind RiverSindh rivers near the Pothohar Plateau.

– He was one of the main leaders in the Polygar Wars and commanded a vast army, notably during the Second Polygar War that took place in 1801–1802.

– The vast majority of these ocean coral islands are volcanic in origin.

– Because of the vast geographic area it occupies, which comprises many different ecological zones, numerous subspecies have been described.

– The infrastructure ordered by James Douglas, to support the vast amount of capital flowing from the gold industry, caused high debt for British Columbia.

– Free books and a vast online collection of his teachings are available from the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive.

– It spread slowly, and relatively peacefully: converting to Islam meant access to a vast trade network throughout the Muslim world and escape from the inflexible caste system of Hindu-Buddhist Srivijaya.

– There are around 110 species within the genus with the vast majority being native to central and southern Asia.

– The evolution of flowering plants in the Cretaceous led to the vast numbers of beetle species there are today.

– There are about 3,000 Albanians, and about 2000 Turks, Greeks, Gorans, Romas and others.OSCE profiles of 18,600 including 18,000 Serbs and 200 Albaneses, 14,900 “with a vast Kosovo Serb majority” with 800 Kosovo Albanians, and “The estimated total population is 17,000 with a large Kosovo Serbian majority.

More in-sentence examples of “vast”:

– On chain-lift coasters, which are the vast majority, the ride begins when the train’s center of gravity passes the highest point of the.

– From 1907 to 1916, she was the only physician regularly practicing in the vast desert between the Salton Sea and Palm Springs.

– Salt is present in vast quantities in seawater, where it is the main mineral constituent.

– Then a mantle plume produces vast quantities of a basaltic magma.

– Alexander’s successors, known as the Diadochi, were continually at war with each other over bits and pieces of Alexander’s vast Empire.

– The supporters of hydraulic fracturing point to the economic benefits from the vast amounts of previously out-of-reach hydrocarbons.Golden rules for a golden age of energy.

– The vast majority of polysaccharides are polymers of glucose, and are of two types: starch and cellulose.

– The vast artificial intelligence library was also damaged.

– It served the inhabitants living north of the river within the vast Northern Neck holdings of Lord Fairfax.

– The vast fields of the village have allowed the farmers to develop a range of crops and animal breeding programs.

– This is a vast quadrangular room covering a surface area of about, the astronomical ceiling of which is supported by four pillars entirely covered with decoration.

– Gradually this inland sea became a vast freshwater lake and wetlands where sediment flattened its profiles and the marine inhabitants adapted to life in freshwater.

– It is the only village in Salarzai tribe which is situated in a vast open area, other all villages of Salarzai are situated in mountains or very near to mountains.

– The architecture can be found in a vast area stretching from the Hindu Kush to eastern Anatolia.

– Porous solids are also stable at high pressures and temperatures which allows for the use of a vast variety of solvents.

– The vast majority of its residents are black.

– They eventually developed a vast colonial empire, in contrast to the Portuguese who ruled a few islands and coastal cities along the Indian Ocean.

– The List of rulers of MoroccoKing of Morocco holds vast executive and legislative powers, especially over the military, foreign policy and religious affairs. government, while legislative power is vested in both the government and the two chambers of parliament, the Assembly of Representatives and the Assembly of Councillors.

– For most of its early history, the Roman church paid little attention to the country dwellers they called the “Paganus” which is equivalent to the contemporary “redneck” or “country bumpkin.” Consequently, it was not the Roman missionaries who Christianized the vast majority of the European land mass.

– And since the vast majority of “protected” pages are semi-protected, I think fully protected templates are almost rendered useless.

– He found their homes, fields, animals, and orchards, but the Navajo were experts at disappearing quickly and hiding in their vast lands.

– Weeping angels watch a play performed by “mimes, in the form of God on high”, and controlled by vast formless shapes looming behind the scenes.

– This created a vast ‘Indian Reserve’ that stretched from the Alleghenies to the Mississippi River and from Florida to Quebec.

– She was a vast ship requiring 2735 oak, 1145 beech, and fourteen ash trees for her timbers.

– She is best known for her vast correspondence detailing the court of her brother in law.

– The vast majority of Haitians are of African descent.

– A small number of articles might make, but the vast majority will not and for the balance there is no deadline.

– As a result, Southerners in Congress voted against admission in 1850 while Northerners pushed it through, pointing to its population of 93,000 and its vast wealth in gold.

– In the vast majority of cases, citing page numbers in the…

– In 1993, Jacobs originated the role of Chico Fernández in Jeff Daniels’ comedy “The Vast Difference” at the Purple Rose Theatre.

– Due to its high population and vast area, a new tehsil “Huramzai” has been established.

– The Miz and R-Truth were fired and chaos happened at Hell in a Cell and on Raw, resulting in Triple H no longer being able to operate Raw due to the vast majority of the roster walking out.

– She died unmarried and childless, leaving her vast fortune to her cousin, Philippe of France.

– It creates a manmade lake with a vast body of water.

– The discovery of vast quantities of silver in the U.S.

– Although it is only a small part of the vast lands claimed by France., 2002.

– I do note from a few quick searches on Google that, yes, the vast majority of Western media seems to prefer the historical English name.

– Because of its small population and vast extension of land, Vaupés only has 3 municipalities.

– Hydrothermal vent communities are able to sustain such vast amounts of life because vent organisms depend on chemosynthetic bacteria for food.

– He thought about calling “Dubliners” by the name “Ulysses in Dublin”, but the idea grew from a story in “Dubliners” in 1906, to a ‘short book’ in 1907, to the vast novel which he began writing in 1914.

– The North Sea flood of 1953 swamped vast amounts of land.

– The Circassians are a Caucasian immigrant people; the vast majority of them have been assimilated and only 20% still speak Circassian.

– In November 2016, Jenner also launched its cosmetics line called Kylie Cosmetics: she created a vast amount of products such as matte lip kits, gloss lipsticks, eyeshadow palettes, eyeliner, blush and highlighter.

– The vast majority of mammal species give birth to live young, these are the placental mammals, most of which are classified as Eutheria and a small number are classified as marsupials.

– A majority of his vast fortune had been inherited via “La Grande Mademoiselle”.

– However, use of maps beyond mere location, led to the current vast collections of maps also showing economic areas, precipitation, average-temperature, political regions, earthquake fault-lines, etc.

– Neither Pompey nor the Senate thought of taking the vast treasury with them, probably thinking Caesar would not dare take it for himself.

- On chain-lift coasters, which are the vast majority, the ride begins when the train's center of gravity passes the highest point of the.

- From 1907 to 1916, she was the only physician regularly practicing in the vast desert between the Salton Sea and Palm Springs.

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