“vacuum” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “vacuum”:

– The most important ones are the top of the valence band, the bottom of the conduction band, the Fermi energy, the vacuum level, and the energy levels of any defect states in the crystals.

– The entire length of a beamline is normally kept under ultra high vacuum conditions.

– Sometimes composers have used things like typewriters, milk bottles or vacuum cleaners in their pieces.

– Water is poured into the Büchner funnel and the liquid passes through filter paper and is sucked up by a vacuum attached to the side of the Büchner flask, while the solid stays behind in the Büchner funnel.

– The standard space interval, called a metre, is defined as the distance traveled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of about 1/300,000,000 of a second.

– The surface of any liquid is an interface between that liquid and some other medium.In a mercury barometer, the upper liquid surface is an interface between the liquid and a vacuum containing some molecules of evaporated liquid.

– For example, new products such as telephones, radios, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, and others were being made on a large scale, but at a cheaper price.

– This used a hinged lever set into the pen barrel which pressed down onto a bar which in turn compressed a rubber sac inside, creating a vacuum which pulled ink into the pen.

vacuum - example sentences
vacuum – example sentences

Example sentences of “vacuum”:

- It is reached by choosing the earpiece, then using a vacuum cleaner to break in, then using glue to sneak past the Toppats, sending out a Robot Helper, melting the bones of a Toppat, hitting another Toppat with a stick, rerouting the power, and using a force gun to escape.

- Although the vacuum tube was invented by John Ambrose Fleming, it was Thomas Edison who later discovered the "Edison effect" which states that electricity does not necessarily need a solid material to move through; it can move through gas or vacuums as well.
- When creating a vacuum in the tube, a light discharge can be seen that goes from the cathode.

– It is reached by choosing the earpiece, then using a vacuum cleaner to break in, then using glue to sneak past the Toppats, sending out a Robot Helper, melting the bones of a Toppat, hitting another Toppat with a stick, rerouting the power, and using a force gun to escape.

– Although the vacuum tube was invented by John Ambrose Fleming, it was Thomas Edison who later discovered the “Edison effect” which states that electricity does not necessarily need a solid material to move through; it can move through gas or vacuums as well.

– When creating a vacuum in the tube, a light discharge can be seen that goes from the cathode.

– It is recommended to open windows to air out the room, and to clean up broken glass with duct tape instead of a vacuum cleaner.

– The video camera tube was a type of vacuum tube used to capture television images between the 1930s and 1980s.

– This is always defined as the speed of propagation in a vacuum Speeds through various material substances vary.

– It is still used in vacuum tube amplifiers.

– A vacuum bell, also called a suction cup, can be used to fix pectus excavatum.

– The vacuum hose should be connected to this barb.

– The cavity magnetron is a high-powered vacuum tube that makes microwaves using the interaction of a stream of electrons with a magnetic field.

– When Rudd was young, he learned to play the didgeridoo on a vacuum cleaner hose.

– The transistor was not only smaller but also needed less power and sounded better than the vacuum tubes.

– This allows the vacuum chamber for the particles to be a large thin circular pipe torus.

– Beyond this point, it is almost certain that the Universe will not have any baryonic matter and will be an almost pure vacuum until the heat death of the universe, assuming it does not happen before this.

– They suck food into their stomachs with vacuum force.

– Improved vacuum pumps and better materials made them shine longer and brighter late in the century.

– Transistors can be made much smaller than vacuum tubes and they can work using less energy.

– They assumed that vacuums actually “had” energy, and that way, if a particle that we think of as massless were to enter it, the energy from the vacuum would be transferred into that particle, giving it mass.

More in-sentence examples of “vacuum”:

– Air and vacuum have high reluctance.

– Some experiments in physics and chemistry need hard vacuum to keep any air or other gases from interfering with delicate surfaces or chemicals that can react.

– In the 19th century, Heinrich Geißler developed the Geissler tube,and Philipp Lenard did experiments that led to the development of the vacuum pump.

– There are also robots that help at home, to vacuum or run a lawn mower, for example.

– The French Capitulation of Alexandria left a power vacuum in the Ottoman province.

– Time is relative and the speed of light through a vacuum is the only constant.

– Without this realization, vacuum tubes would never have been invented.

– Sometimes it is just called a “vacuum” because it uses the force of a vacuum to suck dirt into a large roomchamber from which it can be dumped into the garbage.

– All electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light in a vacuum but they travel at slower speeds when they travel through a medium that is not a vacuum.

– After curing at high temperature in an autoclave, the laminate is pyrolized to convert the resin to carbon, impregnated with furfural alcohol in a vacuum chamber, and cured/pyrolized to convert the furfural alcohol to carbon.

– Early preamplifiers used vacuum tubes.

– Because of this, scientists can use a plasma window to create an area of vacuum while still letting radiation to move through it.

– By carefully controlling which bits of phosphor light up, a bright picture can be made on the front of the vacuum tube.

– Her mother, Betty Lou Motes, was a one-time church secretary and real estate agent, and her father, Walter Grady Roberts, was a vacuum cleaner salesman.

– This entire section must be under a good vacuum in order to have a the beam travel for a long distance.

– In addition, unlike vacuum tubes, they were much less likely to be damaged by being dropped and had extremely long life.

– A tube amplifier is a sound amplifier that uses vacuum tubes instead of transistors to amplify signal.

– They live with a number of human-like objects such as the Noo-noo, a blue vacuum cleaner, and the Voice Trumpets, a set of speakers shaped like shower heads.

– Two species of lichen were exposed to the vacuum of Outer spacespace, to cosmic radiation and huge swings of temperature.

– The magnetic permeability of a complete vacuum is 4π×10 H/m.

– Starting in the 1900s, devices used glass or metal vacuum tubes to control the flow of electricity.

– They affected everything from radios to phones and at the time manufacturers needed a smaller replacement for vacuum tubes.

– Electrical power was introduced in factories to drive machinery, and thus it became possible to introduce mass production to a number of factories, eg refrigerators, washing machines, vacuum cleaners and radio sets.

– A vacuum is a place where there is no matter, not even air.

– The vacuum chamber is used to keep the electron beam from constant interference from air.

– Soon, vacuum tube radios became rare.

– Up to that point, vacuum tubes and other components were so large that the traditional mounting and wiring methods were all that was needed.

– The Planck’s constant elementary formula in terms of proton-to-electron mass ratio, the charge of electron, speed of light and vacuum permittivity is derived in.

– Some companies use induction sealing and vacuum pouches to add to the shelf life of their products.

– Stresemann’s sudden and premature death, as well as the death of his “pragmatic moderate” French counterpart Aristide Briand in 1932, and the assassination of Briand’s successor Louis Barthou in 1934, left a vacuum in European statesmanship that further tilted the slippery slope towards World War II.

– In New York Fles first worked as a violinist, painting apartments, selling vacuum cleaners and for publishers.

– Gadd, who gives him the Poltergust 3000, a vacuum cleaner that is capable of capturing ghosts.

– Machines with many vacuum tubes were known to break a lot.

– They were vacuum tubes.

– He has more friends than the others but apparently “he doesn’t like any of them.” He frequently causes havoc or damage such as wiring the doorbell to a bomb to “pep it up a bit” and adding a small car engine to the vacuum cleaner as previously it “looked a bit on the tentative side” – which then proceeds to suck up the carpet, the floorboards and a friend of Neil’s.

– A false vacuum is an idea from theoretical physics: In quantum field theory, such a vacuum might exist for a very long time, before it changes its state.

– He showed that the rays produced by irradiating metals in a vacuum with ultraviolet light were like cathode rays.

– The vacuum makes the liquid evaporate at a low temperature than normal.

– Tube sound is the sound produced by a vacuum tube-based audio amplifier.

– It represents an air or vacuum pump.

– The traditional process used in these operations is vacuum distillation — essentially the boiling of water at less than atmospheric pressure, and thus a much lower temperature than normal.

– The plasma window is a real-live object that resembles the force field, it provides a separation between vacuum and gas.

– However, electronic amplifiers with vacuum tubes were heavy, and they produced a lot of heat.

– That sends both her and her captor into the vacuum of space.

– A vacuum cleaner is a device that cleans dust and wastedirt from floors.

– Eventually, they were also much cheaper than glass vacuum tubes.

– Machines using electric motors include: fans, washing machines, Refrigeratorfridges, pumps, and vacuum cleaners.

- Air and vacuum have high reluctance.

- Some experiments in physics and chemistry need hard vacuum to keep any air or other gases from interfering with delicate surfaces or chemicals that can react.

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