Use the word “treating”

How to use in-sentence of “treating”:

– It is only western philosophy that makes a distinction between the beautiful and the sublime; there is no such distinction in eastern philosophy.The first known work in philiosphy treating the sublime is called “On the Sublime”, and was written by an otherwise unknown writer who lived in the first or third century.

– A regular intake of turmeric can be helpful in treating a patient afflicted with cystic fibrosis, a condition caused by faulty genes.

– The system of treating foul water was first invented in London.

– There is no clear evidence that treating schizophrenia with anti-psychotic drugs early is effective.

– Alloy steels with appropriate heat treating provide much higher cutting resistance to bolt-cutters.

Use the word treating
Use the word treating

Example sentences of “treating”:

- Mild hypothermia is sometimes used on purpose by doctors for treating some medical problems.

- Other methods of prevention, include smoking cessation, and treating underlying illnesses, properly.

– Mild hypothermia is sometimes used on purpose by doctors for treating some medical problems.

– Other methods of prevention, include smoking cessation, and treating underlying illnesses, properly.

– However, treating the causes of marasmus is not enough.

– It was thought to be the way of the future in treating disabilities.

– Sodium aluminate is used in treating water and as an accelerator for drying of cement.

– Beck found no evidence that psychoanalysis is effective in treating depression.

– There are a few reasons why treating cancer is complicated.

– He began using hypnotism and suggestion as way of treating some of his patients.

– Messing with the blood-brain barrier may be key to treating a host of diseases.

– This led to the assumption that only the primary disease should be treated, and the secondary variety should be ignored in favor of treating only the underlying illness.

– It involves treating diseases that affect the production of blood, such as blood cells, hemoglobin, blood proteins, bone marrow, platelets, blood vessels, spleen, and the mechanism of coagulation.

– The other side of Reich’s story is that he was blamed to have invented a pseudoscience method for treating cancer.

– In the United States, the police have a history of racism and not treating minority groups right.

– That makes me a SPA? If this is how you are treating me simply because I do not contribute to this project as much as I do others, I am appalled.

– The emergency department is a part of a hospital for treating people who have just come to the hospital, need to be treated quickly even without an appointment.

More in-sentence examples of “treating”:

– In their first meeting in the company “El Neptuno” Marine shows to Damian a haughty attitude, treating him as an employee more, for its part, Damian ignored and is filed Marina showing his authority with his crew of witnesses.

– Police are treating it as suspected suicide.

– The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment says that the government has to give every person “the equal protection of its laws.” People who supported the addition to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, like Ted Kennedy, said that by not allowing 18- to 20-year-olds to vote, the government not treating them equally by not letting them vote.

– No pedagogy which is truly liberating can remain distant from the oppressed by treating them as unfortunates and by presenting for their emulation models from among the oppressors.

– Over 20 years later in 1895, German scientist Heinrich Dreser and his colleagues at the pharmaceutical company Bayer continued Wright’s studies and declared diacetylmorphine successful in treating many common respiratory ailments.

– DuoDote is not carried on many ambulances, but some special teams that specialize in treating poisons carry them.

– The five axes sum up all of the information that is most important to mental health professionals when they are treating a person.

– Police were first treating this as a possible but unconfirmed terrorist attack done by a suicide bomber until confirmed as a suicide bombing hours later.

– Here to propose a block/ban for the above user as it seems to me that he is seeing and treating Simple as a full on joke, and is only here so that he can get back onto

– Two of the main sellers of Wildside were the fact that their wrestlers were allowed to be more creative in the ring, and the announcers gave a correct showing to the product rather than treating it as a joke.

– Detoxification is often the first step in treating alcoholism.

– Antibiotics can be the most effective way of treating bacterial infections.

– It is a set of theories and ways of treating mental disorders.

– Separate from self-initiated play, play therapy is used as a clinical application of play aimed at treating children who suffer from trauma, emotional issues and other problems.

– The first step in treating a fistula is usually an examination by a doctor.

– In the past, doctors used different ways of treating depression.

– Hull had a creosote tie treating plant for the Charlotte Harbor and Northern Railroad.

– There is little scientific evidence that “Aloe vera” works for treating burns or sunburns or that it is safe for treating them.

– Toypurina’s people were very angry at the Spanish for treating them bad.

– Tolerance might mean toleration, treating everyone the same, even if your opinions are different to each others, or your race, religion, or practices are.

– Uricosuric drugs are preferred for treating gout if there is not enough uric acid in the urine defined by a 24-hour collection of urine with less than 800mg of uric acid.

– Paracelsus thought that it was good for treating almost anything.

– Water treatment is treating water to make it suitable to be used.

– It is standard practice in treating BDD to convince sufferers that surgical procedures are not necessary because eradicating their first perceived defect through surgery will only make them start obsessing about their next perceived defect, whereas those people properly diagnosed as “transsexual” under GID benefit greatly from surgical procedures specifically targeted at their primary or secondary sex characteristics.

– Researchers have not yet found a link between autism and serotonin, although they have been successful in treating autism with SSRIs, which stop cells from absorbing serotonin, meaning more is used for signals.

– Currently, LSD is being investigated as a clinical tool for treating people with anxiety and depression associated with having a terminal illness.

- In their first meeting in the company "El Neptuno" Marine shows to Damian a haughty attitude, treating him as an employee more, for its part, Damian ignored and is filed Marina showing his authority with his crew of witnesses.

- Police are treating it as suspected suicide.
- The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment says that the government has to give every person "the equal protection of its laws." People who supported the addition to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, like Ted Kennedy, said that by not allowing 18- to 20-year-olds to vote, the government not treating them equally by not letting them vote.

– There are various manners for treating anxiety disorders.

– He wanted them to take the drama of his operas seriously instead of treating the music as a way of showing off their voices.

– If it is caused by a disease, sometimes treating the disease will reduce the problem.

– The causes range from mild to very severe and life-threatenting, so simply treating symptoms may not be enough.

– They give it to projects like education in the United States and treating AIDS in Third World countries.

– Burton wrote that music and dance were critical in treating mental illness, especially melancholia.

– Back then, people could get away with treating Indigenous women badly because very few people at the time cared about Indigenous women like they cared about white women.

– Glucocorticoids have been found to be as effective as NSAIDs for treating gout.

– Huppert Roth: Treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with Exposure and Response Prevention.

– They are good at treating Depression atypical depression, Parkinson’s disease, anxiety disorders, social phobia and have also shown to help people to stop smoking tobacco.

– He became popular for treating his patients’ illnesses in unusual ways.

– He said that the band was no more than “a manufactured product of a major-label.” He also blame Hayley Williams for treating the rest of the group members as her solo project.

– X-rays are not useful for treating acute gout attacks.

– Heat treating is used for pieces of metal, for certain alloys, and for certain types of plastic.

– Although HAART can be an effective means to treating HIV, there can be many negative side effects.

– With ceramics, a form of heat treating is part of the production process, and is called sintering.

– Before 22:59 GMT his publicist stated that he had “passed away peacefully” and Thames Valley Police said they were treating the death as unexplained and there were no suspicious circumstances.

– A final finish is got by rubbing the surface with pumice, and treating it with lime or chalk.

– On 25th of November 1901, Alzheimer started treating a new patient, called Auguste Deter.

– Humanistic therapy creates an effective means of getting to the source of a problem and treating it properly.

– One study by Evgeny Krupitsky has found that using ketamine along with psychotherapy and group therapy was a lot more effective at treating alcohol addiction than the traditional treatment.

– Stories about Cubans being good people and Spain treating Cuba badly soon showed up on his front page.

– A dental assistant helps the dentist when they are treating a patient.

– There is some experience that CBD has a positive effect in managing and treating chronic pain, Post-traumatic stress disorderPTSD, depression, diabetes type 1, diabetes type 2, seizures, and also combined with allopathic approaches to diseases including chemotherapy and radiation therapy for treating cancer.

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