Use the word “transition”

How to use in-sentence of “transition”:

– The seventh season covers the lead-up to the general election, the election, and the transition to a new administration.

– The glass transition temperature “T”, of the crystalline state of the material, if one exists.

– Egyptians believed in life after death, and that death was just a transition from one life to another.

– Bush presidential campaign, 20002000 presidential campaign and worked in the Bush-Cheney Transition on the National Security Council.

– The remainder of the match will be divided between transition moves and general offensive and defensive moves.

– To show their true gender as men, trans men may transition from living as women to living as men.

– Professor Phelps became interested in the Eastern European transition economies while there.

Use the word transition
Use the word transition

Example sentences of “transition”:

– In chemistry, silver is element 47, a transition metal.

– Most other transition metal and post-tranansition metal hydroxides do not dissolve in water.

– A trans man’s transition can include telling family and friends, wearing different clothes, flattening the chest, using a new name, changing legal papers, using medical treatments of testosterone, and changing the body with surgery.

– Chemists also study a polymer’s heatthermal properties such as its glass transition temperature and melting temperature.

– However, many persons disagreed, and they wanted a fast transition to market economy even if it meant dissolution of the Soviet Union.

– The Bantustans were abolished in May 1989 in the transition to independence.

– The transition metals usually form coloured ions.

– That means the transition from a quadrupedal archosaur reptile to a bipedal form took place before the dinosaurs evolved.

– In this kind of material, current passes through the material until it reaches the transition temperature, at which point the circuit breaks and current flow stops.

- In chemistry, silver is element 47, a transition metal.

- Most other transition metal and post-tranansition metal hydroxides do not dissolve in water.
- A trans man's transition can include telling family and friends, wearing different clothes, flattening the chest, using a new name, changing legal papers, using medical treatments of testosterone, and changing the body with surgery.

– After a statistically sufficient quantity of time, an electron in an excited state will undergo a transition to a lower state.

– In general, middle school acts as a transition between the elementary school structure where most people are all treated the same and the high school structure were most people are treated as individuals.

– For Complex coordination complexes containing transition metals, the valence shell consists of 18 electrons.

– It has transition metal carbene complex intermediates.

– On September 5, 2020, he was named a co-chair of the Biden-Harris Transition Team, which is planning Biden’s presidential transition.

– Thereby the transition of Eilenburg to an industrial city was advanced significantly.

More in-sentence examples of “transition”:

– The transition metals are a group of metals that are found in the middle of the periodic table.

– The transition from an agricultural to an industrial economy took more than a century in the United States, they lagged far behind their mother country, England.

– Temples marked the transition of Hinduism from the Vedic religion of ritual sacrifices to a religion of Bhakti or love and devotion to a personal deity.

– The digital television transition can be used instead.

– She is known for her reporting during the Spanish transition to democracyTransition to Democracy period in Spain.

– However, “Renaissance” is properly used in relation to a diverse series of cultural developments; which occurred over several hundred years in many different parts of Europe—especially central and northern Italy—and span the transition from late Medieval civilization and the opening of the early modern period.

– The find strongly suggests that the animals were fish, not amphibia, when the transition to limbs occurred.

– Silvia Federici tied the witch hunts to a history of the female body in the transition to capitalism.

– The ultimate goal in this practice is to transition past the use of icons, recognize the Absolute symbolized by the icons, on the path to realizing the nondual identity of one’s Atman and the Brahman.

– On September 12, 2019, SBN closed down UHF Channel 21’s analog signal in preparation of the DTV transition implementation.

– Manganese is a silvery-gray metal and is part of the group known as the transition metals.

– The transition between the two happened during the change from the medieval world to the modern world, in the Europe of the later 15th century.

– Research at Centrale Nantes is centred on three main priorities: factory of the future, energy transition and engineering for health.

– It can attach to certain transition metals.

– It is worth noting that roentgenium has unknown chemical properties, but is probably a transition metal.

– Other elements in the transition metals can be harmful to our body, like cadmium and mercury.

– Globally, forced labour generates $31bn, half of it in the industrialised world, a tenth in transition countries, the International Labour Organization says in a report on forced labour.

– Cobalt compounds are toxic in large quantities, like any other transition metal compounds.

– Dance historian Lynn Garafola believes Petipa “had an incalculable effect on Russian ballet.” She points out that he supervised the transition from Romanticism to Classicism in Russian ballet, and fused the Italian bravura and French lyrical techniques.

– He was the deputy and interim prime minister of Spain during the Spanish transition to democracy in the late 1970s.

– He was also one of the Fathers of the Constitution of 1978 and had a key role during his nation’s transition to democracy.

– It was additionally praised for showing Lopez’s transition from her acting career to a music career.

– The solar transition region is the part of the Sun’s atmosphere, between the chromosphere and outer part called the corona.

– A reaction will be more reactive if the energy of its transition is low.

– Only a disrotatory mode, in which symmetry about a reflection plane is maintained throughout the reaction, would result in maximum orbital overlap in the transition state.

– LPU understand that most of their students are moving away from home for the first time, so they strive to make the transition as smooth as possible.

– The Polish team suggest the fish tetrapod transition might have taken place as early as the Lower Devonian.

– The goal of the advisory board is to create ideas and rules on how to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States during Biden’s transition period.

– By now, many physicists’ interpretation of the apparent transition from the quantum to the classical realms is not wavefunction collapse, but quantum decoherence.

– Villaraigosa served as a national co-chairman of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 2008 Presidential campaign, and as a member of President of the United StatesPresident Barack Obama’s Transition Economic Advisory Board.

– Epaye was in the transition council.

– One possibility is that a transition between “H.

– Asked what democratic models Myanmar could look to, she said: “We have many, many lessons to learn from various places, not just the AsiaAsian countries like eastern European countries, which made the transition from communist autocracy to democracy in the 1980s and 1990s, and the Latin American countries, which made the transition from military governments.

– He then joined government service as the interim Minister of the Budget of President Corazon Aquino during the transition period following the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution.

– It is worth noting that meitnerium has unknown chemical properties, but is probably a transition metal.

– He formed a transition council to help with the change in government.

– He was a member of the presidential campaign staff and transition team for Ronald Reagan in 1980.

– Other principles, such as Čerenkov light and transition radiation, have also been applied to detect particles.

– The record crowd still remains at 121,696, who watched that most history-making of all Grand Finals in 1970, between Carlton and Collingwood, where Carlton came from a 44-point deficit at half-time to win the game by implementing an entirely new system of play, handballing out of the backline, which changed the game forever, and marked the beginnings of the transition of the game from one of a ‘territorial’ base to ‘possession football’.

– A pericyclic reaction is one that involves a transition state with a cyclic array of atoms and an associated cyclic array of interacting orbitals.

– This suggests that the transition is not quite complete, and some readers might not know about the new rules.

– It collapsed in 1991 as initially Slovenia, than Croatia, later other republics claimed higher independence and transition to parliamentary democracies.

– The precise event which signaled the transition of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire is a matter of interpretation.

– Bashkardi has numerous dialects and these dialects form a transition from Larestani to Balochi.

– In “Amphistium”, the transition from the typical symmetrical head of a vertebrate is incomplete, with one eye placed near the top-center of the head.

– The question of how land animals evolved into ocean-going leviathans was a mystery until recent discoveries in Pakistan revealed several stages in the transition of cetaceans from land to sea.

– The new place, which won the support of Abbasids who were fighting the Umayyads, was fully adopted after a transition period of several centuries, and the direction of the newly built mosques began to be built towards the new Mecca.

- The transition metals are a group of metals that are found in the middle of the periodic table.

- The transition from an agricultural to an industrial economy took more than a century in the United States, they lagged far behind their mother country, England.

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