Use the word “therapeutic”

How to use in-sentence of “therapeutic”:

+ In 1935, Komisarenko defended his dissertation and worked as a senior researcher at the Ukrainian Organ Therapeutic Institute, and two years later he was appointed director of the institute.

+ A review published in 2008 found no documented reports of negative or positive health effects associated with the amount of taurine used in energy drinks, including Red Bull, concluding that “The amounts of guarana, taurine, and ginseng found in popular energy drinks are far below the amounts expected to deliver either therapeutic benefits or adverse events.

+ This formulation is designed to provide therapeutic effect and plasma concentrations.

+ This in turn led to therapeutic nihilism for many patients labeled “secondary” pulmonary hypertension, and could have contributed to their deaths.

+ He also made a decisive contribution to an antiserum against diphtheria, and developed a method for standardizing therapeutic serums.

+ In the past was consumed for its therapeutic benefits.

+ The use of hypnotism for therapeutic purposes is referred to as ‘hypnotherapy’, while its use as a form of entertainment for an audience is known as ‘stage hypnosis’.

Use the word therapeutic
Use the word therapeutic

Example sentences of “therapeutic”:

+ Freud hoped that his research would provide a solid scientific basis for his therapeutic technique.

+ This is where Mr Mahomed is said to have added an Indian treatment, champi or therapeutic massage, to Cochrane’s bath which became very fashionable.

+ Medical social workers also need to have good analytical and excellent assessment skills, an ability to communicate the medical language with both patients and the family is necessary, and an ability to quickly and effectively establish a therapeutic relationship with patients.

+ Medication with a narrow margin are more difficult to dose and give to a person, and may require therapeutic drug monitoring.

+ Some ribozymes may play an important role as therapeutic agents, as enzymes which target defined RNA sequences for cleavage, as biosensors, and for applications in genomics and gene discovery.

+ Mercury is still used in some diuretics, although other things can be used for most therapeutic uses.

+ There are therapeutic boarding schools which offer treatment for psychological difficulties.

+ Even in these cases, therapeutic abortion is often legal.

+ After graduating from the institute in 1932, he was enrolled in the graduate school of the Ukrainian Organ Therapeutic Institute in Kharkiv.

+ It led to erroneous therapeutic decisions, i.e.

+ The therapeutic effect is achieved by the neutralization of traumatic emotional experiences and the progressive reorganization of the psychic structures to include previously unacceptable mental contents, too.

+ This is the point where rate of drug availability equals rate of elimination, and the optimum therapeutic effect is reached.

+ Freud hoped that his research would provide a solid scientific basis for his therapeutic technique.

+ This is where Mr Mahomed is said to have added an Indian treatment, champi or therapeutic massage, to Cochrane's bath which became very fashionable.

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