Use the word “tell of”

How to use in-sentence of “tell of”:

– However, some less formal sources do tell of scolds being punished with scold’s bridles.

– The carvings round the side tell of various episodes in the lives of the imperial couple.

– The Synoptic Gospels all tell of Jesus using the bread and wine as symbols of his body and blood.

– From that and from memory, it can tell of what kind the object is.

– The tales tell of great rivalry between Amaterasu and Susano’o.

– Chapters 9 to 11 tell of a future time when the nations around them would be destroyed by an army, but Jerusalem would be kept from destruction.

– The Synoptic Gospels tell of this happening near the end of Jesus’ life.

– They tell of the harsh life of the time, and of people and events including bushrangers, swagmen, drovers, stockmen and shearers.

Use the word tell of
Use the word tell of

Example sentences of “tell of”:

– Their legends tell of a battle between the sky god Skell and Llao, the god of the underworld.

– He also wrote a story which might tell of his own experience.

– Both types of magazine are made of polymer, and drum magazines have their rear side made from translucent polymer to tell of the number of shot shells left.

– While the lovers read the story of an opera which seems to tell of their own lives, the mother screams and Živný tears up the music of the opera.

– These lyrics often tell of suffering, dying, and war.

– One of these quotes is from Chapter 9, verse 9, “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, your King comes unto you: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon a donkey.” All four Gospels tell of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey and two of them say that Zechariah told of this ahead of time.

– The piece is in five acts which each tell of different things.

– The tales tell of great between Susano’o and his sister.

– Other ancient accounts tell of him going to China and Indonesia.

- Their legends tell of a battle between the sky god Skell and Llao, the god of the underworld.

- He also wrote a story which might tell of his own experience.
- Both types of magazine are made of polymer, and drum magazines have their rear side made from translucent polymer to tell of the number of shot shells left.

– Feldman apparently was at liberty to tell of the divorce being granted, he said he could not tell where in Mexico it was obtained.” The report further stated that “The Fosters created something of a sensation when they disclosed that they were trying to remain happily married while living in separate homes.

– His “Gedichte” tell of Britain’s glories in days gone by.

– Some EgyptEgyptian and Canaanite writings tell of gods being resurrected, such as Osiris and Baal.

– They often tell of the difficulties and struggles for the working poor people.

– The chorus tell of their despair.

– Freyja was renowned for her loveliness and beauty, as the myths tell of three giants who wanted to marry her, but they were all killed by Thor, the god of thunder.

– The parable is one of three that tell of loss and redemption.

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