Use the word “sharply”

How to use in-sentence of “sharply”:

+ This is a go quickly based timed ski race, where skiers go over snow quickly down a sloping sharply direction that can be Skiers can race in the downhill at the Paralympic Games.

+ The beak was long, thin, sharply pointed, and lacked teeth.

+ It was very different from the old-style operas where music was divided sharply into arias and recitatives with a few choruses.

+ He gradually stopped writing music which has set numbers all the time: music divided sharply into arias and recitative.

+ The fruit is a small, sharply three–anglend nut 10–15mm long.

+ Kartal behind the coast the land rises sharply up to Yakacık Hill and Aydos, on these hills the land is fertile.

Use the word sharply
Use the word sharply

Example sentences of “sharply”:

+ As a Labour backbencher, Livingstone lost the public platform he possessed as head of the GLC; furthermore, his brand of radical socialism was increasingly out of step with the Labour leadership, which had moved sharply towards the centre under the leadership of Neil Kinnock who now blamed left-wingers like Livingstone for Labour’s ‘unelectability.’ Over the long term, though, it was Livingstone rather than Kinnock who was to achieve electoral success.

+ It caused a lot of trouble, and the approval rating of the president sharply decreased.

+ This method contrasts sharply with Herodotus’ earlier work “The Histories”, which jumps around chronologically.

+ They have alternate, simple, single- or doubly-serrate leaves, usually asymmetric at the base and sharply pointed at the tip.

+ In some parts of Australia the people used sharp flaked-stone spearheads, but most Aboriginal spears were made of sharply pointed wood.

+ The cultivation of buckwheat grain declined sharply in the 20th century with the adoption of nitrogen fertilizer which increased the productivity of other staples.

+ The park protects of sharply Erosioneroded rocks, and the largest undisturbed prairie in the United States.

+ Uranus and Both have magnetic fields that are sharply inclined to their axes of rotation.

+ The pilot lowers the aircraft’s nose to increase speed, then pulls up sharply to the vertical.

+ Women’s fertility peaks between ages 22–26, and after 35 it starts to sharply decline.

+ Also, the recoil from the.500 magnum round is more sharply felt since the recoil speed is much greater.

+ As a Labour backbencher, Livingstone lost the public platform he possessed as head of the GLC; furthermore, his brand of radical socialism was increasingly out of step with the Labour leadership, which had moved sharply towards the centre under the leadership of Neil Kinnock who now blamed left-wingers like Livingstone for Labour's 'unelectability.' Over the long term, though, it was Livingstone rather than Kinnock who was to achieve electoral success.

+ It caused a lot of trouble, and the approval rating of the president sharply decreased.

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