Use the word “practise”

How to use in-sentence of “practise”:

+ It can be quite painful to practise them a lot.

+ Kunnamthanam organized mass yoga practise with 5,000 people.

+ Majority of the population of the district practise Hinduism.

+ Most citizens are Roman Catholics, but only about 20% practise it.

+ Saint-Saëns makes them seem rather stupid as they practise their scales.

Use the word practise
Use the word practise

Example sentences of “practise”:

+ In 1540–1541 he visited the famous medical university of Montpellier, took his degree of doctor of medicine at Basel, and then settled down to practise at Zürich, where he obtained the post of lecturer in physics at the Carolinum, the precursor of the University of Zürich.

+ People who are playing on their own can practise with a metronome to help them to play to a steady beat.

+ The Constitution of 1992 provides for the equality of citizens of all faiths as well as the freedom to practise any religion.

+ John Chrysostom wrote that unlike other pagan rulers of the Romans, Philip was tolerant to the Christians and let them practise their faith openly.

+ This is why it is so useful to practise scales.

+ It is a good way to build parks in practise for the ‘Career Mode’.

+ She attended Oustass Keita Dara, where she learned to practise her religion, Islam.

+ For example: when he was young violinists and cellists were taught to practise with a book under the right arm.

+ Students at music colleges will also practise orchestration by taking piano music and arranging it for orchestra.

+ Historically, money lending had been a fairly common occupation among Jews, perhaps because Christians were not allowed to practise usury.

+ Potts finished his book with the words: “Thus were these poore Innocent creatures, by the great care and paines of this honourable Judge, delivered from the danger of this Conspiracie; this bloudie practise of the Priest laid open”.

+ It is a good idea for people who play keyboard instruments or other kinds of transposing instruments to practise transposing.

+ They could be put one on top of another so that an organist could practise music written for a two-manual organ.

+ Sometimes they even had pedals for organists to practise this skill.

+ Cula-sila deals with the Ten Precepts to be practised by devout buddhists, while Majjhima-sila gives a detailed description of the practice of the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth precepts, together with the practise of plant conservation and speech etiquette.

+ The school also has a specialised music corridor for students to practise their instruments this leads straight into the hall.

+ It was used as a practice instrument by harpsichord players, or by organists who wanted to practise at home instead of in a church.

+ There young players can practise their skills.

+ There are various faiths that practise same-sex marriages, including Eckankar, Wicca, Unitarian Universalism, Raelism, and Native American religions with a two-spirit tradition.

+ He often travelled to Bradford to practise alongside professional player Joe Johnson.

+ In 1540–1541 he visited the famous medical university of Montpellier, took his degree of doctor of medicine at Basel, and then settled down to practise at Zürich, where he obtained the post of lecturer in physics at the Carolinum, the precursor of the University of Zürich.

+ People who are playing on their own can practise with a metronome to help them to play to a steady beat.

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