Use the word “personally”

How to use in-sentence of “personally”:

– I have personally blocked confirmed sockpuppets of sockpuppeteers from English that SULed here.

– Its post-WWII revival in London was personally supervised by Nijinska.

– I am personally am not a fan of mass stub creation, and am highlighting this for the community’s attention.

– Extremely proud of her unlikely heritage, she feels personally compelled to over-explain every chance she gets.

– During this investigation he gets personally involved with the prime suspect, Catherine Tramell.

– As for the “need” argument, I don’t personally feel that it is that much of an issue and am trying to stay out of it myself.

Use the word personally
Use the word personally

Example sentences of “personally”:

– Meanwhile, Jackson was personally doing reconnaissance.

– This discussion is getting to a level of drama causing multiple good faith admins to feel they are being personally attacked.

– After that the new Governor-General, Domhnall Ua Buachalla, personally leased a private mansion in the southside of Dublin.

– Parnell was personally shown to be innocent by the Parnell Commission in 1888-89.

– This should not be used as evidence for the claim that I personally attack people, as it is now an invalid accusation.

– Of the energy used in this sector, about 65% is used by gasoline-powered vehicles, mostly personally owned.

– Hippolytus of Rome knew Sabellius personally and mentioned him in the “Philosophumena”.

- Meanwhile, Jackson was personally doing reconnaissance.

- This discussion is getting to a level of drama causing multiple good faith admins to feel they are being personally attacked.
- After that the new Governor-General, Domhnall Ua Buachalla, personally leased a private mansion in the southside of Dublin.

– TL:DR; None of the “keep” votes show any valid reasoning to keep and are all from editors personally involved with the article and the moement behind it.

– While the person has certainly done a PhD, and won a competition, they are relatively young, and personally I think that we can discuss about notability.

– I try to avoid the VGA/GA process, etc, unless there are glaring errors as I personally believe getting articles promoted has more to do with how many friends the nominator has on IRC than the quality of the article.

– The main controversy about Higgs’s case was that Higgs did not personally kill any of the three victims.

More in-sentence examples of “personally”:

- Lorentz was one of few scientists who supported Einstein's search for general relativity from the beginning – he wrote several research papers and discussed with Einstein personally and by letter.

- Shouldn't it be appropriate that we agree on either form to have a uniform criteria in these cases? Which leads me to the second point: which one is the one we should actually follow? I personally lean towards the first one, as it appears to be simpler; but I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter before putting it into practice.

– Lorentz was one of few scientists who supported Einstein’s search for general relativity from the beginning – he wrote several research papers and discussed with Einstein personally and by letter.

– Shouldn’t it be appropriate that we agree on either form to have a uniform criteria in these cases? Which leads me to the second point: which one is the one we should actually follow? I personally lean towards the first one, as it appears to be simpler; but I’d like to hear your thoughts on the matter before putting it into practice.

– I personally would like to see BG7 regain his mop but did not feel, in light of the method of his losing it in the first place, and in light of a poor example set onwiki with regards to comments that people have found insulting, that I would make use of discretion and promote.

– At the time of his death, he had personally performed some 500 kidney transplants, the most performed by any physician in the world at that time.

– Muammar Gaddafi admitted Libya’s responsibility for the Lockerbie bombing and paid compensation to the victims’ families in 2003, though he maintained that he never personally gave the order for the attack.

– I’ve personally reverted changes by two of these IPs, and, featuring this vandalism, but also the other IPs featured with the same repeating edits on Mike Enzi.

– I personally do not suggest the second and third way at all.

– Android 18’s personally and behavior is calm, cool and confident and is somewhat sarcastic.

– I personally would like to be a part of this “committee”, seeing as I participate regularly in the said processes.

– I have experience closing discussions on both wiki’s based on the consensus that has formed and I have no problem closing discussion with the opposite result than the one I might personally want.

– Drastic? Yes! But needed, I personally think so.

– In this part, he described his concern that the Attorney General of the United States cannot be personally sued just because lower courts in some parts of the United States have made legal decisions opposing his policies.

– The present collection of Crown Jewels contains various crowns, some of which are used by every Sovereign, others being made personally for Sovereigns or for the Queen’s Consort.

– Nearly everything cited is connected to Smart personally and/or very obviously paid for, and most are unreliable.

– Marling has toured with a number of well-known Indie rockindie artists in the UK including Jamie T, who personally invited her on tour with him last year after he attended her second-ever gig.

– I personally think you have great chances of being awarded the status change.

– No one is saying you personally are stupid.

– I did not personally attack.

– Frederick frequently led his military forces personally and had six horses shot from under him during battle.

– If they believe that the most important factor in any decision is how they will personally benefit, then self-interested or even selfish behavior would be rational.

– In the mean time, many things have happened to our VGA and GA process and criteria, and I’m personally not hopeful that we can gather enough VGAs in near future to update the Main Page selected articles list fully.

– At times, she personally led the House of Lancaster into battle.

– I personally do not feel these do ont belong here; I would therefore invite all to participate and clean up these things.

– One is to Russia Today, which I personally don’t think is a reliable source, but the other one looks okay.

– He reproduces what he had seen and learnt, and not what he had himself personally experienced.

– Among many gifts to churches, she also personally endowed the bishoprics of Cape Town, and Adelaide.

– Saint-Mars was personally responsible for the well-being of the man in the iron mask.

– Voltaire believed in a God but did not believe in a God personally involved in people’s lives, like the Christian God.

– Some of the Society were personally attacked; Priestley’s house was burned to the ground.

– She also personally experiences pressures from the Chinese authorities for publicly voicing opinions because she is the wife of one of China’s most prominent human rights advocates.

– Originally, Presidents personally delivered State of the Union Addresses to Congress every year.

– Though several wikis use them liberally to show things like FA/GA-status, I personally find that message-box banners distract considerably from the content.

– Mandela personally supported him during his impeachment trial in 1998.

Personally, my reasons for allowing fair-use have all been given in the proposal and I am personally unable to offer more valid reasoning than what I have already offered.

– Mann personally visited every school in the state to inspect it.

– I personally like the little stars we have up there now but I am obviously biased and will fold to what others want.

– I personally do not see encyvlopedic notability and propose deleting the article.

– I can find no news sources about him personally, and the only link on this page is to the website of his personally founded society.

– I’d personally like to them having an RfA here.

– He started to preach his religious teachings back in 1945 or 1946 before he personally encountered difficulties with communism.

– Offa, very involved in church affairs, presided over church councils personally in 786-7.

– BTW: Are there any Wikinews editors willing to contribute ? – Personally I am not sure that by ourselves we have the manpower; we are struggling with DYK as it is.

– The legitimacy of the autocratic Romanovs was weakened further by the fact that Nicholas II had personally taken command of the armed forces and thus each further retreat and defeat would damage the reputation of the regime.

– Even though Alex Trebek loved the sketches, he personally liked Eugene Levy as a better portrayer of him.

– I personally think this closes down the legal objection to fair-use images.

– If so, go ahead; I am personally glad for every additional editor we have.

– Yes, there might be some mistakes done by some users but taking it personally and looking their 1 mistakes above their hundreds of helpful contributions was never our policy.

– Wagner’s music had not been performed in Israel since 1938 because Wagner had been accused of being anti-Jewish and because he had been Hitler’s favourite composer, but of course Hitler had not known Wagner personally he just happened to love his music and operas like millions of other people did and still do.

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