Use the word “persia”

How to use in-sentence of “persia”:

+ Islamic rule expanded westward across North Africa and into Hispania and eastward through Persia and ultimately to Sindh and Punjab regionPunjab in modern-day Pakistan.

+ Shaykh Ahmad-i-Ahsa’i started a Shi’a Islam religious group in Persia in the 1790s.

+ When King Xerxes of Persia fought the Greeks of Asia Minor, Athens helped the Greeks in Asia Minor.

+ When Persia was taken over by Muslims the game was spread to all parts of the Muslim world.

+ During this time it was the capital of Persia for the second time in its history.

+ Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography, William Smith, 1870, pp.210, Aria’na The Middle Persian name of the SassaniansSassanian Empire, an empire that ruled Persia from the 3rd century to the 7th century, was “Eran-shar” meaning the “Aryan Empire”.

+ Today Persia is called Iran.

Use the word persia
Use the word persia

Example sentences of “persia”:

+ Then, Alexander the Great took the country by fighting and the “Achaemenid dynasty” of Persia later ruled.

+ These factors made the Islamic conquest of Persia easier than it would have been in earlier times.

+ The wars between Athens and Sparta allowed Persia to take back all she had lost in the Greco–Persian wars, until finally Alexander the Great put an end to the Achaemenid Empire.

+ In 480 BC, Xerxes I of Persia tried to capture Greece.

+ Other people took Persia by warfi\ghting, like the Turks.

+ It was put down in 494 BC, but Darius I of Persia was keen to punish Athens for its role in the revolt.

+ The name Persia was used when dealing with other countries and in government papers.

+ Humayun was forced to go to Persia in exile, for 15 years.

+ Both the Shah of Persia and the King of Romania asked Morell to be their personal doctors, but Morell refused.

+ Chatrang, or Shatranj, was the name given to the early game of History of chesschess when it travelled to Persia and then to the Arab world.

+ In Sassanid Persia around 600 the name became “Chatrang” and the rules were developed further, and players started calling “Shāh!” when the king could not escape from attack.

+ Ardashir I was an energetic king, responsible for the resurgence not just of Persia but of Iranian-speaking peoples as a unified nation, the strengthening of Zoroastrianism, and the establishment of a dynasty that would endure for four centuries.

+ In oriental countries like Persia or Turkey, it means a building which is rather more larger and grander than that.

+ In 1747, after Nader Shah of Persia was killed, a great leader named Ahmad Shah Durrani united all the different Muslim tribes and established the Afghan Empire.

+ They were included in the empires of Persia and Alexander the Great, and they mixed with later invaders like the Mauryans, Kushans and Hepthalites.

+ Then, Alexander the Great took the country by fighting and the "Achaemenid dynasty" of Persia later ruled.

+ These factors made the Islamic conquest of Persia easier than it would have been in earlier times.

More in-sentence examples of “persia”:

+ In the 7th century AD, Persia was conquered by Islamic Arabs, and most Persians became Muslims.

+ An army from Persia came to fight the army of Athens.
+ All of the great ancient civilizations, such as Ancient Egypt, Ancient IndiaIndia, China, Greece, Rome and Persia had works and styles of art.

+ In the 7th century AD, Persia was conquered by Islamic Arabs, and most Persians became Muslims.

+ An army from Persia came to fight the army of Athens.

+ All of the great ancient civilizations, such as Ancient Egypt, Ancient IndiaIndia, China, Greece, Rome and Persia had works and styles of art.

+ Over hundreds of years, the idea of zero was passed from country to country, from India and Babylon to other places, like Greece, Persia and the Arab world.

+ Zoroastrianism was the state religion of Persia starting in the 6th century BC, including the Sassanid dynasty.

+ Since he was less than ten years old when he became shah, the job of governing Persia was given to the grand vizier Saru Taqi.

+ Jalâluddîn Rumi was born in 1207 in Balkh Persia in what is today Afghanistan.

+ They did not want Persia to rule them anymore.

+ Many people became Bábís in the country of Iran, which was called Persia at the time, and this made the government of Persia and the Muslim priests angry.

+ The earliest written evidence of chess is found in three Epic poetryromances written in Sassanid Persia around 600.

+ In the end, Russia won and gained lots of land from Persia but had lost a lot of men from fighting.

+ Mongol armies established permanent control of Persia and expanded westward under the command of Batu Khan to take over Russia.

+ Aristotle encouraged Alexander toward eastern conquest, and his attitude towards Persia was ethnocentric.

+ They ruled Delhi Sultanate in the past and also Persia between 1725 to 1729 until they established the last Afghan empire that became what is now Afghanistan.

+ Alexander broke the power of Persia in a series of decisive battles, most notably the battles of Issus and Gaugamela.

+ It existed with Darius III of Persia and Alexander the Great.

+ In Sassanid Persia around 600 the name became Chatrang and the rules were developed further, and players started calling “Shāh!” when the king could not escape from attack.

+ The Mongol empire branched into the Ilkhanate of Persia and the Chagatai Khaganate of Central Asia.

+ The Persian Gulf naming dispute is about the name of the body of water known historically and internationally as the Persian Gulf, after the land of Persia the old Name of Iran.

+ Moreover, many of the peoples living under the rule of these empires, for example Jews and Christians in Persia and MonophysitismMonophysites in Syria, were disloyal and sometimes even welcomed the Arab invaders, largely because of religious conflict in both empires.

+ The expedition against Persia had been long in the works, and Alexander did not make it a secret that he planned to avenge the attacks on Greece by Persia a century and a half before, despite that at the time his kingdom had been a Persian vassal state.

+ Pheidippides gives word of the Greek victory over Persia at the Battle of Marathon to the people of Athens.

+ Nakhchivan became part of the Safavid dynasty of Persia in the sixteenth century.

+ Russo-Persian War: At the start of the war Persia was already in chaos and was about to collapse.

+ The modern era saw the rise of three powerful Muslim empires: the Ottoman Empire of the Middle East and Europe, the Safavid dynastySafavid Empire of Persia and Central Asia, and the colonial powers of Europe.

+ The Durrani dynasty diminished in the early 19th century when Afghanistan was fighting defensive wars with Persia on one side and British India on the other side.

+ They existed in Persia in the 9th century.Ahmad al-Hassan, Donald Hill: Islamic Technology.

+ He was the grandson of Shah Nawaz Khan Safavi, the Safavid Emperor of Persia and father of Azam Shah’s mother.

+ Basseries are Persian.They are the survivors of Pasargadean tribe, the biggest tribe of Persia in Achaemenid Empire period.They speak Persian with a different accent.They are Shia Muslims.

+ It started in Persia in one of the capitals of the Achaemenid Empire in Persis.

+ The Islamic conquest of Persia and the end of the Sassanid Empire was a turning point in Iranian history.

+ The last ruler of the Sassanid Empire in Persia was defeated by the Rashidun in 633 and 636, but the final military victory didn’t come until 642 when the Persian army was destroyed.

+ They faced Persia and the Germanic tribes.

+ Mahmud Hotaki, son of Mirwais, ruled Persia until he died in 1725 and then his cousin Ashraf HotakiAshraf ruled until 1729 when Nader Shah Afshar defeated him.

+ The following table provides a glimpse of the changes in the names and character of chess pieces, as they passed from one culture to another, from India through Persia to Europe:Murray H.J.R.

+ In the late sixth century the territory of Albania became again an arena of wars between Sassanian Persia and the Byzantine/Eastern Roman Empire.

+ These features already existed in Persia before Islam.

+ The Sassanid Empire from Persia supported the Lakhmids, and Rome supported the Ghassanids.

+ However, Persia was still dangerous.

+ It was started in Persia in the middle of the 19th century.

+ Oars mounted on the side of ships for steering are documented from the 3rd millennium BC in Persia and Ancient Egypt in artwork, wooden models, and even parts of actual boats of that times.

+ During his reign, Shapur II of Persia tried to take over Armenia once and for all.

+ Iranians celebrated Nowruz continuously at least since 500 BC.Historically the ethnics residing in geographical civilization of PERSIA have celebrated changing of the seasons or solar rotations, the equinoxes.

+ In 1941, Britain and Russia invaded Persia to put the Germans out.

+ After securing the majority of eastern Persia and defeating a major MongolsMongol king, Tokhtamysh, Tamerlane and his army occupied Moscow for a year.

+ It remained the cultural capital of Persia until the devastating Mongol invasion in the 13th century.

+ The Macedonians under Alexander the Great brought in the Hellenistic period with his capture of Persia and Egypt.

+ Other people took Persia by warfighting, like the Turks.

+ It was owned by Portugal from 1521 to 1602, by Persia from 1602 to 1783, and by the Al-Khalifa family for a long time after that.

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