Use the word “on that day”

How to use in-sentence of “on that day”:

+ When Alcmene was about to give birth to Heracles, Hera requested that Zeus swore an oath and declare upon all the other Gods that the descendant of Perseus will be born on that day and the child will rule eveything around him.

+ To thank the town, Celestine V decided that every year on that day every Christian who went to L’Aquila would be pardoned for his sins.

+ One of the most important ceremonies established by Guru Gobind Singh on that day is Khande di Pahul baptism ceremony, where Sikhs are initiated into the Khalsa and are required to keep the 5 Ks, kakkars or kakke which are articles of faith.

+ Several more tornadoes broke out on that day in Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, and Nebraska.

+ It is believed that he died on that day in 589.

Use the word on that day
Use the word on that day

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