Use the word “moderately”

How to use in-sentence of “moderately”:

– They are shrubs or vines that grow in moderately warm climates.

– The southwest has a climate similar to that of the Mediterranean with mild, moderately wet winters and hot, dry summers.

– It is moderately large.

– Thallium is a moderately reactive metal.

– Don’t expect a masterpiece and you should walk away moderately pleased with the experience”.

Use the word moderately
Use the word moderately

Example sentences of “moderately”:

– The city has cool summers and moderately cold winters.

– Their electromagnetic spectrumspectra contain moderately strong ultraviolet absorption at wavelengths below about 0.4 μm to 0.5 μm, while at longer wavelengths they are very featureless but slightly reddish.

– It is moderately reactive.

– He was moderately well known during his life, but it was after his death that most of his works were published.

– They stay in moderately shallow water, normally going no deeper than 80 meters.

– Opioids are moderately strong, to strong painkillers.

– The superb fairy-wren can be found in almost any area that has at least a little dense undergrowth for shelter, including grasslands with scattered shrubs, moderately thick forest, woodland, heaths, and domestic gardens.

– French is moderately inflected.

– Its overall box office, however, was moderately strong.

– The name suggests they are moderately old.

– Its orbit is retrograde, moderately inclined and eccentric.

– Its hair short; ears moderately large and naked.

– It tolerates salt, it is moderately halophilic.

– Finches are seed-eating birds, that are small to moderately large and have a strong beak, usually conical and in some species very large.

– Their coat coat of fur is moderately long, silky, and of a red or chestnut color.

– It serves moderately priced simple meals in a modest setting.

– It has performed moderately on worldwide charts.

– The outcrops lie within the Purbeck Monocline, with the beds dipping moderately steeply to the north.

– It was, however, moderately strong in certain music charts.

– In general, THC smoked or orally consumed, upwards of 3 grams seems to be relatively safe even though 3 grams of pure THC is around 100 moderately strong edibles.

- The city has cool summers and moderately cold winters.

- Their electromagnetic spectrumspectra contain moderately strong ultraviolet absorption at wavelengths below about 0.4 μm to 0.5 μm, while at longer wavelengths they are very featureless but slightly reddish.
- It is moderately reactive.

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