Use the word “livestock”

How to use in-sentence of “livestock”:

+ The legend was started in 1987 when there was a huge, gruesome massacre of livestock all over.

+ LeDoux is also the only person to ever both participate and perform at the Houston LiveStock Show Rodeo.

+ The Food and Agriculture Organization said emissions associated with livestock added up to 7.1 gigatonnes per year – or 14.5% of all human-caused greenhouse releases.

+ The management of livestock animals in hot climates is a challenge.

+ It is also known as calving in livestock or whelping in meat-eating mammals.

+ Railway transport was the only means of transporting agricultural products and livestock of the time.

+ Although it does not usually prey on Domesticationdomestic animals, the species is sometimes reported to damage livestock through spreading bovine tuberculosis.

+ GM livestock have also been experimentally developed.

Use the word livestock
Use the word livestock

Example sentences of “livestock”:

+ Conditional contraband includes food and livestock feed.

+ Cattle leads in livestock production.

+ Conditional contraband includes food and livestock feed.

+ Cattle leads in livestock production.

+ Cider is made there and livestock is farmed.

+ Like other cattle, they are used as livestock for Dairy productdairy and beef.

+ No insurance company would cover livestock for accidents.

+ In his autobiographybook about his own life, “Code Talker”, Chester Nez wrote that the Great Livestock Massacre hurt the work ethic of the Navajo people because it meant no matter how hard you worked to build your family’s herd, the government could take it away.

+ The dominance of the railroad and the relative ease it offered in delivering goods to larger markets increased the livestock production in the county’s agricultural economy.

+ As livestock keeping spread throughout the world it was able to occupy otherwise empty niches.

+ The primary livestock are Karakul sheep.Frank Clements.

+ She was also included in the William Brewster Brewster family when the livestock were divided in 1627 so she lived with them for a time.

+ When he returned home, he dedicated himself to agriculture and livestock activities.

+ Drovers are employed in looking after the livestock while they are travelling on a stock route.

+ At the age of three, she sang “The Greatest Love of All” at a livestock show.

+ He also raised livestock and bought and sold slaves.

+ That contaminated the soil, leading to the death of over 50% of Iceland’s livestock population, and the destruction of almost all crops.

+ Pets as well as livestock are routinely vaccinated.

More in-sentence examples of “livestock”:

+ A US farmer named Edwin Dun started to import livestock to Japan.

+ The discovery of vitamins and their role in nutrition, in the first two decades of the 20th century, led to vitamin supplements, which in the 1920s allowed some livestock to be raised indoors, reducing their exposure to adverse natural elements.

+ He found a ready market for his Producefarm produce and livestock at nearby Boca de Yuma.

+ Herding can be performed by people or dogs trained to control the movement of livestock under the direction of a person.

+ The study of plant defences against herbivory is important, not only from an evolutionary viewpoint, but also because these defences can be used in agriculture, including human and livestock food sources.

+ The liver from livestock is a source of protein like muscle meats.

+ Crops failed and livestock died in much of the Northern Hemisphere, resulting in the worst famine of the 19th century.

+ The conflicts began when cattle companies started ruthlessly persecuting alleged rustlers in the area, many of whom were innocent settlers that competed with them for land, livestock and water rights.

+ Breeds of Livestock – Angus Cattle, in Department of Animal Science – Oklahoma State University.

+ In these places, the milkweed is killed to keep livestock from eating it and becoming sick.

+ The Mongolian Red Cross has said that about 4,500,000 livestock died as a result of the bad weather this year.

+ Cattle were the most important livestock; livestock were taxed; the size of a herd reflected the prestige and importance of the estate or temple which owned them.

+ The book tells about Nez growing up in the Checkerboard, going to boarding schools, the 1930s Livestock Massacre, his work on the code and in wars, and his later life.

+ A paper written by Benjamin Franklin in the 1780s blamed the unusually cool summer of 1783 on volcanic dust coming from Iceland, where the eruption of Laki#1783 eruptionLaki volcano had released enormous amounts of sulfur dioxide, resulting in the death of much of the island’s livestock and a catastrophic famine which killed a quarter of the population.

+ He had holdings in telecommunications, financial services, petrochemicals, power generation, aviation, food, beverage, and livestock farming.

+ With sweet sorghum, only the stalks are used for biofuel production, while the grain is saved for food or livestock feed.

+ It may be cut for hay or grazed by livestock such as cattle, sheep or goats.

+ They would steal livestock and demand the Armenians to pay a second tax.

+ A stable is a building for livestock animals such as horses or cows to live in.

+ However, wolves only eat livestock when they can not find wild prey.

+ During the 20th century, many Navajo families lost much of their wealth in the Great Livestock Massacre.

+ They are livestock guard dogs and should not be confused with herd dogs.

+ The land is flat with livestock and agriculture fields.

+ Clifford Allan Redin Savory is a Zimbabwean ecologist and livestock farmer.

+ Taking care of livestock is animal husbandry.

+ The goal was to use it to teach the Aborigines in how to work in the livestock industry.

+ Then livestock is put on for “grazing”.

+ Aguado was the “de facto” Governor of Buenos Aires Province from 1982 through 1983 and Minister of Agriculture and Livestock in 1981.

+ Following Virginia’s readmission to the Union in 1870, and with the loss of slave labor, the agricultural economy resumed with more emphasis on livestock and dairy farming.

+ Secretary Schafer’s grandfather immigrated to North Dakota from Denmark and homesteaded land in Hettinger County that he turned into a wheat and livestock farm.

+ After receiving her master’s degree in 1975, she created her own company, called Grandin Livestock Handling Systems.

+ The main livestock in the village include goats, sheep, buffaloes and cattle.

+ This is supported by the archives of the ecclesiastical administration of the Jebzundamba Hutuhtu, which recorded a decline in the number of livestock from a million in 1861 to around 12,000 in 1909.

+ The cake remaining after the seeds have been processed for oil is used as a livestock feed.

+ Organic farming finds usage for animal welfare, as livestock is bred with solely organic fodder.

+ Other livestock include sheep, goats and pigs.

+ Darfur’s economy is primarily based on subsistence agriculture, producing cereals, fruit and tobacco as well as livestock in the drier north.

+ Farming and growing livestock are the main focus of the economy there.

+ His controversial ideas include that livestock are the only ones that can limit desertification.

+ In Australia, a stockman is the name given to a person who looks after the livestock on large farms known as a station.

+ Someone who takes care of the livestock may be called a stockman or cowboy.

+ A wealthy landowner that pioneered Holstein livestock raising in Ecuador.

+ Modern Turkey’s warm and varied climate lets many kinds of food crops grow, and livestock and forestry are important industries.

+ He was in the Cabinet of Tanzania as Deputy Minister of Works from 1995 to 2000, Minister of Works from 2000 to 2006, Minister of Lands and Human Settlement from 2006 to 2008, Minister of Livestock and Fisheries from 2008 to 2010, and as Minister of Works for a second time from 2010 to 2015.

+ Hazelnuts are oftentimes used as livestock feed or ground into paste.

+ Somalis are mostly camel or goat herders, and depend on their livestock to live.

+ The Government bought livestock to kill, and they paid farmers subsidies not to plant on part of their land.

+ A US farmer named Edwin Dun started to import livestock to Japan.

+ The discovery of vitamins and their role in nutrition, in the first two decades of the 20th century, led to vitamin supplements, which in the 1920s allowed some livestock to be raised indoors, reducing their exposure to adverse natural elements.
+ He found a ready market for his Producefarm produce and livestock at nearby Boca de Yuma.

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