Use the word “legitimate”

How to use in-sentence of “legitimate”:

– Upon Canute’s death, Harold’s younger half-brother Harthacanute, the son of Canute and his queen, Emma of Normandy, was legitimate heir to the thrones of both the Danes and the English.

– As long as the drug user does not start using violence against other people or their legitimate property, no one should use violence against the drug user or the drug user’s legitimate property, not even the government.

– An antipope is a pretender who falsely claims to be pope or who wrongly opposes the legitimate and recognized pope.

– Only when “no one” is allowed to use force against nonviolent people or their legitimate property are people truly equal.

– The 15th City by Randall Meadow, Giuseppe Grillo, Xlibris Corporation 2011, pages 130-131 Odpor was banned in Germany for terrorist activities and operated between legitimate emigre functions and a thuggish underworld.

– The individual must present a legitimate “need to know” in addition to the proper level of clearance.

Use the word legitimate
Use the word legitimate

Example sentences of “legitimate”:

– Libertarians also say that you can become a legitimate owner by receiving something as a gift or by trading it with someone for something they own.

– Under this policy, there is only one legitimate government of China.

– The Non-Aligned Movement has become a voice of support for issues facing developing nations and is still contains ideals that are legitimate within this context.

– John of Gaunt’s legitimate male heirs, the Lancasters, included Kings Henry IV, Henry V, and Henry VI.

– Some legitimate titles will contain a cs12 parameter name followed by an equal sign.

– Per the Flood Flag policy, “Unacceptable uses include attempting to circumvent legitimate oversight of any controversial action, regardless of whether it is an administrator task or not.” This statement says that if I /had/ used the flood flag whilst my edits were under scrutiny then it would have been unacceptable use.

– One of Bin Laden’s most infamous beliefs was that civilians, including women and children, are legitimate targets of jihad.

– Republicans like Ruairí Ó Brádaigh said that the only legitimate country in Ireland was the Irish Republic declared in 1916.

– To consider copies from enwiki of perfectly legitimate material plagiarism is unnecessary rules-following, in my opinion.

– In the course of the match, Lita suffered a legitimate injury to her ligaments, tearing her left ACL after executing a Thesz Press off the ring apron.

– In New York City, he founded two American Museums where he offered legitimate acts such as General Tom Thumb and hoaxes such as the Fiji mermaid.

– While this may be legitimate content, I do see a little problem with keeping the list up to date in this small Wiki.

- Libertarians also say that you can become a legitimate owner by receiving something as a gift or by trading it with someone for something they own.

- Under this policy, there is only one legitimate government of China.
- The Non-Aligned Movement has become a voice of support for issues facing developing nations and is still contains ideals that are legitimate within this context.

More in-sentence examples of “legitimate”:

- Shawn Michaels returned in November 1993, claiming to be the legitimate champion as nobody defeated him for the title.

- Phillip II of Spain/Phillip I of England who ruled with Mary did claim Calais and partially rule it but he is considered a co-king of the Tudor dynasty and will not be counted as a legitimate Calais ruler or English king and more of a co-king/consort.

– Shawn Michaels returned in November 1993, claiming to be the legitimate champion as nobody defeated him for the title.

– Phillip II of Spain/Phillip I of England who ruled with Mary did claim Calais and partially rule it but he is considered a co-king of the Tudor dynasty and will not be counted as a legitimate Calais ruler or English king and more of a co-king/consort.

– The International relationsrelations between the Republic of China are bad because both still say they are the legitimate sovereign government of all of China.

– Finally in 1852, he crowned himself as Emperor Napoleon III and the Second French Empire was born.In 1856, Eugenie gave birth to a legitimate son and heir, Louis Napoléon, the Prince Impérial.

– A misspelling in English might be a legitimate spelling in another language; for example, the word “address” is spelled in German as “adress”.

– The “White Ship” Those who drowned included William Adelin, the only surviving legitimate son and heir of King Henry I of England.

– It may also be a sign of legitimate employment or student status, or as a simple means of identification.

– Have someone decide to reach out to the user on their talk page, maybe try to get them to come to IRC etc and work with them to become a legitimate an less controversial editor on the project.

– In this episode, Bart stumbles upon the “Mafia bar, Legitimate Businessman’s Social Club”, after having a bad day at school.

– Only legitimate sockpuppet accounts should go in this category.

– In this context, terrorism should not be equated with the legitimate struggle of peoples under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation for self-determination and national liberation.

– You do not become a legitimate owner by stealing.

– In 1096 Geoffrey IV’s father released his brother Geoffrey III the legitimate but deposed count of Anjou.

– The fallacy is the assumption that dividing by 0 is a legitimate operation with 0/0 = 1.

– You also do not become a legitimate owner by simply “saying” you own something.

– It is called “anarcho-capitalism” because it is a mix of the individualist anarchismindividualist anarchist idea that capitalist idea that legitimate way instead of through force.

– Odpor was banned in Germany for terrorist activities and operated between legitimate emigre functions and a thuggish underworld.

– His other legitimate children included, by his first wife Blanche, his daughters Philippa of Portugal and Elizabeth, Duchess of Exeter; and by his second wife Constance, his daughter Queen Catherine of Castile.

– If you are here to pile on a !vote without offering a legitimate argument as to how Freya Fox has significant coverage in reliable, verifiable, secondary sources independent from the subject, it’s better if you simply don’t add anything here at all.

– Christian belief is not a prerequisite for membership to the Academy, because first and foremost, it is a legitimate Scientific body that follows the Scientific Method.

– Paul was Picasso’s only legitimate son.

– In June 2009, after the death of pop superstar Michael Jackson, this message appeared to many internet users who were searching Google for news stories related to the singer, and was assumed by Google to be a DDoS attack, although many queries were submitted by legitimate searchers.

– This template is for these “Doppelganger” accounts, created by legitimate users to avoid being impersonated by vandals.

– The National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition ForcesSyrian National Coalition, which is recognized as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people by 20 UN members, has established an interim government to rule rebel controlled territory during the Syrian civil war.

– All of these branches descended from three legitimate grandsons of Louis XIV.

– In order to have a legitimate heir to the throne, this meant that Anne and Henry needed to legalize their union quickly and therefore were secretly married on January 25, 1533, even though the divorce had not come through.

– William III died without legitimate children.

– The legitimate wives of the vajra‐sattvaḥa, called “dakinis”, were limited only to virgins.

– I’d just like to bring this line up: “Unacceptable uses include attempting to circumvent legitimate oversight of any controversial action, regardless of whether it is an administrator task or not.”.

– This is a more legitimate service.

– All William IV’s legitimate children died before he became king, so they were therefore styled as Prince/Princess of Clarence with the style of “Royal Highness”.

– In reality, the full force of the move is intended to be taken on the upper back and shoulders, though such moves still carry a high degree of legitimate risk with them.

– I’m also pretty active in through which I’ve gotten a better sense of differences between spam and legitimate ones.

– Although the official names have legitimate roots in Greek mythology, Dysnomia is also Greek for “lawlessness”, perpetuating the link with Lucy Lawless.

– Charmed by Ratan, Nabakumar agrees to this marriage as Ratan falsely informs them that Chandana’s legitimate husband is dead.

– When his brother Filippo Emanuele, Prince of Piedmont died, he became legitimate heir to the duchy and received the loyalty swore of the court at Racconigi on 21 January 1607.

– France said it had a legitimate claim, because Giovanni da Verrazzano and Jacques Cartier had done expeditions in the area.

– Also, creations by a banned editor after they have been banned are eligible for speedy deletion on English WP, unless they have also been significantly edited by legitimate users.

– Both countries claimed to be the legitimate government of Greece, but the State of Thessaloniki received support from the Allies.

– It includes both legitimate alternative accounts as provided for by as well as a subcategory for alternative accounts that violate policy.

– Sometimes there are numbers assigned to that appear to be legitimate – length is right, check digit is correct – but that aren’t true ISBN numbers.

– Richard had no legitimate issue, so in 1199 Anjou passed to his nephew, Arthur of Brittany.

– With most combination locks, it is possible for a thief to obtain the combination by watching a legitimate user entering it.

– The SM is aware of the reasons behind the filing of its exclusive contract, but in its statement, the company said that luhan was unethical when leaving the company without any legitimate reason.

– This led to a shortage of legitimate subjects for dissection.

– Furthermore, they forced China to recognise Manchukuo as a legitimate government.

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