Use the word “jackpot”

How to use in-sentence of “jackpot”:

+ However, the most that was actually won in the jackpot round was 100,000 baht.

+ Later, the jackpot was fixed at 10 million.

+ The first year Lightning Bar stood as a breeding stallion, his stud fee, or the fee charged to breed a mare to him, was $250 $ One of Pollard’s attempts to advertise his stallion involved letting one of his ranch hands take the stallion to a local jackpot roping.

+ The ‘small casinos’ will have a minimum customer area of 750 sq metres, up to 80 slot machines and a jackpot of £4000.

+ The jackpot round had the contestant being shown a 1/5 of a picture, with less money given for each extra piece shown.

+ I also appeal to reinstall the article in Un deletion page.Today I saw that my appeal was reviewed by Admin Graeme Bartlett at 16.00 hours and he reinstall the article Aminur Rahman,Khosru at 6-20 A.M.Right after that Admin Future perfect at Sunrise went to article Operation Jackpot at 6.27 and changed the whole article Operation Jackpot brought back the article Operation Jackpot to the Edit of May 2012.He did this very intentionally,as he have seen Article Aminur Rahman;khosru is again been reinstalled and as he has seen that many references of Article Aminur Rahman,Khosru is refered from Operation Jackpot so he immediately decided to revert the operation jackpot to previous Edit and Admin Futperf at Sunrise at once re deleted the whole content of the Article Aminur Rahman,Khosru,which was reinstalled through an appeal by Admin Graeme Bartlett today.

+ A team that wins 10 consecutive games plays for the jackpot worth 30 million baht maximum, that making the show is the highest game show prize in Asia.

+ If both players Split, they both split the jackpot total.

Use the word jackpot
Use the word jackpot

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