Use the word “deserving”

How to use in-sentence of “deserving”:

+ Periods of torrential rain and long dry spells mean that Kakadu can change its appearance according to the season, so is a place deserving of more than one visit.

+ She is known for her activism for girls’ and women’s rights, especially for her free tuition center for deserving boys and girls to tach them in their own mother languages and to encourage and support to go to school.

+ The late President, Diosdado Macapagal, who himself visited the University, said that PLM is “a unique university because it is the first community-oriented and socially conscious university in the country.” He added that, “it gives poor but deserving public high school graduates of the community the means to acquire higher education.” Moreover, he recognized PLM’s emerging status as “one of the top universities in the country.”Atencio, Joel C.””.

+ He claims monarchy to be one of the worst regimes because one leader may be easily corrupted, even if they were selected as the most wise and deserving ruler of an entire group.

+ On National Farmers’ Day, the Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Ghana gives special awards to deserving farmers and fishermen based on their practices and output.

+ Some people may say that we are a refuge and give deserving people a second change.

+ Finally, evolutionary explanations may also help the left create policies with greater public support, suggesting that people’s sense of fairness rather than greed is a primary cause of opposition to welfare, if there is not a distinction in the proposals between what is perceived as the deserving and the undeserving poor.

Use the word deserving
Use the word deserving

Example sentences of “deserving”:

+ When considered along with IWI's activity level, quality of contributions to the project, and general personality, IWI exceeds my expectations of an deserving editor ready to accept additional responsibility.

+ The second source of opposition is the concept that while Indians are not one nation, neither are the Muslims or Hindus of the subcontinent, and it is instead the relatively homogeneous provincial units of the subcontinent which are true nations and deserving of sovereignty across the subcontinent.
+ He believed it would aid morale if there was a medal which could be awarded by captains of companies or batteries to deserving people serving under them.

+ When considered along with IWI’s activity level, quality of contributions to the project, and general personality, IWI exceeds my expectations of an deserving editor ready to accept additional responsibility.

+ The second source of opposition is the concept that while Indians are not one nation, neither are the Muslims or Hindus of the subcontinent, and it is instead the relatively homogeneous provincial units of the subcontinent which are true nations and deserving of sovereignty across the subcontinent.

+ He believed it would aid morale if there was a medal which could be awarded by captains of companies or batteries to deserving people serving under them.

+ Hughes is unequivocally deserving of the highest level of public recognition.

+ In 1996, this volcano was listed as a Decade Volcano, one of 16 volcanoes around the world that the UN International Association of Vulcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior found deserving of special study because of their history of activity and proximity to modern-day settlements.

+ Much has changed since this time, and factually it is no longer deserving of a spot as one of ‘our best’.

+ A point of view which is informed and supported by inline citation support is good, solid, deserving encouragement.

+ They choose 1 room from 3 deserving rooms in need.

+ If it’s full protection, it also sends a message that admins are more important and more deserving to edit than regular users, which is completely untrue.

+ I am ruler, assembler of goods, observer foremost among those deserving the sacrifice.

+ Although the introduction is written brilliantly and fits my requirements for being considered as a featured article, I strongly believe this article is no longer deserving of very good article status.

+ By 2pm, Henry VII had returned to the City in triumph, knighting deserving parties on the way, to accept the acclamation of the Mayor and attend a service of thanksgiving at St Paul’s.

+ If it’s semi protection, the message sent instead is that new users are less important and less deserving to edit.

+ The Nobel laureate Arne Tiselius said that Avery was the most deserving scientist not to receive the Nobel Prize for his work.

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