Use the word “damaged”

How to use in-sentence of “damaged”:

– The damaged part of the Pentagon was rebuilt within one year of the attacks.

– Therefore, when the acorn embryo is damaged the development of the seed is negatively affected.

– Because of the strong reactions, organs can be damaged in the process.

– More than 100,000 people had their homes damaged in Nayarit.

– Three more Zeros, four dive bombers, and five torpedo planes were damaged beyond repair and were pushed into the ocean.

– Corozal Town was badly damaged by Hurricane Janet in 1955.

– His Alexander horn was badly damaged in his fatal crash.

Use the word damaged
Use the word damaged

Example sentences of “damaged”:

– If it is damaged by frost, that helps start the process of making it soft and good to eat.

– Sighting the cruiser task force, Japanese naval torpedo bombers attacked the task force and heavily damaged the U.S.

– A crowd who had gathered there started a fire, which badly damaged the forum and the neighbouring buildings.

– They do not both have to be damaged to cause hearing loss and can be caused by a number of different things.

– It depends on the area that was damaged and the patient’s age.

– Hyde Road did not have room for expansion and had been damaged by fire in 1920.

– During the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake, the airport was damaged by the tremors and it was flooded.

– He damaged his knee ligaments three times and experienced seven operations.

– Most of the city’s buildings were damaged beyond repair after the bombings.

– At the end of the period, the greatest basaltflood basalt lava flows in the Phanerozoic raised world temperatures, and damaged the environment.

- If it is damaged by frost, that helps start the process of making it soft and good to eat.

- Sighting the cruiser task force, Japanese naval torpedo bombers attacked the task force and heavily damaged the U.S.
- A crowd who had gathered there started a fire, which badly damaged the forum and the neighbouring buildings.

– The outside wall has been badly damaged over the years.

– Hart suffered a cut to the bridge of his nose from a boot to the face, after which Triple H began to only attack Hart’s damaged ankle, dropping his knee onto it and stretching it.

– The damaged “Yorktown” however, was not completely crippled.

– A quarter of the roof was damaged and the orchestra could not play there for some time.

– Gold, silver, and copper are quite soft metals and so are easily damaged in daily use as coins.

– Since the engines are so high up, there is not much risk that they will be damaged by things on the ground.

– The environment has not been damaged by cattle grazing or other farming practices.

– Some 200 homes in Laguna de Perlas’ seventeen lake-front villages are reported to have been damaged a lot.

More in-sentence examples of “damaged”:

– His Fokker Dr.I was not damaged by the landing.

– Thousands of houses in Oaxaca were damaged and 10 deaths were reported.

– Damage from the precursor low was reported in Eustis, Florida from one or more tornadoes that damaged or destroyed about 50 houses, but caused no serious injuries.

– The fires burnt down at least 2,029 homes, 3,500 buildings in total and damaged thousands.

– It also damaged or destroyed millions of works of art and rare books.

– In 1968 the 7-ton stone was damaged by a bomb during a time of anti-Vietnam war demonstrations; it was later repaired by the sculptor.

– His work stayed in manuscript until after his death, when it was published after its editor had made changes which damaged it.

– They have seriously damaged bird, reptile and mammal populations.

– The “Battle of Taranto” in 1940 was a successful air attack on the Italian Navy at anchor when 21 British torpedo bombers sunk one battleship and damaged two others.The Italian Navy slowly recovered from that attack.

– But after the attack of January 27, 1920 in which were damaged nearly all the Italian-owned shops and the offices of Italian institutions, some Italian sailors of the “Puglia” now under the command of captain Tommaso Gulli, started to defend themselves and the Dalmatian Italians menacing to use their guns.

– They are often used to repair a computer system that was damaged or faulty.

– The medical devices include man-made hands, arms, and legs to replace lost ones and, also, Dialysis machines which clean the blood of a person with damaged kidneys.

– In 217, the Colosseum was badly damaged by fire.

– It was also reported that the storm damaged at least 16 thousand homes and about 250 square kilometres of land used for cattle.

– There was a partial core meltdown in reactors 1, 2, and 3; hydrogen explosions destroyed the upper part of the buildings housing reactors 1, 3, and 4; an explosion damaged the containment inside reactor 2; fires broke out at reactor 4.

– On the other hand, good fats are naturally found in foods and will not damaged human’s organs.

– Both seriously damaged the forest habitat of many birds.

– It was not possible to reach the area because roads were damaged and blocked by landslides.

– The rain damaged homes and flooded streets.

– The Hintze Ribeiro Bridge disaster damaged his authority and popularity.

– Others believe it was damaged before the two trains collided with each other.

– It damaged one house.

– Shinnston, West Virginia was badly damaged by a very strong tornado.

– In severe cases of the disease there may be red blood cell breakdown, a low blood platelet count, damaged liver function, kidney dysfunction, swelling, shortness of breath due to fluid in the lungs, or visual disturbances.

– The garden was damaged during World War I, when it was used by the German EmpireGerman occupation troops, and during Anglo-American bombardments.

– He is best known for playing evil or mentally damaged characters.

– When automobiles crash, they can become damaged and hurt people, and the life of a person is more important than keeping a automobile from damage.

– The hurricane hit the coast in Palm Beach County, Florida and damaged many buildings.

– The impact damaged an area of the Pentagon and started a large fire.

– The inn was damaged by fire on 27 February 2004.

– This is because Truro’s laws about who must remove damaged boats are different from other parts of the U.K.

– The city center was damaged by the earthquake of February, 2011.

– On 13 February 1944 her attack was unsuccessful and no enemy ships were damaged or sunk.

– Mad cow disease has damaged the cattle industry.

– While the ship is damaged very badly, the crew has survived.

– The Minoan kingdom was very powerful thousands of years before Plato, and their society was damaged when a volcano erupted on their island.

– Trains were damaged and parts of Camden Station were burned.

– Takahashi’s bombers damaged “Lexington” with two bomb hits, causing fires which were put out by 12:33.

– In Georgia, Several homes were damaged because of flooding.

– Orsini replaced the tree central capitals, who were damaged beyond repair, of that building.

– Stunts such as withdrawing the Irish Army’s band from playing at diplomatic functions which the Governor-General attended, or in one notorious case the sight of O’Kelly and Defence Minister Frank Aiken storming out of a diplomatic function at the French Legation when McNeill, the guest of honour, arrived, damaged Ó Ceallaigh’s reputation and image, particularly when the campaign backfired.

– If one section was damaged and could not hold air, the others would still keep the boat floating.

– The track has been severely damaged on a length of about.

– At least 400 homes were damaged by the storm, including twenty-three homes that were washed away.

– He spat it out quickly, but was angry because his vocal cords could have been damaged if he had swallowed any of it.

– Madara replaced the damaged parts of his body with Zetsu prosthetics.

– The area was further damaged in the Burning of Parliament1834 fire and destroyed in the subsequent rebuilding of the Palace of Westminster.

- His Fokker Dr.I was not damaged by the landing.

- Thousands of houses in Oaxaca were damaged and 10 deaths were reported.
- Damage from the precursor low was reported in Eustis, Florida from one or more tornadoes that damaged or destroyed about 50 houses, but caused no serious injuries.

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