Use the word “curved”

How to use in-sentence of “curved”:

+ Bret curved a bit west and made landfall on Padre Island, shortly later it marked landfall on mainland Texas.

+ Vehicles began using curved glass and the new enclosed bodies gave a sense of privacy.

+ These shells at first were conical but later developed into the curved shapes seen in modern nautilus species.

+ A number were also segmental arch bridges, meaning it has a curved arch that is less than a semicircle.

+ The motion of point particles in curved spacetime.

Use the word curved
Use the word curved

Example sentences of “curved”:

+ This shows crossed swords over a Gambia, a traditional curved dagger.

+ In the surviving maps, this bird had a curved beak, a long, sharp claw in the shape of a bird of prey, and was considered a help to farmers on the arid farms of the south.

+ This shows crossed swords over a Gambia, a traditional curved dagger.

+ In the surviving maps, this bird had a curved beak, a long, sharp claw in the shape of a bird of prey, and was considered a help to farmers on the arid farms of the south.

+ As soon as they ripen, the pods are removed with a curved knife on a long pole pole, opened with a machete, and left to dry until taken to fermentation.

+ A curved penis does not usually cause a man any problems when he is having sex.

+ Paleontologist Peter Mackovicky said that small, primitive dromaeosaurids were likely to have been tree-climbers, but that climbing did not explain why later, gigantic dromaeosaurids such as “Achillobator” retained highly curved claws when they were too large to have climbed trees.

+ Some do this with curved mirrors, some with curved lenses, and some with both.

+ They have long arms and curved claws that help them hold onto the trees.

+ It was made of two fourteen-foot uprights joined by a crossbar, whose inside edges were grooved and greased with fattallow; the weighted blade was either straight, or curved like an axe.

+ They differ in ‘leaning back’ to a greater degree than the former and because they have a more curved jaw angle than the latter.

+ The crest allows the owner to have an idea of what they are feeling; straight up if scared or excited, flat when they’re angry, and slightly curved is normal/happy.

+ In Einstein’s theories, the ideas of absolute time and space were replaced by the idea of spacetime in special relativity, and curved spacetime in general relativity.

+ He is hunchbacked and his hooked nose almost meets his curved chin.

More in-sentence examples of “curved”:

+ The company was created to exploit Cinerama, a movie process created by Waller that used three movie projectors to create a giant composite image on a curved screen.

+ The curved needle moved through the fabric horizontally, leaving the loop as it withdrew.

+ Krabs lives in a curved anchor with his daughter Pearl.

+ The jet pushes the turbine’s curved blades which reverse the flow.

+ Focal length tells how strongly a Lens lens, a curved optical device brings light together or spreads it out.

+ The reed is attached to a curved metal mouthpiece called a “crook” or “bocal” which is joined to the main part of the instrument.

+ Cockatoos are recognisable by the showy crests and curved and strong bills.

+ A sickle is a curved cutting tool used in agriculture for harvesting grain crops.

+ However, due to the lack of a rim, the Aerobie is less suited to angled, curved flights and air-bouncing.

+ Because Uranium is radioactive it is often seen with the hazard sign for radioactive elements, a group of three triangles with curved outer edges pointing in towards the middle.

+ The curved roof and windows on the upper deck of the Dulles departures area can be seen behind him.

+ The laminated safety glass used for vehicles is made of two curved sheets of glass with a plastic layer between them.

+ Pliny’s own description of the Comedy villa in his letter said that its terrace was gently curved like the shore of the lake.

+ A wakizashi had a slightly curved blade with a square-shaped hilt.

+ Their symbol is the kukri or khukuri, the curved knife which they use as a weapon and a tool.

+ Paisley means a distinctive intricate pattern of curved feather-shaped figures based on an Indian pine-cone design.

+ A cylinder is one of the most basic curved three dimensional geometric shapes, with the surface formed by the points at a fixed distance from a given line segment, known as the axis of the cylinder.

+ Like the S20 Ultra, the Note 20 series might not have a curved display and will feature a totally flat display.

+ The blade’s shape looks like ‘leaf’ being more curved to the point.

+ Crowbars can be used as any of the three lever classes but the curved end is usually used as a first-class lever, and the flat end as a second class lever.

+ The storm curved northeast and strengthened further, reaching hurricane strength on November 20.

+ The keyboard has curved and backlit keys.

+ The enlarged second toe bore an unusually large, curved sickle-shaped claw.

+ The horns come out on either side of the head above the ears and are a simple shape, usually curved upwards but sometimes down.

+ This was an efficient machine that sent water through a runner with blades curved in one dimension.

+ In a break with Wright’s earlier Prairie School structures, the building features many circular forms and needed over 200 different curved “Cherokee red” bricks to create the sweeping curves of the inside and outside.

+ The company was created to exploit Cinerama, a movie process created by Waller that used three movie projectors to create a giant composite image on a curved screen.

+ The curved needle moved through the fabric horizontally, leaving the loop as it withdrew.
+ Krabs lives in a curved anchor with his daughter Pearl.

+ There are two sound holes in the bottom board, as the playing techniques of the qin employ the entire surface of the top board which is curved / humped.

+ The classic European matchlock gun was a smoothbore weapon that held a burning slow match in a clamp at the end of a small curved lever called a “serpentine”.

+ The bridge is curved so that the player can bow on one string without hitting the others by accident.

+ The strongly curved blade also made it easy to make slicing blows.

+ Their sides are made of straight or curved lines.

+ Barnacles are suspension feeders, sweeping small food into their mouth with their curved ‘feet’.

+ The females are the same, but sometimes have curved horns.

+ Guests travel through a 300 foot long curved tunnel through 14 feet of water to view over 4,500 sea creatures including sharks, turtles, stingrays, and many more.

+ These ornate, curved white eggcases are occasionally found floating on the sea surface, sometimes with the female argonaut still clinging to it.

+ It has six arched windows on its two side walls and a curved ceiling called a barrel vault.

+ The triangle is a musical instrument with three sides and curved corners.

+ The reason is not that there is any attraction between the sun and the earth but that the earth follows the straightest path it can follow in curved space-time.

+ At the back of the PE T-shirt, “Fuhua Secondary” is slightly curved and spans from the left to the right.

+ Claudette moved west and curved northwest before getting closer to Honduras.

+ Their heads are curved at the top.

+ The stones are in a “slightly curved row.” They were found in 2015, using special archaeological research tools and methods including ground-penetrating radar.

+ Its neck was curved and flexible and its jaws were solidly built.

+ It has a curved blade with an attached handle.

+ Their bodies are depicted curved in sinuous dance poses.

+ These saws are very good for making curved cuts.

+ It has a curved blade associated with the light cavalry of the Early Modern and Napoleonic periods.

+ His method of finding the biggest and smallest ordinates of curved lines also makes him a contributor to differential calculus, which was not known at that time.

+ Mindy curved to the north and later on to the east before getting close to the Bahamas.

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