Use the word “cruel”

How to use in-sentence of “cruel”:

+ The Nazis were especially cruel to people who spoke out or fought against the Nazi government.

+ He sees at once that Alcina is a cruel enchantress and that her island is a desert.

+ The new Brahmin rulers were not friendly to the many Buddhists in Sind at that time, and they were cruel to the Jats and Meds, who were most of the peasants.

+ Most treatments were still cruel to patients and were not effective.

+ He believed it was cruel and unusual punishment, as prohibited in the Constitution, to have him be executed again.

+ It is used for a member of a nation or ethnic group which is seen as having a lower level of civilization, or for an individual person which is seen as a brutal, cruel and insensitive or whose behaviour is unacceptable in the civilized society of the speaker.

+ Bolesław II the Generous, also known as the Bold and the Cruel was Duke of Poland from 1058 to 1076.

+ This was very cruel way of killing whales as it hurt them a lot.

Use the word cruel
Use the word cruel

Example sentences of “cruel”:

+ In this case, three different men who had been sentenced to death argued that Georgia was giving them a cruel and unusual punishment.

+ The Roman dictators were not always cruel or unkind, but they did hold on to power all by themselves, rather than sharing power with the people.

+ The cruel treatment of patients and the overcrowding and ways of living were seen as not needed.

+ It is their fate to suffer, ruled by cruel tyrants.

+ Hesiod for example spoke of Ages of Gold, Silver and Bronze, separated from the modern harsh cruel world of the Age of Iron by the Age of Heroes.

+ Ozai is revealed to be a cruel leader.

+ Virginia the Court decided that executing people with intellectual disabilities is cruel and unusual punishment, and is against the Eighth Amendment..

+ The last act ends with the refugees coming together on the English border, and, in the revised version, ends with a chorus of bards celebrating their victory over the cruel tyrant.

+ In this case, three different men who had been sentenced to death argued that Georgia was giving them a cruel and unusual punishment.

+ The Roman dictators were not always cruel or unkind, but they did hold on to power all by themselves, rather than sharing power with the people.

+ The last king was Jie who was said to be cruel and greedy.

+ Cruyff passed the ball to Jasper who then passed it back to a magnificent and cruel finish that many will remember for years.

+ Although Japan was an uncivilized and cruel nation, then, it was tough to decide that acting, in the same manner, would be the solution.

+ But sometimes he is remembered as a very cruel and often capricious ruler.

+ People whom the Taliban believed violated these laws were given cruel punishments.

More in-sentence examples of “cruel”:

+ Rather than freeze, they surrendered, knowing the Soviets were usually cruel to their prisoners.

+ Main heroes are Arbaces, prince of Medes, Belesis, a priest and friend of Arbaces and Sardanapalus, a cruel king of Assyria.

+ Rather than freeze, they surrendered, knowing the Soviets were usually cruel to their prisoners.

+ Main heroes are Arbaces, prince of Medes, Belesis, a priest and friend of Arbaces and Sardanapalus, a cruel king of Assyria.

+ Here are some examples of other laws that include protections against cruel and unusual punishment.

+ Henry Fonda plays a cruel murderer named Frank.

+ It can also seen as cruel and unnecessary.

+ It ruled that capital punishment was not always cruel and unusual punishment, as long as it was done fairly.

+ In spite of being so cruel and tyrannical, it is clear that he is also incredibly childish, as shown by his selfish love of toys, his whiny nature, and his determination to get everything he wants.

+ He resigned in 1850 because he thought Austria was cruel in the way it treated Hungary.

+ He then remembers that some years later he went to help a young lady who had been forced to marry a cruel man.

+ Bits are not cruel when used correctly, but a rider that pulls too hard can hurt a horse’s mouth, especially if they use a harsh bit.

+ There were many, many war crimes: soldiers without weapons were killed; civilianpeople who were not soldiers were killed; many were mutilated, or killed in very cruel ways; many were forced to work and treated like things.

+ While they agree with other gnostic sects that the world is a prison governed by the planetary archons, they do not view it as a cruel and inhospitable one.

+ The planet is ruled by cruel Queen Yllana.

+ Europeans were scared of the Vikings because of their strong weapons, swift attacks, and cruel fighting tactics.

+ These kapos were known for being cruel and brutal to other prisoners.

+ Some think it is wrong or cruel to eat animals, since animals are killed and often feel pain.

+ The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution says that “cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” However, the Constitution does not define exactly what cruel and unusual punishments are.

+ The international organization Reporters Without Borders saw it as a cruel attack on the web portal.

+ During his criminal career, Scarfo was described by some as psychotic, cruel and vicious.

+ The Tsar who ruled was Ivan IV, known as Ivan the Terrible who really was a very cruel ruler.

+ The hero has to fight against cruel people in order to rescue a lover.

+ But a cruel twist in the tale comes in when her father passes away after which she is forced to take the reign of the family in her hands.

+ His wife said he was cruel and she tried to divorce him.

+ A moralistic children’s tale entitled “The Cruel Boy” was widely circulated in the 19th century.

+ In “Furman”, the Court had ruled that the death penalty was “sometimes” cruel and unusual punishment.

+ They also love Competitioncompeting, arguing, insulting, and pulling cruel practical jokes on each other whenever possible.

+ In a vote of 5-4, they ruled that it is cruel and unusual punishment to execute people who were juveniles when they committed their crimes.

+ Convention against Torture is a treaty of international human rights law created by United Nations on December 10 1984 that prohibits all kind of torture, any cruel and unusual punishmentcruel, inhuman and degrading punishment or treatment harming the person’s dignity.

+ Lee Ermey, who was very cruel to his soldiers.

+ Many kapos, especially the criminals, could be very cruel to prisoners, especially when SS guards were nearby, to show that they were doing their jobs and deserved their special treatment.

+ Her feelings were exacerbated by cruel studio executives.

+ One is that even prisoners have the right to be protected from cruel and unusual punishment.

+ He is kind to the animals despite working in a cruel place.

+ Dulcamara, unaware that Adina is the object of Nemorino’s affection, tells her the story of the smitten bumpkin who spent his last penny on the elixir, and even signed his life away, joining the army for money to get more, so desperate was he to win the love of some unnamed cruel beauty.

+ In 1938 a 17 year old Jewish boy Hershel Grynspan, who lived in Paris, desperately wanted to attack the Nazis because of the cruel way his parents in Germany had been treated.

+ Many of their trainers used cruel methods to teach these animals to do tricks.

+ This gave cruel people the chance to get power for themselves, telling the people that they would be good rulers, but turning bad once they got power.

+ Roberts worked  in human rights groups organising campaigns against government oppression and cruel treatment.

+ He is the main villain, showing extremely cruel treatment of the convicts.

+ Rice” that even if an execution causes pain, that does not make it cruel and unusual.

+ But past that point it becomes controversial as to what is and what is not cruel and unusual punishment.

+ He is the co-founder of Cruel and Unusual Films, a production company he established in 2004, alongside his wife Deborah Snyder and producing partner Wesley Coller.

+ Although they were known to Koreans as cruel and inhumane criminals, they were actually accused of robbery and other small crimes.

+ Films are given the NC-17 rating primarily due to their use of sexual activity including nudity, whereas a few of them are given the classification because of their extreme violence that is too cruel to be allowed in an R-rated film.

+ He is a cruel king and a pirate who will stop at nothing to get his hands on the enchanted car.

+ Finally, in 1974, a Federal judiciary of the United Statesfederal court ruled that the trusty system, and the whole prison, were violating the United States Constitution by giving out cruel and unusual punishments.

+ The Fifth Circuit Court ruled that Parchman was using cruel and unusual punishments on its prisoners.

+ The government of Nevada did not want to use an electric chair, and thought hanging was cruel and inhumane.

+ Though Mugabe was elected fairly at first, he became a dictator, and had put in place a number of cruel and disastrous laws.

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