Use the word “cannabis”

How to use in-sentence of “cannabis”:

+ In Maryland, African-Americans were about 3 times more likely than caucasians to be arrested for the possession of marijuana, even though usage of cannabis is similar for most racial populations.

+ Consuming cannabis via smoking is also related to victims of a pneumothorax.

+ However cannabis is still sold in the Freetown.

+ Synthetic cannabis is a type of designer drug made from chemicals sprayed onto herbs.

+ In the Freetown, cannabis was legal until 2004.

+ Unlike alcohol, Cannabis testing is time consuming, expensive and cannot give accurate time of consuming and level of intoxication.

Use the word cannabis
Use the word cannabis

Example sentences of “cannabis”:

+ Some US states have not enacted legislation specifically relating to CBD hemp oil and continue to use high THC cannabis laws to govern the status of CBD.

+ The acronym CAFE, Cannabis and Fine Edibles is used in Canada to represent the largest retail chain in the Country, post-legalization.
+ The two main drugs made from the cannabis plant are marijuana and hashish.

+ Some US states have not enacted legislation specifically relating to CBD hemp oil and continue to use high THC cannabis laws to govern the status of CBD.

+ The acronym CAFE, Cannabis and Fine Edibles is used in Canada to represent the largest retail chain in the Country, post-legalization.

+ The two main drugs made from the cannabis plant are marijuana and hashish.

+ Since 2014, the possession of 10 grams of cannabis flower or under can have a relatively minor penalty.

+ The general lack of controls and regulation at the time lead to some deaths and injuries linked back to supposed cannabis extracts.

+ The medical use of cannabis is legal in some countries, including the Czech Republic, Canada, Austria, the Netherlands, Italy and Germany.

+ In other states, cannabis in all forms excluding perhaps Cannabis Ruderalis is only legal for medicinal use but much less strict than Australia for example.

+ There are much less carcinogens in cannabis/hash smoke than tobacco as cannabis contains no carcinogens itself until burnt.

+ It is especially used to talk about smoking cannabis at 4:20pm.

+ Evidence suggests that hemp and cannabis may have been farmed for up to 12,000 years and had many uses including the making of cloth, rope, paper, food, and medicine.

+ Synthetic cannabis is not really man-made marijuana.

+ For instance, in Ecuador, cannabis is allowed and in the United States of America it is now legal to have cannabis in most states.

+ Hickenlooper was against the Cannabis rescheduling in the United Statesmarijuana legalization initiative.

+ In 1991, he cofounded the Cannabis Buyers Club, the first public cannabis dispensary.

+ The effects of hashish are typically the same as cannabis although less is consumed to reach the same level of intoxication if it isn’t “soapbar” hash.

+ Many places in the world do not see THC or cannabis as legal and can have very harsh penalties from having, producing, or using it.

+ Older authorities included the two genera, Cannabis and Humulus, in the mulberry family.

+ Altria also maintains large minority stakes in Belgium-based brewer ABInBev, the Canadian cannabis company Cronos Group, and the e-cigarette maker JUUL Labs.

More in-sentence examples of “cannabis”:

+ However, some countries have made cannabis legal.

+ Johnson resigned from his post as CEO of Cannabis Sativa, Inc.

+ Phytocannabinoids are cannabinoids that are found naturally in the cannabis plant are are affected by light.

+ Smoking cannabis changes how people think and feel, making it either harder or easier to solve some problems.

+ Some depressant and stimulant drugs also have a hallucinogenic effect in high doses, including cannabis and ecstasy.

+ This is because the Netherlands decided that having cannabis should not be a crime.

+ Scientists believe that cannabis first grew somewhere in the Himalayas.

+ Some states such as Colorado and California are completely legal for use of cannabis in all forms including flower, hashish, edibles, tinctures, hash oil and even flavoured or alcoholic drinks for adults 21 or over excluding some laws for the quantity you can possess, distribution and where you can smoke in these states.

+ Synthetic cannabis has had a complicated legal history.

+ Medical research has shown that synthetic cannabis is much more dangerous than regular marijuana.

+ The most famous users of cannabis were the ancient Hindus, who called it “ganjika” in Sanskrit.

+ Some states passed laws on their own, to make synthetic cannabis illegal in their states.

+ The lack of good testing methods and universal intoxication level scale is an issue in the legality of cannabis debate, especially regarding intoxicated driving.

+ He was known as an international cannabis smuggler through high-profile court cases.

+ In 1939 Irishman William Brooke O’Shaughnessy introduced cannabis extract to American pharmacies and thus began it’s popularity as a remedy.

+ Possession of 10 grams of cannabis flower or less can hold a civil offense penalty with a fine not to exceed $100.

+ India and other countries did not agree, saying social and religious customs and that wild-growing cannabis plants being available in many places, that would make it difficult to enforce, so this never made it into the final treaty.

+ If a ridiculously high dose of cannabis is consumed such as in edibles in doses of a gram +/-, then the user can technically overdose, although it isn’t lethal.

+ He recruits a woman to pretend to be his wife and two teenagers to pretend to be his children in order to make it less likely that he will be caught when they travel to Mexico to smuggle cannabis into the United States.

+ Most often, either tobacco or cannabis are smoked with it.

+ In this method cannabis plants are ground up and covered in isopropyl alcohol or butane and left to sit.

+ However, using cannabis for any reason is still illegal under federal law.

+ However, smoking cannabis seems to be physically impossible to lethally overdose for someone relatively healthy.

+ The cannabis plant’s flowers contain a chemical or drug known as THC.

+ In some other states cannabis is classed as a Schedule 1 drug meaning severe and unreasonable punishments for possession, use and distribution.

+ When a person inhales cannabis smoke or consumes cannabis, he or she may get a feeling called “getting high” or “getting stoned”.

+ However, some countries have made cannabis legal.

+ Johnson resigned from his post as CEO of Cannabis Sativa, Inc.

+ As of 1995, scientists had not shown that smoking cannabis causes lung cancer, even in people who smoke a lot of cannabis for a long time.

+ He was an important figure for the legality of cannabis throughout the 1990s.

+ Cannabis, also known as marijuana or Cannabis sativa and among other names, Cannabis can be used by smoking, vaporizing, within food, or as an extract.

+ Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the Chemical substancechemical or drug made in the cannabis that causes a person to feel different.

+ The court held that, as with the agricultural production in the earlier case, home-grown cannabis is a legitimate subject of federal regulation because it competes with marijuana that moves in interstate commerce.

+ It is a common belief that people who use cannabis are less interested in life and may not want to go to school or work.

+ On December 11, 2013, Uruguay was the first country in the world to make it legal to grow, sell, and use cannabis for personal use.

+ In the US, there are state and federal laws that do not agree if cannabis is legal or not.

+ It is unknown whether hash or cannabis can be dangerous for people with a severely damaged or weak heart but the increase of heart rate and lower blood pressure caused by being stoned can certainly cause potential short term problems especially if the person has a panic attack for whatever reason.

+ States legalized cannabis for adults.

+ They include vaporizing, smoking dried buds, eating foods that have cannabis in them, taking capsules or using lozenges.

+ Raich” it ruled that the Commerce Clause granted Congress the authority to criminalize the production and use of home-grown cannabis even where states approve its use for medicinal purposes.

+ Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the MMCC changed laws and rules surrounding the purchase of medical cannabis to make access easier while implementing social-distancing guidelines, including allowing home-delivery.

+ It has also been difficult for states and countries to make synthetic cannabis illegal because there are so many different cannabinoids.

+ The term “420” when used in reference to cannabis consumption is believed to have started in San Rafael, specifically, at San Rafael High School.

+ He would like the legalization of cannabis marijuana and hemp.

+ Importing countries were made to issue certificates approving the import and stating that the shipment was required “exclusively for medical or scientific purposes.” It also required Parties to “exercise an effective control of such a nature as to prevent the illicit international traffic in Indian hemp and especially in the resin.” These restrictions still made it easy for countries to allow production, internal trade, and use of cannabis for recreational purposes.

+ A wide range of cannabis extracts became freely available and could be gotten from travelling doctors, ‘snake oil salesmen’, and apothecaries across America and Europe.

+ Some Hindus use cannabis as part of their religious rites.

+ Hashish and cannabis are not physically addictive like heroin, cocaine and cigarettes; however, users may develop a psychological addiction.

+ By doing these things, companies that make synthetic cannabis can say that they are not selling drugs, and it is not their fault if people ignore their warning label.

+ According to a 1999 report by the Institute of Medicine, cannabis can decrease pain; control nausea and vomiting; and improve appetite.

+ In 2018, Steve left the company to focus on his career in the cannabis industry.

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