Use the word “Blow up”

How to use in-sentence of “Blow up”:

– On October 22, 1941 the Soviet union with bombs blow up the Romanian military headquarters in Odessa, and killed 66 Romanian soldiers.

– The highlight of the subjectivated gaze are the scenes in which the vampire character – directly facing the camera – turns to the audience and thus the fourth wall is broken: “The vampire seems by its immensity, the dimensions of the screen to blow up and the viewers to directly threaten ” Klaus Becker.” Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau.

– When Rigel loses its fuel inside the very hot core, it will blow up into the red supergiant stage of its life and explode in a supernova.

– Stark has Potts blow up the large arc reactor at Stark Industries to kill Stane.

– Some members of the Gush Emunim Underground planned to blow up the mosque, but they never blew it up.

– It is about an airport almost being closed because of a snow storm while a mad bomber is trying to blow up an airliner in flight.

– On May 2, 2010, 12 days after the blow up and fire of the Deepwater Horizon, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration closed 6,817 square miles of the Gulf of Mexico to fishing.

– He refuses and tells the Mariner that he would be crazy to blow up the ship.

Use the word Blow up
Use the word Blow up

Example sentences of “Blow up”:

– The male can blow up this bulge, so that it is the size of its head.

– In the beginning, Percy and Beckendorf, son of Hephaestus are sent on a quest to blow up Luke’s demon cruise ship, and Beckendorf is killed.

– Also a positive, he took a long wikibreak after the one RfA, which shows he is very stable and doesn’t blow up when things go wrong.

– They used the weapon to blow up the capital of the New Republic, Hosnian Prime.

– While make bombs to blow up the rest, security tells the police who show up in force.

– His main weapon is a rocket launcher which he can use to blow up enemies, or, if fired at his own feet, can be used to make him jump very high.

– Some tried to blow up a ship.

– A Molotov cocktail could blow up the fuel tank, destroying the machine, particularly for older tank models.

– They would blow up their lips with glass and injure themselves.

– In a message dropped in the mailbox of The Associated Press office in Lisbon, the group said: “We have decided to blow up this building and remain under the collapse.

– He then takes a big weapon called Panzerschreck and threatens to blow up the Ark as it is being loaded onto an island.

– Mines are a way to blow up the enemy and really shock them.

– However, he claims to dislike Margaret Thatcher, as is noted by his efforts threatening to blow up England with a bomb in the episode “Bomb” if she does not do something “to help the kids, by this afternoon.” This is also noticed in “The Young Ones Book” first published by Sphere Books, where negative references are made to Thatcher and the Conservative Party.

– Despite his manipulations, Thomas does truly love Bea while only hating the animals, even feeling guilty when Bea decided to end their relationship after learning of his plot to blow up Peter’s burrow.

– The war begins during the show’s third season, when a plot to blow up the Golden Gate Bridge was uncovered; in response, the President orders the assassination of terrorist leader Abdul ibn Shareef.

– They set the base to blow up and steal a vehicle to escape.

– Finch, who guessed that V would use a train to blow up the Palace, draws a gun and attempts to stop her.

– His plan is to blow up Fort Knox so that the price of gold will go up.

- The male can blow up this bulge, so that it is the size of its head.

- In the beginning, Percy and Beckendorf, son of Hephaestus are sent on a quest to blow up Luke's demon cruise ship, and Beckendorf is killed.

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