Use the word “as a man”

How to use in-sentence of “as a man”:

– It shows Jesus as a man of action: going around the country, teaching and healing people.

– Historian Mollie Gillen said Ross could be admired as a man who always did what he believed was right, but was also “narrow minded, censorious, self-important and almost totally humourless”.

– His obituary in a Munich newspaper described him as a man of great modesty and one of the city’s “most original and best-known artistic personalities.” Selz, Peter.

– The opera is a “rescue” opera, a typical French kind of opera describing a man who is imprisoned and rescued by his lover who disguises herself as a man and manages to get into the prison.

– For example, a man from a place near London may not pronounce his “r”s the same as a man from Scotland or a man from Northern Ireland.

– He started as a man “willing to listen”.

– Guy Pearce stars as a man who, as a result of an injury, has anterograde amnesia and has short-term memory loss approximately every fifteen minutes.

– RuPaul has on occasion performed as a man in a number of roles.

Use the word as a man
Use the word as a man

Example sentences of “as a man”:

- After marriage, together they started a medical practice, but not many people wanted to go to a woman doctor as they did not trust she could do as good of a job as a man physician.

- Hercules once again comes to the rescue and faces one of his most difficult challenges, and must prove himself as a man as well as a god.
- Chisholm's research showed Gilbert as a man of much ability and fine character who somewhat ironically had a great respect for the aboriginals.

– After marriage, together they started a medical practice, but not many people wanted to go to a woman doctor as they did not trust she could do as good of a job as a man physician.

– Hercules once again comes to the rescue and faces one of his most difficult challenges, and must prove himself as a man as well as a god.

– Chisholm’s research showed Gilbert as a man of much ability and fine character who somewhat ironically had a great respect for the aboriginals.

– He made a Khrushchev’s Secret Speechsecret speech, in which he denounced Stalin as a man who committed many murders of innocent people.

– However, by 1940 Tipton was living as a man all the time.

– He played a small role as a man in a restaurant.

– In the end, Kenai lives with the other bears, and gains his title as a man through living as a bear.

– Sarah Emma Edmonds, was a Canadian-conceived lady who is referred to for filling in as a man with the Union Army during the American Civil War.

– Sarah Emma Edmonds’ enthusiasm for experience was started by a book she read in her childhood by Maturin Murray Ballou called Fanny Campbell, the Female Pirate Captain’, recounting to the account of Fanny Campbell and her undertakings on a privateer transport during the American Revolution while dressed as a lady Fanny stayed dressed as a man so as to seek after different experiences, to which Edmonds credits her longing to dress in drag.

– Cosimo de’ Medici was intelligent, deeply religious, very rich, and wanted to be remembered as a man who did great things for Florence.

– Actually Fidelio is a woman who has dressed up as a man so that she can get into the prison where her husband Florestan is a prisoner.

– There was a medieval tradition that had claimed that a woman, Pope Joan, had succeeded him by disguising herself as a man but she is believed to be fictitious.

– Kokopelli is sometimes shown as a man playing a flute with a humpback, things like feathers sticking out from his head, and a very big penis.

– Several economists have hailed Georgescu-Roegen as a man who lived well ahead of his time, and some historians of economic thought have proclaimed the ingenuity of his work.

– Geb was depicted as a man wearing the crown of the North and other times he wore the crown of the South of Egypt.

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