Use the word “amyloid”

How to use in-sentence of “amyloid”:

– Serum amyloid A is a group of proteins which flow in the blood.

– In Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, native proteins re-fold into a different stable conformation, which causes fatal amyloid buildup.

– There are many different types of amyloidosis, each caused by formation of amyloid fibrils from different soluble precursor proteins in different patients.

– The symptoms of amyloidosis are accordingly highly variable and confirmation of the presence of amyloid in the tissues can be challenging, so that diagnosis is often delayed.

– Cerebral amyloid angiopathy in the aetiology and immunotherapy of Alzheimer disease.

– This amyloid beta – which may lead to Alzheimer’s – and people with Alzheimer’s.

Use the word amyloid
Use the word amyloid

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