Use the word “amendment”

How to use in-sentence of “amendment”:

– Also, this proposed amendment would have repealed the Twenty-third Amendment.

– It remains the most important Constitutional amendment since the Bill of Rights was passed in 1791.

– See United States Constitution, Amendment XXV.

– The Twenty-fourth Amendment forbade the requirement for poll taxes in federal elections; by this time five of the eleven southern states continued to require such taxes.

– On March 10, 1971, the United States Senate voted 94–0 in support of proposing an amendment that would lower the minimum voting age to 18 everywhere in the country.”Senate Joint Resolution No.

– He passed the 18th amendment to constitutionally reduce his powers and allied with the U.S in the war in Afghanistan.

– In June 2011, she dined with New York Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, who introduced the Equal Rights Amendment the previous month, and Eleanor Smeal.

Use the word amendment
Use the word amendment

Example sentences of “amendment”:

- Similarly, in 1970, in a committee that was debating a possible Constitutional amendment to lower the voting age, Representative Thomas Railsback said: ""Our laws tax these 18-year-olds but our voting laws do not permit them representation in enacting that tax law.

- The amendment was passed by Congress in 1947, and was ratified by the U.S.

– Similarly, in 1970, in a committee that was debating a possible Constitutional amendment to lower the voting age, Representative Thomas Railsback said: “”Our laws tax these 18-year-olds but our voting laws do not permit them representation in enacting that tax law.

– The amendment was passed by Congress in 1947, and was ratified by the U.S.

– The Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution was an addition to the United States Constitution that put a limit on how many times a person could be elected to be President.

– He was known for his book “Fuck: Word Taboo and Protecting Our First Amendment Liberties”.

– In 1963, more than a century after the Corwin Amendment was sent to the state legislatures by the Congress, a joint resolution to ratify it was introduced in the Texas House of Representatives by Dallas Republican Henry Stollenwerck.

– The other 1789 article of amendment of the original 12, was finally ratified in 1992.

– The Court also held that the Thirteenth Amendment was meant to eliminate “the badge of slavery” but not to prohibit racial discrimination in public accommodations.

– However, the Court also ruled that the Sixth Amendment applied “only” to federal courts.

– RatificationRatified on August 18, 1920, Nineteenth Amendment to the American women the right to vote.

– However, beginning in the 1920s, a series of Supreme Court decisions interpreted the Fourteenth Amendment to “incorporate” most portions of the Bill of Rights, making these portions, for the first time, enforceable against the state governments.

– Article Five gives two choices for how an amendment can be ratified.

– The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868.

More in-sentence examples of “amendment”:

– The Thirteenth Amendment was an amendment to the United States Constitution, meaning that it was a change to the basic and most important laws that govern the United States.

– The Second Amendment was a result of several proposals being combined and simplified into just 27 words.

– After his death, the 22nd Amendment came into effect, limiting how long a person could be President.

– Joint resolution 39 was passed by the House of Representatives in 1911 proposing a constitutional amendment to directly elect US Senators.

– For the Twenty-sixth Amendment to be added to the Constitution, three-fourths of the state legislatures would have to ratify the Amendment.

– Opinion polls said that most Americans wanted the Twenty-sixth Amendment to pass.

– It passed a bill for the admission of Maine with an amendment allowing the people of Missouri to make a state constitution.

– The Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution put Tyler’s precedent into the Constitution.

– It was established by the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

– To make stopping gay marriage constitutional, many have pushed for an amendment to the United States constitution to ban gay marriage.

– As a whole, the Fourteenth Amendment marked a large shift in American constitutionalism.

– The Eighteenth Amendment was later repealed by the Twenty-first Amendment to the United States ConstitutionTwenty-first Amendment.

– Paul was the original author of a proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution in 1923.

– If the delay in bringing a defendant to trial exceeds one year following the arrest, this will trigger a presumption that the Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial may have been violated.

– United States Secretary of StateSecretary of State Thomas Jefferson announced the adoption of the amendment on March 1, 1792.

– In a few instances, States have sent official documents to NARA to record the rejection of an amendment or the rescission of a prior ratification.

– The United States Congress approved the amendment on March 23, 1971, and sent it to the states to be ratified.

– The Sixth Amendment protects the right to a lawyer, but the Supreme Court had also just recently made two landmark decisions about this right.

– An amendment establishing a formula for determining the appropriate size of the House of Representatives and the appropriate apportionment of representatives among the states was one of several proposed amendments to the Constitution introduced first in the United States House of RepresentativesHouse on June 8, 1789, by Representative James Madison of Virginia.

– The 7th Amendment was Ratificationratified on December 15, 1791 as one of ten amendments in the Bill of Rights.

– After a long and controversial debate, the amendment was not added to the Constitution.

– The Fourteenth Amendment is one of the most litigated parts of the Constitution.

– Stevens helped create the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

– The 19th Amendment removed the restriction by sex allowing women to vote.

– The Fifth Amendment requires the use of grand jurygrand juries by the federal legal system for all capital and “infamous crimes” cases involving felonies or gross moral turpitude Grand juries trace their roots back to the Assize of Clarendon, an enactment by Henry II of England in 1166.

– The court recognized that “Prior to the Twenty-first Amendment it would obviously have been unconstitutional” for a state to require a fee for such a privilege.

– The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery throughout the United States on December 18, 1865, ending the distinction between slave and free states.

– Because Congress did not set a time limit for its ratification, the Congressional Apportionment Amendment is still technically pending before the states.

– In 1992, New York State’s highest court accepted 14th Amendment arguments and struck down the provision in New York’s “Exposure of the Person” statute that made it illegal for women to bare their chests where men were permitted to do so.

– The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, among other provisions, forbids states from denying anyone their life, their liberty or their property without due process of law Another example is when the prosecution fails to disclose information to the defense that would show the defendant is not guilty of the crime.

– The Congress proposes an amendment in the form of a joint resolution.

– Miller” ruling formed the basis of the unusual and belated ratification of the 27th Amendment which was proposed by Congress in 1789 and ratified more than two centuries later in 1992 by the legislatures of at least three-fourths of the 50 states.

– Please translate this statement if you can, and we welcome you to translate the proposed amendment and introduction.

– In the United States punitive damages awards are subject to the limitations imposed by the due process of law clauses of the Fifth Amendment to the United States ConstitutionFifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.

– What government activities constitute “search” and “seizure”? What constitutes probable cause for these actions? How should violations of Fourth Amendment rights be addressed? Early court decisions limited the amendment‘s scope to a law enforcement officer’s physical intrusion onto private property.

– In 2016, Morales wanted to pass a Constitutional amendment that would allow him to run for another term in 2019.

– Finally, the proposed amendment would have also allowed the Council of the District of Columbia, the Congress, or the people of Washington D.C.

– In 1913, the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution16th Amendment exempted income taxes from this clause.

– His juristic competence is demonstrated in his opinions and interpretations as pronounced in many of the Bangladesh Supreme Court’s decisions concerning vital issues, such as, admiralty jurisdiction, amendment of the Constitution, citizenship, habeas corpus, administrative tribunals and court jurisdictions. However, in 1994, he delivered a controversial verdict in favour of Ghulam Azam that restored citizenship for the former Jamaat-e-Islami chief.

– In a 9-0 decision, the court ruled in the African-American students’ favor, arguing the state violated due process of law under the Fourteenth Amendment and finding there was no evidence the students’ behavior could have foreseeably disturbed the peace.

– If this happens, the proposed amendment moves to Step 2 in the process.

– The Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution extends the right to vote in the United States presidential electionpresidential election to citizens residing in the District electors in the Electoral college, as if it were a U.S.

– The amendment discusses citizenship rights and Equal Protection Clauseequal protection of the laws.

– The amendment was proposed by the 86th Congress on June 16, 1960, and ratified by the states on March 29, 1961.

– Until the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865, only the states had power to end slavery within their own borders.

- The Thirteenth Amendment was an amendment to the United States Constitution, meaning that it was a change to the basic and most important laws that govern the United States.

- The Second Amendment was a result of several proposals being combined and simplified into just 27 words.

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