Use in sentence of “window”

How to use in-sentence of “window”:

– Just a heads up, shortly after the maintenance window ended, an issue with the MediaWiki job queue led to edits completely dropping off Recent Changes.

– At night, his mother would sit at the window and act out what was going on outside.

– The West window is very large and is never a rose window.

– Both cowboys and railroad workers preferred the hat because it would not blow off easily in strong wind while riding a horse, or when sticking one’s head out the window of a speeding train.

– The design for each dialog box and window was simplified.

Use in sentence of window
Use in sentence of window

Example sentences of “window”:

- Cenozoic to Recent plate configurations in the Pacific Basin: Ridge subduction and slab window magmatism in western North America.

- He puts a ladder against a window of the house.
- Burton was thrown out of the bus' window and the bus fell on him.

– Cenozoic to Recent plate configurations in the Pacific Basin: Ridge subduction and slab window magmatism in western North America.

– He puts a ladder against a window of the house.

– Burton was thrown out of the bus’ window and the bus fell on him.

– George Hennard, a thirty-five year old man, drove his blue 1987 Ford Ranger pickup truck through the front window of a Luby’s restaurant.

– But she cannot sleep so she stands at her window and pretends she is talking with Romeo.

– McNair jumped out of a window and crashed into a tree, but was injured when the branch he landed on snapped.

– A casement window is a window with a sash that has a hinge that swings in or out like a door.

– She bought a cup of coffee from the drive-through window of a McDonald’s restaurant.

– The paraders marched for six hours to pass Hugo as he sat in the window at his house.

– The “facades” in France nearly always have three doors, a rose window and two towers.

– On 7 September 2013, Špilár committed suicide by jumping out of a fifth-floor window in Prešov.

– Each of the three lateral bays contains a window with a cornice, and a round window above it.

More in-sentence examples of “window”:

– A plasma window is usually created at temperatures of 15,000 kelvin.

– All seems lost when Will appears in the window – he too has Josie’s power of flying.

– Suddenly, the Bohemian Hussites took them, put them on a mock trial, and threw them out of the palace window which was 20 feet off the ground.

– In Toronto in January 2006, a driver threw his lunch out the window of his car.

– Other compositing managers exist, but have been very unstable, and Xfce was the first to put its own compositing manager into the window manager.

– The western window from the 19th century is the largest window of the Minster and was restored in 1996.

– This was because they both started as X Window System applications.

– She was Rohan’s babysitter, and pushed him out the window when her and her family were killed by Kira.

– In England the most famous windows like this are the West Window of York Minster with its design based on the Sacred Heart, the East Window at Carlisle Cathedral and the East window of Selby Abbey.

– Its main offices are in Window Rock, ArizonaWindow Rock, Shiprock, New Mexico.

– On the left side, there was a window by which commander could look out to steer the LM.

– The photograph on the right was taken through polarizing sunglasses and through the rear window of a car.

– According to the Free Software Foundation, the MIT License is more accurately called the X11 license, since MIT has used many licenses for software and the license was first written for the X Window System.

– Sometimes a window can be found with the thick edge at the top of the window.

– Before laminated safety glass, vehicles used ordinary window glass as a windshield.

– In nature sometimes light that bounces off of a surface has the same polarization – this is called ‘glare’ from a window or water.

– They can be burned before anything without limits; like in front of a door, or open window as an offering.

– Solar heat loading through standard window designs usually leads to high demand for air conditioning in summer months.

– A skylight is a window built into a roof.

– Instead they have buttons which can make the window darker or lighter.

– They were an updated version of the Class 104, with a revised cab design and raised bodyside window frames.

– She sings at her window for his quick return, and Faust, listening, returns to her.

– For example, they can use bug spray; wear long sleeves and long pants; sleep under a mosquito net; and make sure they have good window and door screens.

– A double glazed window is two panes of glass space in the middle.

– In June-November 2009, their lawyers presented evidence and witnesses to support a “lone-wolf” theory, that Guede killed Kercher and later undressed and moved her body away from the window of her bedroom in the house where she lived with Knox.

- A plasma window is usually created at temperatures of 15,000 kelvin.

- All seems lost when Will appears in the window – he too has Josie's power of flying.

– He is between a tree on the left and one wall of a house with a window on the right.

– She was fatally injured after jumping out of the window of her apartment.

– Bella then peers out the window and can see Jacobs ‘ Tribe Mates’.

– Saint Patrick’s Church, built in 1877 has a huge stained glass window brought from Ireland in 1881.

– Paul and Bernice Noll’s Window on the World.

– When you type in a window for editing, put two brackets on each side of the word and you will get Mercury.

– Players now have a window of opportunity to attack while still in a downed state and can also interrupt moves and Royal Rumble eliminations with attacks.

– She goes home in a hurry and she peeks through a window at a young man.

– Other mostly-used desktop environments for UNIXUnix-like operating systems using the X Window System are KDE, GNOME, Xfce.

– Users need a window manager or desktop manager to do that.

– The simplest possible window function is rectangular: It is 1 inside the domain of interest, and zero everywhere else.

– I say houses consist of windows.”A person in a rented apartment must be able to lean out of his window and scrape off the masonry within arm’s reach.

– The prophets’ faces are all very different but the thing that is the most clever about them is that Uccello painted bright light and dark shadows on their faces as if the light was coming from a real window which is high on the wall to the left side of the clock.

– The material of the window is specifically selected in order to get the best transmission of spectral lines for the cathode element.

– He started to write his stories because when he opened his window he heard the animals from the nearby zoo.

– The fifth bullet hit the bullet-resistant glass of the window on the open side door of the limousine.

– When he became older, he broke every window in the house when he clapped or laughed.

– Following its moratorium strategy, in which releases are made available for a limited time only, Disney gave the DVD a 70-day window for its US release.

– A window is an opening in a wall or roof of a building, in a car etc., to let air and light in.

– Type in the edit window where you want the link to appear.

– A TriassicJurassic window into the evolution of Lepidoptera.

– A stained glass window is a window that is made up of pieces of colored glass.

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