Use in sentence of “warming”

How to use in-sentence of “warming”:

– Global warming is currently affecting the Earth’s ice resources and its causes are also very complex.

– Beginning around 1850, the climate began warming and the Little Ice Age ended.

– Once opened and populated, warming centers typically offer only the most bare-bones of service: a cot and perhaps a bowl of hot soup.

– But most of the extra heat warms up the oceans, and after the CO has stopped increasing some of this heat leaves the oceans and keeps on slowly warming up the atmosphere for thousands of years.

– A warming center is a place where people can go to stay warm and dry when it is rainy or wet outside.

– The Arctic region is warming at rate roughly three times the global mean.

– The warming of the oceans is extending the oceanic thermocline layer of tropical oceans over the Arctic and Antarctic waters.

Use in sentence of warming
Use in sentence of warming

Example sentences of “warming”:

- This includes global warming and global cooling.

- Sometimes warming centers are set up in existing homeless shelters.

– This includes global warming and global cooling.

– Sometimes warming centers are set up in existing homeless shelters.

– If so, the planet’s negative feedbacks would weaken, and global warming would continue to increase.

– In May 2016, Attorneys General Pruitt and Luther Strange authored an op-ed in the National Review criticizing other state attorneys general for “acting like George III” regarding the ExxonMobil climate change controversy, writing “global warming has inspired one of the major policy debates of our time.

– Most electricity in the United States comes from coal or natural gas, so an electric vehicle that is powered by electricity from one of these plants will still add to global warming gases.

– Perception of the importance and priority of warming centers varies.

– If the electricity for a battery-electric vehicle comes from a renewable energy source, like a windmill, solar cells, geothermal energygeothermal or global warming gases.

– Many scientists think this is happening because global warming is changing the climate.

– The climate is known to be warming very rapidly.

– In discussions of global warming this period is often mentioned.

– The harvesting of bio gas is an important role of waste management because methane is a greenhouse gas with a greater global warming potential than carbon dioxide.

– Global warming means that Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets are melting and the oceans are expanding.

– The catcher who Warming upwarmed up Young gave him the nickname “Cyclone” because of the speed of his fastball.

– It gives a cooling effect during hot summer and a warming effect during chilling winter.

– Climate change and global warming are showing effects in Antarctica, particularly the Antarctic Peninsula.

More in-sentence examples of “warming”:

– If the cooling side is the inside of a building, and the warming side is the outside of the building, the inside of the building gets cold.

– It is milder than other places at the same latitude, due to warming from the sea.

– Wildfires from global warming in 2020 have decreased their population.

– Global warming is increasing the melting for the Passage.

– There is currently a strong scientific consensus that the Earth is warming and that this warming is mainly caused by human activities.

– Air pollution causes global warming and acid rain.

– According to Tchepalyga, global warming beginning from about 16,000 years ago caused the melting of the Scandinavian ice sheet.

– It was here that King Louis XV had suppers with Du Barry, warming the coffee himself at the stove.

– Smoothed data from NOAA shows that Barrow has warmed by more than 11°F since 1976 with average autumn temperature warming at a staggering 18°F.

– Global warming led to dwarfism in mammals Eocene thermal maximum, and the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2.

– Nauru is the seventh most global warming threatened nation due to flooding.

– Scientists are fairly sure that most feedback makes the warming faster: but because the feedback is so complicated they don’t understand very well, and sometimes their computers are not fast enough to do enough calculations to get a good answer.

– Kettles are landforms created by melted water from glaciers, a process called “fluvioglacial.” When warming weather conditions cause a glacier to start melting, large blocks of ice can break off in a process called “calving.” Rather than melting on the surface of the ground, the ice block can get partially or totally buried by dirt, rocks, and plant matter – the “sediment” carried in the glacier together with its ice content.

– The Pacific Ocean greatly moderates Newport Beach’s climate by warming winter temperatures and cooling summer temperatures.

– Hopefully one of the good things to come from all of that work is there will be better ways to make sure people know about the warming centers.

– In the NICU, premature babies are kept warm in incubators or other warming machines.

– Most refrigerants also increase global warming because they are powerful greenhouse gasses.

– Many people say that the warming centers tend to keep things the way they are, to maintain the “status quo”.

– Hydropower produces essentially no carbon dioxide or other harmful emissions, in contrast to burning fossil fuels, and is not a significant contributor to global warming through CO.

– Romm’s 2006 book was “Hell and High Water: Global Warming — the Solution and the Politics — and What We Should Do”.

– The Younger Dryas was the most recent and longest of several interruptions to the gradual warming of the Earth’s climate.

– Some people who use warming centers do not have major issues: maybe they are just on the road and the weather takes a turn for the worse.

– A car motor becomes a CHP plant in winter, when the reject heat is useful for warming the interior of the vehicle.

– He believes that global warming is happening and caused by humans but that using the government to solve it cannot work.

– If the cooling side is the outside of the building, and the warming side is the inside of the building, this is how a heat pump can heat a building during the winter.

– Each time was separated by slight warming intervals.

– Global warming is mostly because of people burning things, like gasoline to make cars go and natural gas to keep houses warm.

– Barrow is warming quickly due to being in the Arctic.

– The Paris Agreement is to keep global warming below 2°C.

– Global warming is also a big problem for them, because they are used to the cold.

– Some things that could reduce warming are to burn less fossil fuels, grow more trees, eat less meat, and put some carbon dioxide back in the ground.

– Drawing on his experience with the Marshall Plan after World WarII, he has argued that addressing global warming is a bargaining problem; if the world is able to reduce emissions, poor countries will receive most of the benefits but rich countries will bear most of the costs.

– It shows Gore’s exploration of the global warming data, and predictions regarding climate change and its potential for disaster.

– According to more recent studies, however, the effects of anthropogenic global warming may delay this otherwise expected glacial period by another 50,000 years.

– Global warming is a threat to penguins along with other arctic animals.

– People can also change how they live because of any changes that global warming will bring.

– Global warming may shorten the frog’s breeding time during winter, and also destroy their snowy habitat.

– The word “homelessness” also includes people who sleep in warming centers, homeless shelters, or in abandoned buildings, parking garages, or other places not meant for humans to live in.

– His representative works included the absurd comedy “Kiki kaikai ore wa dareda?! which was warming up the project.

– On 1 May 2007 it was announced that New York-based Turtle Pond Publications and Berlin Zoo had signed a deal for the worldwide publishing rights to Knut with the hopes of raising global warming issues.

– In the Southern Hemisphere and some areas of the Northern Hemisphere, such as southeastern North America, a slight warming occurred.

– In some cases, when cold snaps threaten wildlife, warming centers are created and operated to protect endangered wild animals.

– He also said that global warming was a growing, man-made danger like the natural development of Venus Venus into a hot and dangerous planet with greenhouse gases.

– It was originally made as the warming upwarm-up track for the 2002 Commonwealth Games held at the City of Manchester Stadium which is next to it.

– Shading the Earth from some sunlight could also reduce warming but we don’t understand how it might change weather in other ways.

– It discusses the effect of climate change and global warming on the world economy.

– His presidency was very controversial, because of his opinion on global warming and because of amnesty he declared.

– The first person to predict that carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels could cause global warming was Svante Arrhenius.

– Some global warming critics believe that Earth’s climate is still recovering from the Little Ice Age and that human activity is not the decisive factor in present temperature trends, but this idea is not widely accepted.

- If the cooling side is the inside of a building, and the warming side is the outside of the building, the inside of the building gets cold.

- It is milder than other places at the same latitude, due to warming from the sea.

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