Use in sentence of “venom”

How to use in-sentence of “venom”:

– The venom of a yellow-lipped sea krait is said to be 10 times more deadly than the venom of a rattlesnake.

– Cone snails use a hypodermic-like modified radula tooth and a venom gland to attack and paralyze their prey before eating it.

– Throughout the movie series, Spider-Man fights villains such as the Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Sandman, and Venom while also maintaining friendships with Harry Osborn and his long-time crush Mary Jane Watson, who later falls in love with him.

– Some animals use venom for both of these things.

– OctopusDoctor Octopus, Ultron, Venom Venom, Sandman, Galactus, Loki, Morbius, Electro, Vengeance, Magneto, Rhino, Copperhead, Tombstone, MODOK, Jackal, Bullseye, Prowler, Dormammu, Mystique, and Apocalypse.

Use in sentence of venom
Use in sentence of venom

Example sentences of “venom”:

– Young black mambas stay in the egg for 2-3 months, and then they break through the shell with an ‘egg tooth.’ They are almost fully developed when they hatch, and they already have venom glands and can defend themselves mere minutes after their birth.

– Members include the black mamba, which is the most venomous land snake to mice, and “Hydrophis belcheri”, a sea snake and the most toxic venom of all snakes.

– Only about 25 species have venom which can kill a human being.

– Most spiders use venom to paralyse their prey; they kill it through eating, or through a bite.

– Coevolution of diet and prey-specific venom activity supports the role of selection in snake venom evolution.

– Parasitic wasps are typically parasitoids, and extremely diverse in habits, many laying their eggs in inert stages of their host, or sometimes paralyzing their prey by injecting it with venom through their ovipositor.

– Snake venom evolved by the duplication of a gene encoding for a normal regulatory or bioactivity protein.

- Young black mambas stay in the egg for 2-3 months, and then they break through the shell with an 'egg tooth.' They are almost fully developed when they hatch, and they already have venom glands and can defend themselves mere minutes after their birth.

- Members include the black mamba, which is the most venomous land snake to mice, and "Hydrophis belcheri", a sea snake and the most toxic venom of all snakes.

– When bites occur, only a small amount of venom is injected.

– When something is bitten by a yellow-lipped sea krait, the Venom venom affects the muscles and the nerves.

– Their venom is mostly comprised of neurotoxins, which attack the nervous system.

– All vipers have a pair of long hollow fangs which are used to inject venom from glands found in the back of the upper jaws.

More in-sentence examples of “venom”:

– James is destroyed, and Edward sucks James’s venom from Bella’s wrist, preventing her from becoming a vampire.

– Storing venom for use in biting or stings is common in some groups of animals.

– To create some antivenoms, a little bit of venom is injected into an animal, like a horse.

– The sting may reach about 35cm, and its underside has two grooves with Venom venom glands.

– The Venom venomous spines of the stingrays don’t seem to affect them, because a Great Hammerhead Shark caught off Florida had 96 venomous spines found in and around its mouth.

– Yellow-lipped sea kraits are one of the most Venom venomous snakes in the world, but they are not aggressive and rarely ever bite humans.

– Their venom is delivered by stinging nematocysts, which cluster on tentacles, each with half a million stinging cells.

– A wolf spider will usually wait until an insect comes near to it, and then rush at the insect, grab it using its front legs, and then bite the insect so that its venom can do its work.

– It should be moved to Clodomiro Picado Twight but I didnt find any good reference in English for his biography but I did see some mention that his institute is very important at researching cancer and venom treatment and unsourced claims are that he is the unrecognised discoverer of pennicillin.

– In 2020, scientists from the University of Utah said some caecilians have venom glands in their mouths that come out near their teeth.

– In the 18th century, Pierre Louis MaupertuisPierre-Louis de Maupertuis made experiments with venom and observed that certain dogs and mice were immune to this venom.

– All elapids have a pair of Proteroglyphaproteroglyphous fangs that are used to inject venom from glands located towards the rear of the upper jaws.

– Early evolution of the venom system in lizards and snakes.

– These fangs, which are enlarged and hollow, deliver their venom to their prey species.

– Adult’s venom glands hold around 21–268mg of venom, while young one’s venom glands hold around 8–79mg of venom.

– They are protected by a venom which they squirt when disturbed.

– The bushmasters are one of the largest and dangerous snakes in South America, and can inject a large amount of venom into their enemies.

– The clade was identified when research showed that the evolution of venom was very ancient, and that it might have occurred only once.

– They are called “armed spiders” in Portuguese because their venom is a powerful weapon.

– Some of them are found in snake venom and are dangerous for our nervous system or heart.

– Since of its aggressiveness and venom many animals and people are scared of this snake.

– A few species are capable of spraying their venom from forward facing holes at the tips of their fangs as a means of defense.

– In the 18th century, Pierre Louis Maupertuis made experiments with scorpion venom and saw that certain dogs and mice were immune to this venom.

– The PlayStation 2 game came with two versions, a regular edition and a special edition with Venom on the cover.

– For example, if it is injected, snake venom can be life-threatening.

– He was bitten in the neck, and the venom will kill him.

– Some are Venom venomous; they inject poison along grooves in their teeth.

– Some kinds of spider venom attack the nervous systems of their prey, and other kinds of venom attack body tissues.

– Australia is home to two of the five known species of monotremes and has numerous venom venomous species, which include the platypus, spiders, scorpions, octopus, jellyfish, molluscs, stonefish, and stingrays.

– Very little is known about the venom of the brown recluse, and spider venom experts have been looking for a long time for ways to effectively tell whether a brown recluse has bitten a patient as well as an antidote for its venom.

– This rattlesnake is a type of Venom venomous Pit viper, and one bite of it can harm a human.

– Azemiopinae, commonly known as the “”Fea’s vipers””, is a monotypic subfamily made for a monotypic genus, “Azemiops”, which contains the Venom venomous viper, “Azemiops Feae”.

– The Bell UH-1Y Venom is a USAUS military helicopter.

– Tiger snake venom has myotixons, coagulants, haemolysins, and neurotoxins, all of which are dangerous to people.

– The Venom venom of the Sri Lankan Green Pit viper is hemotoxic.

– In a single bite, a yellow-lipped sea krait can give more than 12 times the venom needed to kill a human.

– Neurotoxins are also found in the venom of Cobras and mambas.

– Loki is soon caught and sentenced to punishment; he is bound by the entrails of one of his sons, to face torture as the venom of a massive serpent drips from its fangs onto Loki’s eyes.

– The symptoms caused by the venom may seem slight at first..

– Recent research suggests that the evolutionary origin of venom lies deep in the squamate phylogeny.

– Atropoides is a genus of Venom venomous Pit vipers found in Mexico and Central America.

– Their venom is more powerful, drop for drop, than other venoms.

– All mamba species have similar venom, but the black mamba has the most toxic venom and is more aggressive.

– The horse’s body will develop an immunity to the venom, so more and more venom from the snake can be injected every day.

– Many of the Venom venoms and other toxins that organisms use in defense against vertebrates are neurotoxins.

– The Venom of boomslangs can disrupt the clotting of blood, and this can kill someone.

– The venom is a kind of protease, a destroyer of protein.

– The redback spider is a venom venomous spider that lives in Australia.

– Pepper and Venom Energy Drink.

– Their venom affects the cardiovascular systemcardiovascular and nerve systems.

- James is destroyed, and Edward sucks James's venom from Bella's wrist, preventing her from becoming a vampire.

- Storing venom for use in biting or stings is common in some groups of animals.
- To create some antivenoms, a little bit of venom is injected into an animal, like a horse.

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