Use in sentence of “term”

How to use in-sentence of “term”:

+ The term is also used to refer to items made out of this material and to its natural, brownish orange color, which varies considerably.

+ The term is also be used for bacteria, fungi, lichens and mosses which grow on plants.

+ The term needle may also be used to refer to other sharp objects used for different purposes, such as the needles doctors use to give a shot.

+ Some astronomers think that the term “dwarf planet” is too confusing and needs to be changed.

+ The term can also refer to pacifism, which is the opposition to all use of military force during conflicts.

+ Before the early 1900s, the word “nigger” was simply used to mean a black person and was not considered racist, while the old term “black” was disliked and replaced with the word “colored” and later, with the wider covering term “people of color”.

+ The term is 5 years.

Use in sentence of term
Use in sentence of term

Example sentences of “term”:

+ The term of office for the members of the Senate is 6 years.

+ Some countries such as Switzerland, the Philippines and the United States do not use the term “ministry” for their government departments, and instead simply call them departments.

+ A common term for keeping track of this information is called “keeping the books”.

+ The term “disc jockey” was ostensibly coined by radio gossip commentator Walter Winchell in 1935, and the phrase first appeared in print in a 1941 “Variety” magazine, used to describe radio personalities who introduced phonograph records on the air.

+ With studies of dispersions in air, the term aerosol evolved and now embraces both liquid droplets, solid particles, and combinations of these.

+ In November 2018, Morgan revealed that the original title of the movie was “The Radical Mister Rogers”, but after the election of Donald Trump, the term “radical” had a negative connotation according to Morgan.

+ The name of the city derives from the river Pader and “born”, an old German term for the source of a river.

+ The term “brazilwood” is sometimes used for these other species as well.

+ The 42 National Council members are chosen by regional councils, which are indirectly elected for a term of five years.

+ The term Shiva also connotes “liberation, final emancipation” and “the auspicious one”, this adjective sense of usage is addressed to many deities in Vedic layers of literature.

+ The term of office for the members of the Senate is 6 years.

+ Some countries such as Switzerland, the Philippines and the United States do not use the term "ministry" for their government departments, and instead simply call them departments.
+ A common term for keeping track of this information is called "keeping the books".

More in-sentence examples of “term”:

+ Millstone Grit is an informal term for gritstones found in the Peak District and Pennines of northern England.

+ Today's philosophers sometimes use the term 'Hume's fork' to refer to Hume calling everything we can think about either a relation of ideas.

+ Millstone Grit is an informal term for gritstones found in the Peak District and Pennines of northern England.

+ Today’s philosophers sometimes use the term ‘Hume’s fork’ to refer to Hume calling everything we can think about either a relation of ideas.

+ The term begins on January 3.

+ The term “Nasty Party” applied to Conservative Party members with traditional conservative stances which included being anti-gay, anti-minorities, and pro-business, and lacking concern for the poor.

+ A creampie is a term used in pornography.

+ The term “Posting A Notice” comes from the act of the town crier, who having read his message to the townspeople, would attach it to the door post of the local inn.

+ In ecology, climax community is a term for a stable biological community of plants, animals and fungi.

+ In book publishing in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world that follow UK nomenclature, the term ‘copy editor’ is also used, but in newspaper and magazine publishing, the term is ‘sub-editor’ and commonly shortened to ‘sub’ or ‘subbie’.

+ Civil engineering is the term for the work of designing and building infrastructure.

+ A hawk is a common term for a medium to large-sized birds of prey.

+ Though many beings were referred to as Titans in the myths, the term is usually used in reference to the twelve children of Gaia and Ouranos.

+ During war, it is a term used for the area of land between two enemy trenches.

+ The term has been extended to refer to the frontier defences in other parts of the empire, such as in the east and in Africa.

+ Paganism is a term that covers a great number of spiritual and religious beliefs, and someone who follows one of these beliefs is known as a Pagan.

+ On the other hand, Maslowism is the term for when you combine the concepts of utilitarianism and hedonism.

+ Also, for curators or collectors, the term ‘pteridosperm’ is a useful shorthand for describing fern-like fronds probably produced by seed plants, which are often found in Palaeozoic and Mesozoic fossil floras.

+ The term Communion comes from Latin “communio”.

+ President Barack Obama used the term “Overseas Contingency Operation”.

+ After winning his third term in 2018, Brown was seen as a potential candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020 and began exploring a run in January 2019.

+ The term social realism describes an art form in America in the 1930s which expressed social protest in a naturalistic way.

+ However, the band has never liked that term and do not even understand that.

+ They called it “writing” and called themselves “writers.” In a 1971 New York Times article, the term “graffiti” was first used to refer to the new urban art explosion that was becoming popular in New York City.

+ In the United States and Canada, the term “dollhouse” is used.

+ He took his second term inauguration oath in the White House, privately on January 20, 2013.

+ Pence is running for a second term as governor.

+ The fancy term is that it is part of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, which roughly studies the time-dependent behavior of statistical mechanics.

+ The band got back together with “Slip Away” when their term was over.

+ The term mesotrophic is also applied to terrestrial habitats.

+ The term “samurai” refers to males specifically.

+ The term “high fidelity” is still used for very good music systems.

+ In 1974 Jeep used the term “sport utility vehicle” exactly in their brochures for the 1st generation Jeep Cherokee.

+ The term “culture jamming” was first used around 1984.

+ A common term for narrative is plot.

+ In chemistry, alcohol is a general term which refers to many organic compounds used in industry and science as reagents, solvents, and fuels.

+ Thus “nut and bolt” or “nuts and bolts” are term which recognise their pairing.

+ As such, the term “Achilles’ heel” has come to mean a point of fatal weakness.

+ In biochemistry, this term refers to alpha-amino acids with the general formula HNCHRCOOH, where R is one of many side groups.

+ Within Islam, the term refers to the family of the Prophets of Islamprophet Muhammad.Ahl al-Bayt, “Encyclopedia of Islam” Shia Muslims limited this term to five people who were Ali, Fatimah, Hassan and Hussain while Sunni Islam extend it to the wives of Muhammad.

+ Technically, the latin term fibulae meant Roman brooches, but the term is widely used for brooches from the entire ancient and early medieval world.

+ Klobuchar faced State Representative Kurt Bills and won a second term in the U.S.

+ The term stained glass is also applied to windows in which the colours have been painted onto the glass and then fused to the glass in a kiln.

+ The term “African-American” was not used during the 1955-1968 period.

+ The term witch doctor is generally used with negative terms.

+ Sometimes the term “prehistoric” is used for much older periods, but scientists have more accurate terms for those more ancient times.

+ The word troika is Russian languageRussian for triumvirate, and the term was used in the Soviet Union after V.I.

+ During her term as the First Lady, the functions at the White House were famous for their calmness and soberness.

+ The first use of the term was in a 1968 song by Steppenwolf, “Born to be Wild”, and other early heavy metal bands appeared in the same year.

+ The term “dengue fever” was not commonly used until after 1828.

+ However the exact relationship of the term “Ahhiyawa” to the Achaeans is hotly debated by scholars, even after the discovery that Mycenaean Linear B is an early form of Greek.

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