Use in sentence of “striking”

How to use in-sentence of “striking”:

– He marched to the Muskingum River in the Ohio Country, within striking distance of a number of native villages.

– On 4 May 1886 in Chicago a peaceful rally was held to support workers striking for an eight-hour day.

– An even more striking example was Charles Howard, 11th Duke of Norfolk, who controlled eleven boroughs.

– A dot matrix printer creates characters by striking pins against ink ribbons.

– Very likely this involved the development of the neocortex, “one of the most striking of all mammalian characteristics”.

– The Clactonian industry involved striking thick, irregular flakes from a core of flint, which was then employed as a chopper.

– In the First Anglo-Mysore WarFirst and Second Anglo-Mysore Wars he came within striking distance of the British outpost at Madras.

– There are striking similarities between the Venus of Willendorf and a pregnant woman when perceived from above.

Use in sentence of striking
Use in sentence of striking

Example sentences of “striking”:

– The “Explorer” sank within 20 hours after striking an unknown submerged object reported to be ice.

– Gaga has a striking fashion sense.

– Seventeen minutes later, a second group crashed the hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 into the WTC, striking between the 77th and 85th floors, fewer than 700 were killed.

– However, in his duel with Percy on Mount Olympus, striking Annabeth reminds him of his promise to protect her.

– It is also found on internal combustion engines and variously fueled turbines, and in some modern striking clocks.

– The hypothesis reappeared in 1786, 20 years after Coeurdoux, when Sir William Jones lectured on the striking similarities between three of the oldest languages known in his time: Latin, Greek languageGreek, and Sanskrit.

– He was very good at writing counterpoint and his music has some very striking effects.

– The white stone trim and white columns create a slight yet striking difference.

– A striking feature of metabolism is the similarity of the basic metabolic pathways and components between even vastly different species.

– Earthquake swarms are sequences of earthquakes striking in a specific area within a short period of time.

- The "Explorer" sank within 20 hours after striking an unknown submerged object reported to be ice.

- Gaga has a striking fashion sense.
- Seventeen minutes later, a second group crashed the hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 into the WTC, striking between the 77th and 85th floors, fewer than 700 were killed.

– A dangling lure on the head of the fish attracts small animals to it within striking distance.

– A hurricane which formed in the west-central Gulf of Mexico on September 11 moved slowly northeast, striking the central Gulf coast on September 14.

– In this solid form, it can be used for striking in combat.

– Invariably, a faculty member falls short of striking the balance.” She made a very good observation that students have difficulty with communication and expressing themselves in the English language both orally and in writing.

– This is to prevent any material from entering the cockpit and striking the driver.

– It later crossed the Yucatán Peninsula and became a hurricane again, before striking the coast of Texas on July 15.

– Because the X-rays are emitted in all directions, an X-ray striking an electron produces secondary spherical waves emanating from the electron.

More in-sentence examples of “striking”:

- He earned a career ERA of 4.55, striking out 640 batters.

- It resonates at a specific constant pitch when set vibrating by striking it against an object.

– He earned a career ERA of 4.55, striking out 640 batters.

– It resonates at a specific constant pitch when set vibrating by striking it against an object.

– Hurricane Kenna weakened to category four before striking land near Puerto Vallarta later that day.

– After the withdrawal, Major Meredith compared the emus to Zulus and commented on the striking manoeuvrability of the emus, even while badly hurt.

– Hazel killed as many as 1,000 people in Haiti before striking the United States just south of Wilmington, North CarolinaWilmington, Category 4 hurricane.

– Impact craters are formed by meteorites or comets striking the Earth or other solid body.

– Perhaps the most striking insect-created features in the Park are the termite mounds.

– A business associate of Sholes named James Densmore suggested splitting up the keys to speed up typing by preventing the typebars from striking the typewriter roller at the same time and sticking together.

– The oldest of these were horizontal mills in which the force of the water, striking a simple paddle wheel set horizontally in line with the flow turned a runner stone balanced on the rynd which is atop a shaft leading directly up from the wheel.

– The ubiquitous black created a striking contrast with the banners and dynastic color of the Umayyads, which had been white…

– He was a striking actor and refused to do work.

– Please re-read your last post, and then consider striking out the question that are the least relevant, or non-relevant for Simple English-wiki.

– It is a aggressive snake, hissing very loudly when disturbed or annoyed, and sometimes it raising its head of the ground and starts striking aggressively.

– Police investigators concluded that Kercher had been killed by striking her neck with a knife, undressed, and locked in her bedroom.

– The younger Childers was educated at Gresham’s School, Holt, and Trinity College, Cambridge, hence his striking British upper class accent.

– These organisms usually hide quiet and wait for prey to come within striking distance.

– On 13 January 2012, the ItalyItalian cruise ship “Costa Concordia” hit the bottom of the sea floor and overturned after striking an underwater rock off Isola del Giglio, Tuscany, resulting in 32 deaths.

– Moreover, the sun’s rays with small angle traverse more of the atmosphere than rays striking at a large angle.

– The cyclone moved across the eastern Gulf of Mexico striking northwest Florida, then recurving through the Southeast to move through South Carolina by August 18.

– The workers had been walking from saltpetre mines of Tarapacá, striking to get better life conditions.

– The clothes washed manually, with soap needed some rubbing and sometimes striking them against a hard surface.

– The artist’s exquisite use of color is the painting’s most striking characteristic, for both its compositional and its psychological impact.

– He found a ‘cloud’ in the constellation of Centaurus to be the most striking concentration of galaxies.

– At night it is lit by 4,000bulbs, making it one of West London’s most striking landmarks.

– It reached peak strength of Saffir-Simpson Hurricane ScaleCategory 1 just before striking Newfoundland, where it produced tropical storm-force winds.

– The nautilus shell is made of two layers: the outer layer is a dull white, while the inner layer is a striking white with iridescence.

– On a hill above the town is a church with striking architecture that is supposed to look like a volcanic crater.

– Harrison and his wife Olivia fought back, however, with Olivia striking Abram with a lamp, and the pair holding him down until police arrived.

– The cyclone subsequently moved through the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, striking Mississippi by September 18.

– His work had a great influence on modern art because of its striking colours and emotional power.

– The coin was still used in the Middle East, and demand rose in the 1950s, which the Royal Mint eventually responded to by striking new sovereigns in 1957.

– Rivera throws a very fast “cutter” pitches that are good at striking out batters.

– One hour after striking Long Island, it hit near Westport, Connecticut.

– The collapse of these bubbles hits their prey in addition to the impact of the appendage against the striking surface.

– It is a double-inversion and it looks like the shape of a striking cobra’s head.

– This plant receives more attention from visitors to Haleakala National Park than any other plant or animal because of its striking appearance and restricted distribution.

– No striking one another on board, but every man’s quarrels to be ended on shore, at sword and pistol.

– On September 11, 2001, Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 and crashed it into the 1 WTC, striking between the 93rd and 99th floors, killing 1,344 people.

– September 14-15, 1904: After striking South Carolina, a hurricane causes heavy damage and one death while moving across North Carolina.

– Their belief was that dying when striking the enemies of Japan and the Emperor of JapanEmperor down was a very honorable death.

– A striking feature of molluscs is the use of the same organ for multiple functions.

– A percussion instrument is an instrument, such as a drum, xylophone, piano, or marimba, in which sound is produced by one object striking another or by being scraped or shaken.

– Usually, it was sweeping and circular motion, because it was inconvenient to use striking methods like with a traditional sword.

– On the right wing: Moses striking the rock, the suffering of Job, Abraham offering Isaac, the iron serpent, Samon and the city gates of Gaza.

– It was about a poor backwoods family who move to posh Beverly Hills, California, after striking oil on their land.

– Boulton applied modern techniques to the minting of coins, striking millions of pieces for Britain and other countries, and supplying the Royal Mint with up-to-date equipment.

– Most striking is the large Roman-syle mausoleum found there, evidence either of Roman presence or of Romanization of the elite.

– Originally, in Greek, it meant a striking appearance.

– The sound is produced by striking the drums or cymbals with a drum stick or mallet.

– The wrestler then runs and rebounds off of the opposing ropes, charges at the opponent and does either a running front kick, a running knee, a running low-angle big boot, a running low-angle single leg dropkick, or any other striking move.

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